1. suh she got pregnant after the first one was wat three months old.. 90-93 after giving birth and getting back pregnant so quick is a big no for me but tuh how some woman pus-c set up it is wat it is yah man

  2. The easiest time to get pregnant is right after having a baby. What’s the big deal. Leave the girl she bringing life, and nah nyaam the children like some gyal.

  3. It happens a lot but me always wonder y dem no meck dem body rest llikkle but to each his own still my concern is how she look like cornmeal porridge is NEEDED more nutrients for sure she just no look healthy n I’m not saying skinny is not healthy but even her eyes is showing signs of sickness

    1. maybe a the pregnancy have her a loose weight anuh every woman gain and sum woman just naturally can put on weight no matter what.

  4. She’s not the first and won’t be the last. And I doesn’t mean the woman is nasty, if that’s the case, the mans is nasty to. Sender, have you been to sex head classes? Then you would’ve known it’s easy to get pregnant after giving birth. My co-worker had her daughter five months ago, now she’s almost two months pregnant. She and her husband aren’t too please, but hey, what you gonna do?

    1. We get your point! However, when your objective is to ‘put someone in their place’ make sure your grammar is aligned with that, i.e., Sex Ed is the abbreviation for Sex Education. Additionally, the correct phrase is man’s to mean ‘man is.’ Next, it’s not “she and her husband,” the correct grammar is ‘her and her husband.’ kappiche?

      Have a nice day and welcome to English 101!

      1. You are wasting your little energy on these dunce-bat like Honeybee or Honey_Green. They did not finish 4th grade in primary school, so how do you expect them to write a proper sentence? That is why 95% of the Posters on Met Site write in broken-English, that they alone understands. They do so to camouflage their lack of understanding or to cover the deficits.

  5. The issue here is that when you get pregnant so close together you may end up incontinent in you older years. At the end of the day each woman have to deal with their own family planning.

  6. To me that’s insane. It takes a year for your body to recover after giving birth. I bled for about 6 weeks after giving birth and because I ripped I was so scared that sex was gonna be painful so I lied well until 3 months and said I was still bleeding. Having a second baby never once crossed my mind and yes I made damn sure to prevent it by using the rhythm method. I wont dog this lady tho…to each is own.

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