6 thoughts on “19 AND GOING THROUGH TOO MUCH

  1. Sender yuh need a brain, education and less YAM inna yuh soul. The buddy addiction and belief in fairy tales won’t get u far in life. Trying to feel sorry for yuh so here are some tips:

    1) Avoid men who have kids and are in relationships
    2) Get an education and become independent.
    3) Find a friend in a man first before just taking up a man who looking your front.

  2. Sender if you really learned from these lessons, your 20s and 30s shouldn’t be this rough. I dont know who are raising these now a days cruffs but it could have been so much worse. Return to America if possible and try focus on your education for the next four years. You need a distraction and school might be it because that worked for me. All the best sender. You’re still young and you’re future is bright.

  3. I am going to give you the same advice I would give any of my daughters. You are only 19, and I know how cruel, insensitive and selfish some men can be. So it’s time to focus on YOU. Go back to school or invest in a business. Give yourself time to heal. Casual dates with friends. But make your focus & priorities be on yourself. Make 2020 all about you. No more helping able bodied men. If dem no have it, too bad that’s a personal problem. Stay praying, keep speaking blessings into your life. And most important look out for number one. Good luck hon. Always remember your too blessed to be stressed

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