Hi all,

In part 1 I showed how sexual abuse impacts all segments of our society.I will concede that I gave my personal views but I can’t speak of what I don’t know of so it makes sense that I speak from what I know.Heres more of what I know.

Back in my wilder days when I was sowing my wild oats at one point I had a stretch where I had 6girls I accumulated over a 6 1/2 weeks period.yea yea unno can cuss me bout mi man whoring ways but lef me cuz Hugh hefner did have 7wives n nobody said jack!!Anyways I guess the attraction they say was I was a good listener. Met would u believe that 4 of the 6 told me they were abused by either,grandad,stepdad,cousin n family “fren”. The 5th one never answer when I ask she just burst out crying n the 6th one wanted to know why I wanted to know so for all we know that’s 6/6. Looking back I always wonder what it was abt me that I always attract sexual abused women,but now I see it was just the sheer crisis of how prevalent it is. More importantly in all the cases I was the only one or the only non family member to know cuz they trusted n opened up to me n in 2 of the cases I paid for a psychiatrist for them to get help.

I met Sim when she was 8 and I was 13 in st Thomas. This likkle girl carry me around me granny houseback n take out mi telee n a whisper sweet nothings in my ear! I was so shocked I asked her what she was doing n who teach her that.she called abt 5 men names that were in their 20s or 30s. I couldn’t go thru with it n I kissed her on her forehead n tell her I would be her fren. Fast forward 10 yrs later n I swear this is true!!! I know of 6 frenz,11 male family members(cousins,bro,uncle),even mi cousin the day b4 him dead fcuk Sim.I was the last 1 to do so n they all did it b4 she was 14.This is key because this highlights the impact of abuse n how it leads to promiscuity later on cuz Sim n her lil 17yr sister lives in Trinidad alone n sell sex 4 a living though lil sis is married‎.

I have a daughter n from the moment she was born I told myself I was gonna set a standard 4 her n I appreciate those who will understand what I’m abt to say abt that said standard.I didn’t touch my lil girl,not even a diaper nor a bath did I give.She will be 9 in October.Ive always told her nobody is suppose to touch u there or there Not even Daddy!I trust myself n would never do that but I feel this standard establishes that only her mom or granma had cause to touch her,anybody else n she was to tell us.


Met as I highlighted in the 1st case,we need to foster a spirit of opening up n talking abt stuff n stop being stifled due to a fear of airing our dirty laundry.That need not be the case just find even 1 person u trust but keeping it all bottled in helps no one least of all u the victim. Secondly we need to pay close attentions to the signs of sexual antics/movements n speech from our children. Sim’s mom knew she was sexually involved early n did nothing so much so that her lil sis bruck out worse,imagine 1 ok kool but 2 whoring daughters?suddenly the focus is on them being sluts rather than the fact that they were victims of neglect n abuse!Not every man is gonna wait till the age of consent like me.

Thirdly we need to strengthen our information ties n practical ties with our kids.Let them know n reinforce what is good touch n bad touch.I may have taken mine to the extreme but so far it seem to have worked.Listen Met my only job in this life is to keep my daughter off the stripper pole n out those porn movies. Far two many of those girls end up that way cuz they have Daddy issues! She can be whatever she wanna be but it won’t be becuz I was a failure as a dad to her n so that’s my one job n focus to keep her off dem poles.

I was once an operations manager at a big international company so I had formed my own charity to help at risk youth.I spent over $7000usd but now I have a new job can’t sustain it which brings me to my point. We need to start a advocay or support group/organization Met to cater to these victims.Evejamaica deals specifically with aids sex abused victims n cisoco is mainly dealing with criminal prosecution.What im talking abt is there’s a void to be filled whereby we get victims to open up n take that 1st step.We provide the counselling thru partnerships with churches/pastors/cousellors. To date there hasn’t been a drive or focused organization to get victims to talk n open up n I say let us do that! Have u ever heard of school sessions where sexual abuse is addressed??me niether so let’s do a school tour getting the message across,sharing some of the cautionary tales from JMG!!

