Illegal Trini held for murder in New York
…cops say he was a gangster charged with multiple crimes

A Trinidadian man living illegally in New York, was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly shooting and killing his ex-girlfriend, a corrections officer.

Multiple news sources in the US are reporting that Keon “Trini” Richmond was found hiding in a closet on Wednesday.

Richmond was described as a gang-banger and member of the feared “Pay Back Crips” gang.

He allegedly killed Alastasia Bryan, who was recently hired as a prison corrections officer, while she was sitting in her car on December 4.

Police say the shooter, who was lying in wait for her, fired five bullets at Bryan, striking her in the head and torso, killing her instantly. The gunman then hopped into his car and sped away.

According to news reports, Richmond was allegedly angry that Bryan, 25, recently had him arrested for stealing her car.

She had leased a BMW 750, and he took it, the sources said. When he allegedly refused to give it back, she reported it stolen.

Richmond was also arrested on Nov. 2 and charged with grand larceny auto.

Bryan had also made a report against her ex in May 2015, accusing him of making death threats against her, according to news reports.

Richmond is a native of Trinidad and is in the United States illegally, the police said and although he spent 15 months in a city jail for another offence and was released in June 2013 to Immigration and Naturalization Service officials for deportation, he remained in the country.


    What a sick, self – entitled bastard ! Stressing out and snuffing out women’s lives.
    He destroyed another ex girflfriend ‘s car, vandalized her apartment by breaking in and destroying property . What gives this animal the right and all the other men who have been killing and abusing women in abundance lately ?

    Watch the old tired looking bandit Nuh !
    Surely I cannot understand what women sAw in him. His entire face and appearance screaming ” CRIMMINAL!” Rest In Peace sistren…

    We as women need to have more self -esteem and have men in our lives that are deserving of our love and attention. There are great kings of men out there, one just have to be patient. Wait on the one that will love and treat you right. We do ourselves injustice when we give up our bodies and hearts and open our legs to these demonic, abusing, classesless monsters. No penis or warm bed in the world, worth this headache !

    I hope this thug gets life in jail ! What a loser ! Work for your own things and stop feel entitled. Women, stop making mind man for stroking and comfort of not being ” lonely.”
    When you are confident in yourself and not afraid to spend time alone… you attract the positive energy for that right lover, Mr. Right in your life !

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