Good morning pinky please hmid. I don’t when you are going to see this but I hope you do post this story. I met a man in May last year. Met him at a time where I didn’t want nobody and wasn’t looking for love but he won my heart honestly. He made me so happy, always there for, showed me love and affection all the good things. When we would have sex it would never be at his house, he lived with his mother, it wasn’t in her house though but his part was built side of hers and technically she was the one who bought the home. He would normally say it’s because of her and she’s miserable that’s why and I would believe. He would tell me that he’s gonna move soon and I did believe. Long story short I got to realize that the only reason why I couldn’t go to his home was because he had a wife living with him. She’s a Christian didn’t leave her house much only work and church. Everybody knew even my friends because some lived on the road where he lives but nobody told me.
They day I found out was when she called his phone but he didn’t remember to put it on silent and Wifey came up on his phone. I was right bedside him, my phone didn’t go off calling his phone so right then he had to spill who tf was that. He explained his self and the poppyshow that I was believed. It was a long explanation but basically he was saying they weren’t together and if he lived with her why he always out with me all the time. She’s only there til she find somewhere and he only forgot to change her name in his phone. I believe because we were out every night weekends we sleep out and I always questioned when he would have time for her. Even at his work place I would be there.
I waited to hear him tell me that she moved but months passed and I’m still sleeping with him at places other from his home and it was getting to me now. On top of it she was getting bold. Started messaging me telling me to leave her man alone, see me and would just stare me down and making ppl look on me as somebody who destroyed a marriage. That man was my all but he was manipulative and he took advantage of me. Along with him and his wife drama he started making the relationship based on sex only and I would do it anytime he wants just to please cause I didn’t want to lose him. I started realizing this wasn’t cause of love, I was just feeding his ego and that’s all he wanted. That man wouldn’t mind having sex 38 hours a day and the day only have 24 hours just to show how terrible he was.
I told myself no this wasn’t worth it. Stopped having sex when he wanted and that’s when it all changed. Barely saw him, didn’t go out no more, slow texts sometimes no texts and no calls. I realized that and I broke up with him. He took it so easy and that broke my heart. Even though I was the one who left I still thought he would even try to show me that he didn’t want me to leave but he didn’t care. This story is too long and there’s a lot more. What i want to say though he didn’t care about nobody but himself, he didn’t care who it was once you were feeding his ego he’s fine. He just wanted the sex but I thought it was love. Now I’m trying to heal from this it’s been 7 month since I’ve broken up with him. It was in February. It’s hard to even trust somebody much less bring them in my circle. I’m a sex if I feel like but don’t want nobody person right now. I’m not gonna even say it’s cause of him cause it shouldn’t be I’m just not ready for no heartbreak at the moment.
Be careful who we allow in our circle and learn to expect the unexpected. Life is tricky and only the toughest will make it through. Not everybody gonna be down for you the way you’re down for them. Learn to accept things how they are. You are gonna love and you’re going to get hurt just brush it off and pick up yourself and move on.
if someone cheats with you, they will cheat on you.
Don’t worry up yourself. Time reveals everything. Be glad you don’t have to deal with him anymore. Feel bad for the wife because she’s tied to the loser. You are free
Mi glad yuh a pick up yuhself an brush off cause married man come wid salt like beach miss …be glad yuh dodge waah big dutty bullet.