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Chad Robinson is suspected to have committed suicide at his Dublin Castle home in Gordon Town, St Andrew on Tuesday night.

Up to Wednesday evening, police were still conducting interviews and investigating the circumstances surrounding the boy’s death.


  1. What a handsome angel. My heart is paining.
    God BLESS his soul.
    Children don’t commit acts of suicide unless they are severely internally tormented.
    THIS ENTIRE FAMILY , ADULT FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES OF THIS YOUNG CHILD NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED. All teacher and school workers bun a Fyah on. No one SAW any signs of distress?

    Also, HOW can a cheap Chinese shoe lace whole the weight of such a heavy child?
    Not even baby shoelace can hang.
    How long it TAKES for a child to hang …. At least 40 Minutes or more slowly…. And NO ONE noticed he was missing ?

    – what is children services in Jamaica DOING ? How many social workers flagging and visiting these homes ?
    FIRE LISA HAMMER … ( I got d job cuz I pretty and good hole ) BOMBOCLAAT

    Something NOT RIGHT.
    God PRAY for Jamaica and the suffering children there and all over the world.

  2. Look at those eyes..I do not believe he did it either..something not right bout this..dem a covah up something..

  3. Why would a young child like himself kill himself, a child of that age shouldn’t have nothing worrying him for him to go kill himself. His mother needs to open up her wyes that little boy couldn’t of killed himself and they need to really invesigate!!!

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