
POLICE in Zvishavane have launched a manhunt for two members of the Johanne Masowe weChishanu apostolic sect who together with seven other church members allegedly kidnapped a 15-year-old school girl after she was married off to one of the church members for $10 by her aunt.

Joshua Hamani of Fanuel Village under Chief Madyangove in Zvishavane, a self-styled prophet, had asked for the girl’s hand in marriage. He allegedly hatched a plan with his accomplice, Emmanuel Tokoda of Mazvihwa area also in Zvishavane, to kidnap the girl using a Toyota FunCargo vehicle driven by Tokoda.

The two are now on the police wanted list after they allegedly disappeared with the girl. Hamani’s other accomplices Daniel Ndlovu, 27, Tendai Dube, 22, Catherine Makopa, 31, Zorodzai Mabasa, 37, Marvin Sakala, 25, Burombo Chikwera, 28, all of Mazvihwa area in Zvishavane and Hamani’s sister Julia, 18, all members of the Johanne Masowe weChishanu Apostolic sect, were yesterday arraigned before Zvishavane magistrate, Peter Madiba, facing charges of kidnapping the teenage girl.

The seven pleaded not guilty to the charge and were remanded in custody to Monday next week for trial.For the State, Ausi Saidi, said on June 20 this year, Hamani hired a Toyota FunCargo that was driven by Tokoda and proceeded to Mazvihwa Village where he approached the girl’s uncle, Eckson Sibanda, and asked him for the girl’s hand in marriage. He said Sibanda declined, mentioning that she was a juvenile and was still in school.

She was not mature enough to enter into marriage, he told Hamani.

Saidi said Hamani approached Dube and Makopa, the girl’s aunties, and gave them $10 so that they could invite the girl to sleep over at their place.

“Makopa and Dube invited the girl to come and sleep over at their homestead which is close to Sibanda’s homestead, alleging that there was an all night prayer. The girl complied,” said Saidi.

The court heard that when the girl got to the two’s homestead, she found Mabasa, Sakala, Julia, Ndlovu and Chikwera purporting to be seeking spiritual healing.

Hamani and Tokoda also came to the homestead and gave the girl new clothes. Saidi said the two asked the girl to try the clothes and check whether they fit her.

“While the juvenile was trying on the new clothes, the seven accused persons force-marched her into the vehicle which had been hired by Hamani,” he said.

The girl, the court heard, tried to resist and screamed for help but was overpowered and bundled into the vehicle which sped off with her.

He said the girl’s uncle heard her screaming for help and rushed to the homestead but found her gone. Sibanda followed on foot to the two’s hideout where the girl was being kept which was 10km away, the court heard.

“After walking for 10km to the hideout, Sibanda knocked on the door but no-one responded,” said Saidi.

He said Sibanda slept by the door of the hut until 7AM but no-one opened the door forcing him to proceed to the police where he reported the matter.However, when Sibanda returned with the police, Hamani and Tokoda had vanished with the girl.

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