Hello Ms I’m asking you to post a picture of a man who stole my brother money in December concerning a car rental my brother knw this man done business with him for a year now in December last year my brother gave this man 90,000 to rent a car for some foreigners and the man say hw will deliver and he’s has present no car anyway my brother got a hold of him and he say tht he will give him bck 35000 those he got the 35000 and all now he can’t get the 55,000 my brother get to reach by phne and he say tht he will let him get the rest of the money yesterday and all now so I’m casting you please if you could post this man picture for me my brother don’t know his whereabouts because he did business with him at a car wash and he hasn’t been bck to the car wash from then please help me

2 thoughts on “DI MAN MONEY SIR

  1. Sender, if you are going to send in a story, please provide more detail information. I doubt your brother will see a red cent of that money, since that man likely spend all those funds to meet his needs.

    Next time, tell your brother to rent a car from reputable businesses and make sure the car is licensed/insured. The country is overrun with hungry belly losers who would do anything to make a buck, including robbery and fraud.

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