Mr.Sadthing aka Monique wen u ago get over the fact that mario dopeboy lef yuh sad ass now yuh bitter and lonely Uh still obsess wid uu ugly self. Leave d bwoy alone now man u claims u happy n move on (we all kno dats alie. Stop frontin for IG) so why u still a worry bout mario n write up bout d bwoy??? Btw dont forget u a one a dem ediot gal deh weh did fall for the ” the dopeboy ” and stop walk n fren every bloo**
t body pan IG sad lady monique !!!
Who name Monique
Sender this is boring… Monique is some hair dresser girl.. not even sure if she still does hair but she’s one of the BX chicks… She’s not ugly either sender so stop it….
When ya’ll sending in ppl yuh fe send over all parties involved cause mi nuh know ah who name Mario Dope boy… mek we see him nuh sender?!?
Mi can si how gyal wan shit belly mario mi wouldnt wan smell
Dat when it wet or it ah sweat
Swattie black an monkey looking
Some girl fe get dem standards up
But she’s rite tho Mario so called dopeboy don’t ave a stable home. Him walk n sleep a everybody yard. Thats why him stay travelling out the country bcuz him nuh ave nuh stability inna foreign
Mi wan to se weh monique look like sender send her picture
Monique need fi guh get a green card or guh sort out har self so she can travel badmind a kill har cause she stuck and can travel
Monique guh sort out yo self guh get a green crd and a social suh u cn travel too u just mad cause u stuck America and caan fly
Monique need fi get a green card or a social gal guh sort out yo self