Why are we Jamaicans the worst?
I’d like everyone to give their opinions I just reach a level of more disturb when I read that the government of Dominica st Lucia Trinidad and St Vincent have now open ways for them to travel to anywhere in Europe, mind you they are already allow to travel to England with an invitation letter solely and until last year they were also allow here in Canada without visa.
I want to know why is it that our government cannot do something for the Jamaican people. Everywhere even to the smallest of island which I believe is Anguilla there is a ban on Jamaicans and cannot enter without a visa. I have a lot of family in Jamaica and it’s so hard I know some would run off but there are also the ones who are doing quite well and want to visit the world but apart from the fees, they are denied a visa.
Why can’t our government help us like other islands, I mean Obama was there and it was a big deal but right now I don’t even care about his visit as Portia and them never tried to sit with him to help the people. I mean Jamaica is the most recognized island in the Caribbean and I’m saying that without a doubt because I know it’s true, so why can’t we get some better treatment? God good man ain’t we allow be running off and committing crime yes I know we do it a lot but it’s not alone.


  1. It is not the government of Jamaica that imposes the restrictions. It is the European and other countries that impose the restrictions. The Jamaican government has not control over the country’s passport worth.

    Sender, have you seen St. Lucia and Antigua in the news for ‘posse’, ‘organized crime’ ‘scamming’ ‘pervasive drug trafficking’ and do those places hold the highest crime rates in the world per capita?

    The answer to the question isn’t one that difficult to grasp. Jamaica, while the most popular island in the Caribbean, for all its beauty and culture, has also gained a reputation for having an aggressive, crime driven population. With that, no one wants to open the flood gates to Jamaica.
    It’s that simple, nothing else

    1. @ Joncrow Belly..what you said is true. One problem I have tho is that the media will report that a Jamaican has been charged with this crime or that crime when it was not even a Jamaican. The police cannot distinguish between different Caribbean accents and without proper validation of a suspect’s identity they perpetuate fear towards Jamaicans through the media by reporting the suspect Jamaican. There have been many retractions by the police over here after the damage has already been done towards the Jamaican community here. Then you have youths who emulate Jamaicans. When you hear them speak and watch their movements you would think dem a yawdie when they have never stepped foot on Jamaican soil. This is a small part of the problem but the media is powerful enough to bring fear to those who do not know better.

  2. Cause unnu gone a farrin wid unnu scamma , druggist and gunman f**kery. Thats why nobody no want unnu

  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm, Senda? While I understand where you are coming from, don’t you see what is going on with Our Jamaican people? We don’t want to work, instead we want to deal drugs, scam people….Even Scam the US government just to hype. This has NOTHING to do with the Jamaican Government, It is OUR people mentality. I cannot say I am Jamaican without the comments behind it, WE KILL OUR OWN PEOPLE FOR NO REASON, You don’t think other countries watch and see what is going on in Our island? It sad! I have family as well who would love to get the opportunity to travel but the Good will suffer for the bad. Our society is gone! It gone to the dogs, I for one has NO plan to retire in the country I was born in, You think I want to invest my money and build house and then as soon as I reach home to enjoy my hard working money THEY COME A ROB AND KILL ME AND MY FAMILY? It’s a wound I have been dealing with for YEARS! My uncle lived and work in England him and his wife! Built a beautiful home in Manchester, the same week he went home, THE DUTTY JANCROW THEM KILL HIM AND HIS WIFE. When we go to other people country, because we don’t like to obey laws we tend to get into illegal Ish. IT SAD!

  4. Jamaicans have a bad reputation everywhere and its very sad jamaicans live the worst with each other more than any other island this is just my opinion i’m only speaking from my experiences. I personally wil not work anywhere that is filled with jamaicans because they bring their badmind dutty mentality everywhere other people know how easy it is to manipulate jamaicans because of how easy we are to sell each other out its not the jamaican governments fault we show people our dirty colors and are judged accordingly. but i do undertsnad where you are coming from jamaicans use to be known for being working class people now we are lazy thieves, live on governments and lack ambition.

  5. Believe it or not Jamaican are not the worst when it come to all them crime being commited.. But when you have some ppl who think their better than other Jamaican that when the help to put down they’re on ppl.. Jamaican are known to be the hardest workers in America compare to other nationals living here.. Not to say we don’t have bad apples I mean who don’t? But that’s a minority compared to all the hard wiring Jamaican I know some even working two jobs and going to school at the same time.. It’s a shame to say it’s our falt when majority of us here working and making a honest living and ppl just generalized us on a whole as criminals.. Dumb fools until you show me some stats about Jamaican being the worst shut your trap and don’t type to put diwn Jamaican like the rest

  6. Every country have within its rights to enact any laws they want, nothing to lament about. Like everything in life it is only for a season, no condition is permanent. Jamaica used to be the jewel in the Caribbean and it will to return to that state, cause all things in life return to their original state, it is the order of things. We may not live to see it in our generation, but sometime in the future Jamaica will return to being the jewel in the Caribbean. The best thing parents can do is to push their children forward with education and push them toward STEM programs.

    Folks need to look around and still see the beauty on the island, despite all the ugliness beauty abounds all around. Take a Sunday drive through the countryside and see all the lovely wonders. Jamaica nuh dun, Jamaica can NEVER dun. Which comparable country with the same population has had the level of global impact the country has is many areas. There really is no country to compare, so even out of the bad whole heap a greatness has risen. As mi said before, right now is time fi the country focus on building a highly educated and skilled society so we have something more to add to the list of the country’s accomplishment. We already have music, athletics, culinary, fashion, entertainment, innovation, wi juss need to add highly educated/skilled and BOOM!

  7. Aaii sendah mi sorry fi u if u haffi ask dah question..maybe u deh a fareen too long and nahn hear wah a galang but di good things..but u family wah deh a yaard fi update u…di rest a bloggers tell u wah a gwahn aready, suh hope you clear on why now…smh

  8. Thank u NO BIAS,i agree with u 100percent,
    The biggest crime organization ever and still in america is the Mafia that originated out of Sicilly Italy and thats a fact u all do ur research, and italians can travel without a visa so i don’t know what some dem a sey dem always quick fi put dung dem own..a (BLACK JINX) me call dem cause yuh have some black people feel sey dem better dan some odda black people because dem trust one car and live inna one nice like apartment dem sey dem a live di american dream,but tru mi know sey white pickett fence can’t go inna di people dem apartment mi not even look pon demdey.


  10. Simply put sender, the good haffi suffer fi di bad. Mind u the bad is a handful but dem leave an indelible mark everywhere dem go. How unfortunate for decent and productive ppl.

  11. Im the one who send in the post
    Sorry i was extremely busy at work today
    First off im very aware of the crimes in jamaica
    But what i am saying its not only jamaicans commit crimes, trinidad is not far behind.
    But needless to say thats not the point
    Its their government, i read the article and understand that they went in talks with the eurpoean to lift the visa and they did.
    Jamaica is so worldwide i beleive with proper representation something can be done for us as well, maybe not UsA but some other countries and islands

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