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The NAACP official who today resigned in the face of evidence that she masqueraded as black once sued Howard University for denying her teaching posts and a scholarship because she was a white woman, The Smoking Gun has learned.

Rachel Dolezal, 37, who headed the NAACP’s Spokane, Washington chapter, sued Howard for discrimination in 2002, the year she graduated from the historically black college with a Master of Fine Arts degree.

Dolezal, then known as Rachel Moore, named the university and Professor Alfred Smith as defendants in a lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C.’s Superior Court. During the pendency of the civil case, Smith was chairman of Howard’s Department of Art.

According to a Court of Appeals opinion, Dolezal’s lawsuit “claimed discrimination based on race, pregnancy, family responsibilities and gender.” She alleged that Smith and other school officials improperly blocked her appointment to a teaching assistant post, rejected her application for a post-graduate instructorship, and denied her scholarship aid while she was a student.

The court opinion also noted that Dolezal claimed that the university’s decision to remove some of her artworks from a February 2001 student exhibition was “motivated by a discriminatory purpose to favor African-American students over” her.

As detailed in the court opinion, Dolezal’s lawsuit contended that Howard was “permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult.”

Judge Zoe Bush dismissed Dolezal’s complaint in February 2004, 18 months after the lawsuit was filed and Dolezal was deposed on several occasions. Bush found no evidence that Dolezal was discriminated on the basis of race or other factors. The D.C. Court of Appeals subsequently affirmed Bush’s decision.

Following the dismissal of Dolezal’s lawsuit (and the Court of Appeals decision), she was ordered to reimburse Howard for a “Bill of Costs” totaling $2728.50. During the case, she was also ordered to pay the university nearly $1000 in connection with an “obstructive and vexatious” court filing that sought to improperly delay her examination by an independent doctor.

Dolezal’s lawsuit included “claims for medical and emotional distress damages,” according to a court docket.




  1. That doesn’t prove she’s a fraud. What it proves is that she has had an affinity for African Americans for a long time and took issue with not being treated as one.
    How many white women pays to go to an almost all black university, and requests to even work at said university?
    The girl genuinely wanted to be black and it’s despicable that we are beating her up for wanting to be like us.

  2. She sued as a white person saying that she was not treated like fairly because she was white..she was not saying that they treated her differently because she was pretending to be black…this mix-up wid dis lady here nuh normal…di whole family is a mess it look like. Now if she wants to be identified as black, that is good for her, but say she is white and identifies to be black…I don’t agree wid the Bruce thing and that is a whole naddah story, but everybody knew that Bruce was a man before him decide fi change seh him a woman..smh. But to everybody this lady here meet she seh she is black, ain’t nuttn wrong with that, that’s the point most people are not getting, is the lies she tell behind it and the things she did/does. It is not as simple as her saying she “identifies” as being black, but the fact that she lied on application forms..just because she feels that she is does not change what she really is, say you black all you want, but also tell the truth when it comes to things like applying for a job etc. That is the problem…if I feel like I white and me black, that is one thing, but me putting seh mi white on my passport, on a form of anykind etc. is illegal, therefore, what would happen to? This thing is deeper than most of us looking at..most people just listen to 1/4 ah di news, follow hear-seh, and pick up one and two things here and there, and go on to mek up a whole other set a story, and some can’t even think for themselves. Whites and blacks look at this differently and some may put a spin on it to make it what it is not, all when the truth ah lick them innah dem yei. She pretending to be black is not the matter, pretend all she want, but when it comes on to legal issues u nuh lie bout it..if I felt as strongly about something like that, I would be upfront with whoever it is I come in contact with, then she would have avoided this issue. If is something mi believe strongly enough in, I going to say it and don’t give two hoots about who else want to think what. She lied, and took on a whole new identity without letting the public know, that is what is wrong.

    1. So your beef is that she lies on an application? If so, how does that affect an entire race of people? Everybody lies on resume. Everybody’s resume is padded and if checking the box that says Black/African American is a crime, you might as well criminalize breathing air.
      First of all, those boxes are not mandatory and one cannot discriminate against you based on the box that you’ve checked pursuant to the Civil Rights Act, so that issue of legality renders your point moot. In addition, many people lie about their race on applications to get a leg up if they think it will be beneficial.
      I know Jamaicans with likkle bit of Indian that checks ‘Native American’ for the scholarship. My cousins tell everyone they are Irish Jamaicans cos of how they look and dem never set foot a Ireland yet.

