1. Do what I did and go to the precinct where the mother lives and report Zion missing then call the hotline for missing and exploited kids ,that’s how I got my baby mom locked up coz she trying to be bitter and spiteful

  2. :ngakak Fathers day always brings drama on social media….mothers day is all lovy dovy and poems and shit…..but fathers day? Dramaaaaaaaaaa!!

  3. If she leff wid him jus suh him can report it but the girl a deal wid bizniz n return Saturday as tuh wat de frenemy seh atleast let her guh sort out harself being as u raga already sort out weh dat corncern

  4. mi feel it fi him…can u imagine being separated from your kids against your will…chu man. :sorry :sorry :sorry But ragga must know he has rights. cancel him trip and meet her at the court house…chu man

  5. Boy it sticky but raga me feel fi u but u hold in all these tings & a try live it dung & see it deh now blow up plus mle know ur love for this child & how happy u ste to be a father from u did dna u should a sort out visitation with the courts

  6. soap opera and attention seeking. whats the motive for all of this? as a psychologist u think airing your dirty laundry will help?

  7. RAGGA turning his CHILD into a social media tool now.
    Boy, thank d lord I never breed for no dancehall entertainment man.
    Is like they CANT be REAL !! Always seeking some limelight and CHOKED by their arrogant f**ked up ego.
    What is the sense of posting this RAGGA ?
    Attention or sympathy?
    Call your lawyer fi deal with it.
    If u filed an injunction in the courts, she can’t fly out the country without your yute. She can buss it. Nowadays u need d father or a notary in order to get the passport for any American born child. That is ver ten years now that policy enforced.
    If she try chug it by boat, then u have a problem .

    Is there a BIGGER problem here RAGGA. Is she trying to tax yuh ass out half paycheck fi child support ? Or are u trying to please d other woman in your life?
    I understand u love your yute… But social media is not d place.

    I so don’t even have a social media account I would not doubt if these posts are also FAKE and not written by RAGGA but jus a fraud page to get media hits and web traffic.
    In any event, I DONT give TEN f**ks, if they had use condoms , none of this would happen.

  8. Ragga ALWAYS strikes me as the type of individual that keeps his personal life private. But when you lay “with careless dog/bitch yu ketch flea”. Ragga KNEW from jump who and what type of woman the baby mother was…Henceforth getting a DNA. Ragga is a smart man and I think because of his “job personality” and people expect his life story suppose to be on billboard, is the reason why he even address this issue publicly.

    So de ex-fren talk de tings dem, THINKING, she ah do Ragga a favor. But it also shed some light on the fren’s reputation when relationship/frendship turns sour.

    Ragga, humble yuself and deal with the situation in a respectable manner AND MEMBA ah still yu baby mother weh give yu, yu ONLY CHILD…so deal wid de ting maturely and respectably.

    Tell bout dem frighten, giddy headed, two-feet female dog ya man. Ah de new SCAMMINNG dis…breed fe big/money man and use de pickney dem fe get “pardna draw” weh dem neva throw….kmt smh

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