
A city woman yesterday told the court that her husband is in the habit of taking her girlfriend’s undergarments home as exhibit for intimacy. Mary Sesedza said Mugove Marera was also in the habit of verbally and physically abusing her.

“He is very abusive and most of the times he brings his girlfriend’s undergarments saying it was proof that they had sex,” she said.

Sesedza told magistrate Ms Audrey Tarugarira that Marera was also in the habit of physically and verbally abusing her each time she tries to ask him about the extra-marital affair.

“I am now living in fear because his girlfriend once came to our home and physically abused me.

“To make matters worse Marera always threatens to assault me until I become crippled.”

Sesedza said she has made several reports to the police concerning Marera’s violent behaviour.

“I want this court to protect me because I have suffered a lot at the hands of this man,” she said.

Marera said he was not opposed to Sesedza’s application.

“I am not opposed to her application for a protection order, you can go ahead and grant her,” he said.

Ms Tarugarira granted the order by consent, which barred Marera from verbally or physically abusing Sesedza

She also ordered Marera to keep peace towards Sesedza at all times.

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