      The woman has done nothing to piss off anyone. Everybody just hopping on the bandwagon. The media says she’s the new devil of the week so without conscious thought and critical thinking, everybody decides she’s the devil of the week.

      1. So you are saying because they do it is ok? I never once seh she is evil, crazy maybe. I don’t guh wid the masses unless I believe in what they have to say. I speak and hold my peace, because I have a mind of my own, might not be the brightest bulb, but I am not the dullest either, my mother taught me to be a thinker, not a follower.
        My point is not moot, as a matter fact you are agreeing with what I am saying, she did not have to lie or did not even have to check that box but she did and continued to carry on with the role to a T. If you don’t see something wrong with that, then that is fine, but I do. So that is my point she did not have to lie about it, but she did anyways. If it was a black person that pretended to be white, I would be saying the same thing I am saying now, but you know what a lot of people who are cheering for her would not be defending her. I am a strong black woman, proud of who I am and comfortable in my skin. As I said nothing wrong with her wanting to be black. I think she would been in a better situation today if she had been up front.
        You do not have to have been to a place, lived there etc, to say that you are apart of from that race. I have never been to African, but my foreparents are hence part of the reason I and many others see ourselves as Africans or having African blood as dem seh. Your cozzens may be able to say that, not because they have been there but maybe becaz their parents or parents parents are of a mix race or something, are they lying about that? That is on them if they want to lie about who they are. Have they changed there appearance completely just to fulfill that role? Where in this ladies history it said she have if even a likkle bit or drop of black in deh? Suh she lied and carried on this charade for years, even went on to lie that people send har hate mail etc when she new it was she that did it, just to carry out whatever agenda she has. She has a problem and you can’t have people with this mentality running a business that is supposed to be helping the same people she said she protecting. As I said this thing is not as simple as “black and white”, it is just that people are making it out to be just that,there are other issues here, but because of the society we live in, the easiest thing to do is to hold on to the norm “racism” “black and white”. I don’t know about you but I have never “padded” my resume, what is on there is what I did. Never put anything on there that I never did, or isn’t. Mi nuh perfect but neither am I a crazy liar. I don’t care if she black or white, people mek everything into a race thing, the real problem is that she lied to everyone that she is someone she is not, and she did it for a reason, and part of that reason was for har own benefit, not fi di greater good, caz I don’t see her being black or white changing how she does her job, she could have taken up that post without lying or a similar post anywhere without lying about who she is, it is not like she is not educated,crazy as she seem, so what was her real reason? Most people missing the point that if she had said, hey I am White, but I see myself as a black woman, we would not be here discussing it and she having to resign, but she was verrrrry deceitful. If she went to such length to carry out such a lie, wah di hell else she doing? Why choose that position of all positions and this role play? There is much more to this woman and her story and that is what people should be concerned about.

    1. I think you mean FBI. The CIA has jurisdiction outside of the USA, while the FBI/Homeland Security focus on issues within the US border. The CIA doesn’t meddle in domestic affairs or infiltrate organizations such as the NAACP. Also, why would they use a white woman, when they have ample amount of black men/women that could easily fit in with that group? Don’t you see you make absolutely no sense whatsoever? Yuh Foo-Fool sar!

      1. Actually, you couldn’t be more wrong. The CIA does all the dirty work in the US; all of which are labeled ‘black ops’. It was the CIA that imported drugs from Honduras and released in the black neighborhoods to dismantle the ‘black power’ movement and kill the sense of black pride rampant at that time.
        All false flag operations, whether it’s bombings, mass killings or mainstream media propaganda are CIA operations.
        The FBI conducts sanction operations, the CIA is the arm of the government that functions off the books and without official on the book sanctions outside of the Constitution.

        You must be awfully naive to believe the CIA doesn’t operate in its own country. The CIA doesn’t have to infiltrate organizations like NAACP when they created it. The CIA is the group that is responsible for the social engineering of the entire globe, including our very own backyard. Don’t be that naive.

  3. @Tinan, thank you. My sentiments exactly. Rachel is a deceptive person and for the life of me, i cannot see or comprehend why others overlook that and thinks this woman cares about anyone but herself.

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