Met uve got my contact info and anyone who is interested can link me thru u but together let’s at least TRY to do something cuz believe me sexual abuse is epidemic though it’s underground n polite society don’t wanna bring it to the forefront cuz of their own guilt n shame.

The 1st step in fixing this problem is to 1st admit n accept that yes indeed we do have a problem!
Thank you ever so much for giving this n me a platform Met.

Love Jah Bless


  1. I’m with you bro. I know alot of people who would join this cause and give these victims some healing. I agree with the sender often time they make the victims suffer through shame instead of the perpetrator of the crime. I hear alot of people make fun sometime of young girls getting battery and think it’s something to make lite of. My friend was in a similar position where people was going around saying that she was battery and my heart broke. Can you imagine 5-10 man boy a try to f**k you thinking its a sport while you helpless praying fi smaddy rescue u. Then these vicious savages a behave has if its cute plus people in the community a shun you. Their is many more stories like that of my friends story.

  2. Thanks for sharing both peices you have offered invaluable insight. I would like to help the cause. Perhaps you can start by opening an email account for the caause and post it here on Met’s site ( with her permission of course) and anyone who wants to help in whatever capacity can contact you. Thanks again for sharing.

  3. I remember my friend and her boyfriend was coming from a dance, and 5 bad man from the area stick dem up, robbed him and raped her. Of course she couldn’t report it cuz of fear of reprisals from the bad man dem. The worse part is how the people teased her and call her battery dally, 9volts, Duracell etc. How horrible, while her attackers neve faced any kind of scorn, how backwards? Thank you sender, for your story and we do neef to make it so that victims can come forward and get help. And we need to let abusers and would be abusers know that the punishments will be swift and harsh. Should they get caught.

  4. This subject is officially dead. How many abuse stories y’all gonna have in a two week span? If y’all want to educate and bring change don’t flood the place with it because people are disgusted now

    1. I wasn’t going to say anything but two people link mi pan dis comment here..If the topic isnt for you it isnt for you…victims have to live with what they have to live with every single day…we dont know who these topics may influence so mi a ask u kindly…if its not for you just skip and keep it moving…what you said here is offensive to some people…and for nothing.

      1. Heh heh heh,tsk, tsk….tsk. I told you the man_to is unpredictable. It was just a matter of time that the wannabe woman would turn on you. Unno dollyhouse mashup. :2thumbup

        Be careful of Manushka, he might just put you under using isoflurane, along with some Rocuronium (muscle relaxants) and you never wake up again.

  5. I could care less who’s offended. If you read stories about abuse everyday people become desensitized, if stories are posted twice per week people would be more interested in them, and there will be more feedback from the bloggers. If y’all take it an an insult, then so be it. Many important issues get talked about every second for a month and then forgotten. My thing is, don’t do it to this subject by having a zillion post in such short span. Let people crave the subject . Cho

  6. Anonymous, you damn right I’m unpredictable. I’m not the ” man- to” who fathered you, so go take a royal hike slut. When did I become apart of any group or organization? I’m a one woman army, I stand alone and I don’t beg friends. I may be on a groupie site but I’m far from one

  7. Anonymous, you spend days and nights trying to figure me out, good luck with that. You are talking about how unpredictable i am? just know that I pose the biggest threat to you

    1. So you have two Nicks (Manual vs. Manushka)? I was just about to say that you both tend to post in tandem and it became obvious that you are the same person.

      Manushka/Manual, how do you pose a threat to me? You are a walking contradiction. A lot of things you say doesn’t even make sense. Your claim about being a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and plan to pursue an MD (Anesthesiology) is just bizarre. BTW, did you attend Barry’s CRNA Program? FYI, I’m a male.

  8. LMAO. I didn’t know that once you get a degree you are barred from continuing your education, taking the MCAT, completing your first and second rotation, then taking the ABEM, ABIM or ABFM? Stupid attention seeking bitch. Was I barred from UMs upward program at 14? Let me keep my focus cause that nigger just don’t know

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