A massive alleged cover-up involving the rape of a local teenage boy in Bodden town is rumored to have involved a $15,000 payout from a local politician.
Last week Cayman Marl Road was alerted to the incident which allegedly took place in the district. Reports are that the child was sexually assaulted by a man known to the family and victim and immediately identified by the victim by name. The alleged assault took place after the child was drugged.
Further, the allegations are that the mother accepted a $15,000 bribe paid for by a friend of the alleged perpetrator, a local politician.
The unbelievable chain of events started to garnish attention this week as more persons in the community reached out to CMR; all with eerily similar versions of the alleged incident. From what we have been able to gather the child was taken overseas for treatment after being “cleaned up” by his mother here. Allegedly no local authorities were notified nor have any arrests been made.
The word on street is that the MLA is now claiming he did not know what the money was for. A credit card is alleged to have been used to pay for medical services overseas for the child and additional paper trails may exist.
Other sources indicate that HSA hospital staff in Cayman made arrangements for the child to be air ambulance off. These sources were at the hospital visiting others at the time and heard of the efforts to take a particular child overseas.
The Children Law (2012 Revision) requires that any public official that is aware or suspects such abuse must report it to the relevant legal authorities. There is the requirement of mandatory reporting in the law. The law specifically lists certain persons including nurses, doctors etc. Politicians are parents don’t appear to be covered by section 32(a)(2). However, there may be offenses here as it relates to covering up the commission of a crime.
Despite the alleged hush money having been paid; concerned citizens have been discussing the case and leaking pertinent information to CMR. CMR has further been informed that the child is not responding well to the indecent thus far and is feeling distraught and suicidal.
As more information is emerging there are questions about when an arrest will be made of all parties. The perpetrator’s photo has been widely circulated in the district as he’s a well-known community member and close associate of the MLA in question.
CMR discussed the case last night in the bi-weekly podcast, The Cold Hard Truth. Many viewers were outraged at the story and shared their views on the matter.
CMR has been provided significant evidence of who all the parties are in the case, but to protect the child from any further harm we have elected to not provide certain details at this time.
It’s a damn shame.