ANCHOR SCRIPTURES: Text: 2 Samuel 1:27, Psalm 49:20.

Minister: Dr. D.K Olukoya

• What is Limitation?
– area of weakness
– area of insufficiency
– minus in your life or inabilities
– obstacles
– those things that keeps you down
– a line beyond which one cannot pass
– boundary surrounding specific area
– when you put something inside a cage, it becomes your limitation
– anything that limits you
– anything/anyone that hinders you to reach your maximum potential
– things making your life difficult
– yokes
– things that undermine your potential
– restriction
– Limitations are Satanically arrange to limit one
– wicked boundaries set by the enemy in the realm of spirit manifesting in the physical
– wicked satanic embargo on the rising of destiny
PRAYER: Embargo powers of my father’s house, die in the name of Jesus.
chain break

chain break

– anything that suppresses you
– anything saying ‘NO’ to your ‘UP’
– anything behind failure at the edge of success
– any yoke keeping you down
– anything keeping you at at particularly radius
– anything tying you down to where you do not belong
– anything you arrange and something scatters
– any power that battles you at the edge of breakthrough
– anything that detains you
– all barriers, barricade on your way to progress
– invisible rope tied around your waist to control and regulate you

• The power of limitation is one of the greatest enemy of a man’s destiny
• As a child of God, you have a great destiny
• Your ability as a child of God is also God’s ability there is a power that limits one’s destiny

– Saul was limited
– Samson was limited
– Abraham was limited
– Blind Bartimus was limited

===> Any power assigned to limit your potential/ destiny shall die in the name of Jesus

– Limitations will not just disappear, you have to deal with it
– if you do not work to remove them, it remains…
– Limitation can be personal, internal, external…
– Limitation has no respect with anyone

PRAY: Generational liability, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus

– The instrument of your limitation can be ancestral
– Human beings can be your limitation
– Parental limitation can pull you down

===> Anybody that his/her suffering is as a result of parental mistakes, shall possess his/her possessions in the name of Jesus

===> The power of God will break the power of limitation in your life in Jesus’ name

– It limits ones effectiveness
– They hinders from fruitfulness
– they bring retrogression
– it has frustrating powers
– it has demoting powers
– it wages war against advancement
– it inserts sorrow
– is a silent evil worker
– is a destiny destroyer
– it is suicidal
– sponsors failure
– discourages hope

This first 3 prayers will release uncommon breakthroughs in the name of Jesus

1. Strongman, assigned to limit my life, die in the name of Jesus.
Owners of limitations, carry your load in the name of Jesus.
I shall not be detained in the name of Jesus.
Wall of Jericho, blocking my promise land, break in the name of Jesus.
Rope of darkness, tying me down, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Strange hands, disturbing my star, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
Powers, saying ‘NO’ to my progress, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.

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