GOVERNMENT lands on which some inner-city fire hydrants are located have been illegally drafted to become a part of private property and in the process are hampering the work of firefighters.

The revelation was made Wednesday by Everton Dunkley of the Fire Prevention Unit during a meeting of the Building and Town Planning Committee of the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation.

Dunkley told the committee of an instance where the firemen who were called to Seaview Gardens found the fire hydrant in the living room of the house.

The Jamaica Observer was told that on the Spanish Town Road in Kingston and other areas where people claim the property is owned by the Government they build shops and other fixtures around the fire hydrants.

“Some of the fire hydrants we find in the yards as they have illegally built on the areas where they are located. There is a lot of slackness and in an emergency the fire department is blamed and it is said that they come without water.”

Deputy Chairman of the Building and Town Planning Committee Lee Clarke said that what the Fire Prevention Department described was encroachment. He said that a detailed report was needed from the department, after which the committee will act.

— Claudienne Edwards


  1. I dont think it was stolen, persons are building in areas they shouldnt so when they build around a hydrant it ens up right smack in their house/shop/whatever….laughable but serious matter

  2. Is a big ass fine fi even park your car too close to a fire hydrant, fi guh build up structure and claim it would put you in some deep rass shit, dem would demolish your structure wid a quickness. Is one ting wid certain countries law and order must abide. Could you imagine your house or business burn down because of someone else’s selfishness.

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