1. Seriously Lisa you need to make your fren dem stop go on this lady page now. this lady has never been on this site until you started your affair with her Husband. go take your vitamins and have your baby enough now man.one thing you need to learn a man will have his wife and have 100 other women but no matter what will never leave his home and if your a smart girl then why would you want a man that’s going leave his wife and child for you. Remember the word KARMA it HOT..his wife not looking stupid its you all your frens telling you chill and you wont calm yourself enough now man. Christmas day you all a ring off the man phone bout kill yourself,

    1. “a man will have his wife and have 100 other women but no matter what will never leave his home”

      From him have the ‘100 other women” him done left the home only to come back to sleep, eat, bathe, change clothes, meet company, keep up with the maintenance,play with the kids and to put on a air of marital bliss! Such wives only inherit at the mercy of death or the courts.

      I can never understand such nonsense. Married men who truly love their wives don’t have any other women because his heart has no room for anyone else.

  2. Them ppl again no sah you guys win award fi pink wall for 2015. Lisa if the man did a look Pon you you wouldn’t have time for this. Or a Sandy and her Dutty Fren Yakini which ever one of you. Listen to this and carry it over to the New Year. It’s Michelle husband by law whether him good or bad his her problem she have to live with it cause she sign papers for him so legally she responsible for him till he die. If she love him or if he love her that’s their problem

  3. @ Strrrrrrupid women exhibiting false pride i 100% a agree with you but them women so fool them think say true the man go cheat and diss up the side women every thing is ok. now the side women pregnant a dutty waste marriage this.

    1. The ring and that paper down a the courthouse have dem head a way, not to mention the little him & her running around the house.

      1. Marriage in these types of carefree unions are usually: forced by religious views, (groupthink)-because jane & john did it, family upbringing, career paths, coverup, immigration (lol), financial gain/security, pregnancy or just simply forced 99% of the time by the female using some emotional game of guilt.

      A pure marriage is simply because a male and a female want to shout to the world that “WE ARE A TEAM!” and it’s exempt from ulterior motives and driven only by raw energy of passion, trust and unspoken communication that is absolute and unique to the two.

  4. WHAT???????THAT IS A BLANKET STATEMENT AND YOU KNOW IT. I DONT KNOW ANY OF THESE PPL BUT MI KNOW A WIFEY WHO GOT SERVED WITH DIVORCE PAPERS CHRISTMAS WEEK…The husband wants it all..he started moving money months ago out of their shared accounts…mi see mi wid mi own two eyes side chick new car, luxury gifts and future home. He even set up a business for her The only person in any kind of pain right now is wifey…BTW Wifey is any man’s dream…education, money, looks etc

  5. @3:38 I totally agree them have marriage problems because them never married fi love that’s the problem their will be no piece joy or happiness inna them life. A real man woulda never allow his wife to find out about these side chicks he don’t respect his home or marriage

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