


  1. both f dem petty but the man act like he all good bcuz him a video its a simple question and all now him cant answer just answer and move on both of them using the damn kids inna dem mess

  2. There are somethings that allowance can be made for n u don’t must haffi follow the letter of the law n this is one such case.It is a rite of passage,a hallmark for young boys for their dad to take them to the barbershop!! A sorta male bonding ritual. I mean it is a frigging haircut!!he didn’t carry them to timbuktu,it is a haircut!!!!Look how the mother n fi har mother a gwaan??disgraceful n a tell lie bout the man hit them n gone call police!! Shauna chin u is a wicked ooman cuz look how ur dutty liad ways a influence ppl a farrin!!!!Met is a next Shauna chin dem dis???

    1. Break ups can be real messy especially when infidelity is involved/ division of property/ child support and child custody/spousal support…something as petty as a haircut can cause fireworks…it’s not about the haircut trust me…not even close.

  3. sigh so sad but this is the reality of life

    they are both wrong

    daddy should consult with mom just for an easier life. even for something as small as a haircut and when she refuses he can bring it up to court that shes being difficult and petty

    mom should let go of the fact that this relationship did not work out and stop using kids as weapons. i know its easier said than done. shes being petty but i would be upset as well as i have a 3 year old and altho it seems trivial i would be very upset if my son came home and his hair was cut without speaking to me. it might have been a traumatic experience for them and as a mother whos with your children 24/7 you know your kids and maybe if she was consulted she could have made it a comfortable experience for them.

    the grandmother now just made it worse by threatening physical violence on camera

    dwl when she started bawling out help ! help ! i doubt the man hit her but she made it seem that way for the video . she smart lol

  4. Ok thanks Marlet n a diff me…I get where yall coming from i was just looking at it from a male perspective!! I guess I need to ge more in touch with my feminine side n get all sensitive n shyt!!oh well!! Differently though unno see dat ooman n her Mumma a dem Warmington fi call Jezebel instead of poor Lil delusional Lisa!

  5. She is beyond petty. I could understand if they had daughters and he relaxed their hair. It is a haircut for Heaven sake. When family court is involved though it really is better to dot every I and cross every T. Both parents are looking for ammunition here and if they don’t get it together this may result in a criminal case. He is a provoking ass tho. He did this to irritate her and he should have driven away immediately but he is clearly trying to draw her out. I’m assuming that the ass also put this on social media and that says a lot about his character. I cant stand him and I dont even know him.

    1. He cant move if she’s behind the car. At the end u hear her who’s kids was in the car seat mine or hers. Petty bad

  6. Its an haircut…wtf?… u think if they were living together there would be this drama bout haircut?… all woulda happen is she woulda say “Earl, the boys need a haircut” n him woulda carry dem go barber

  7. It is petty women like these who ISOLATE and ALIENATE Black men and force them away from their children . It is women like this mother and grandma who FEMINIZE THEIR SONS because they don’t ALLO the father to make decisions in th children’s lives and are petty and are vindictive and petty over EVERY move the man makes as he tries to bond with his child .
    How disgusting she is as she antagonizes the man!
    She had a. Problem with the haircut , do NOTick that up on the presence of the poor traumatized children .

    I find this video very very disturbing !
    And the fact that she ” flaunts ” that she oath custodial parent means WHAT ?
    It is NOT d courts that raises children, it is parents. And talk about noses grandma !! This is why so many women remain without a man because of their nit – picking ways !
    Nagging the man to death !

    I am so glad he was taping it ,because she falsely claims abuse .
    This mother appears unstable and unhappy the father is in her boys
    Iives, but wait till they are spoiled rotten , fifteen , over – entitled and committing crimes or disrespecting her because they have NO balance and men role models, she would be wishing her boys had a father in their lives then !

  8. How could you possibly have a problem with a father taking his kid to the barber for a hair cut???

    The behavior of these women is very questionable indeed.

    Threatening the man with violence and then screaming that he’s hitting them when he never touched them ! (that should carry a sentence)

    Upsetting the children by confronting the father in front of them. Could have easily told the mother to take them first.

    Why is the violent monster-in-law even part of the discussion?

    I wonder what lies they would have told if he hadn’t been recording it? They seem very quick to pretend they were being assaulted. I wonder what other lies they have concocted.

    Disgraceful behavior and yet the man is just trying to be a father to his kid.

  9. Because the baby mom is still jealous and bitter with him that’s all.. Cuz a hair cut is petty ain’t nothing wrong with dad take his boys for a bonding day!!!

  10. Dis woman and her muma wicked baaaddddddddd, she want 10 kick and her muma need 20 box, look how much fatherless kids out there who would want a father inna dem life. None a dis nuh call for, so what if him cut di damn pickeny dem head.

  11. She’s petty as hell!!! I would love for my kids father to take him to get a hair cut without me having to ask. This is not about no damn haircut. She’s just being bitter. Smdh

  12. This just make me sick yow. The woman just a traumatize the kids out of spite for her ex husband. Mi pray to god I never have to deal with no woman like this crazy bitch. Clearly she and her ex have unresolved issues but she can leave the kids out of your bullshit!

  13. The kids are the ones gonna suffer! The mother and daughter is very bitter and to argue in front of kids is so wrong and selfish

  14. HELP ! HELP! HE IS HURTING ME ! somes this all up ……….. no need to go back and forth with all the mothers out there who is hurting …..EARL must did something to make kim hate him this much but MOVE THE HELL ON GIRL …..NOW IF HE DIDNT CUT THE KIDS HAIR U WOULD HERE HE HAS THE KIDS LOOKING SHABBY . thats just pain …..EARL calm, but earl know how to get them wild up LOL ….miss woods just a hurt for her daughter. what they both need to do is THINK ABOUT THE BOYS FIRST AND FOREMOST AND MISS WOODS SHOULD BE THAT 3RD VOICE IN THE SITUATION …..I HATE DEM DAMM IN LAWS ….LOL

  15. It’s not as simple as that.
    He’s an asshole. I was living with my child’s father n used to plait his hair at nights etc. His father used to babysit during the day while I went to work. Long story short, one evening I came home from work and lo and behold! Mi come c mi son hair well comb eena dem crossy crossy cornrows.

    Mi was so upset, mi bawl living yei wata…. not fi di fact that anneda ooman put har han eena mi pickney hair WITHOUT my consent, but when mi look how it dee plait tight AND knowing the trauma he must have gone through, cause him did nasty fi him head bad bad!!! As yuh barely touch it, nuh ends ah bawling

    1. yeah true the have history but look who him dealing with …from she bawl out help help he is hurting me sums her up ……lol

  16. This is so sad, I mean tears fill my eyes I never want to be this bitter over a break up, I feel both of them pain fathers are suppose to give sons haircuts and I can tell she’s acting up because she’s hurt.It’s a really messy situation.

  17. This scenario is just too familiar and irritating!! Thats y the kids nowadays spoiled rotten!!

    My father and mother raised three of us! The fact dad supporting financially and raising us as a good parent should…..him nuh tek no chat when he wanna discipline….take us out…boys hair cut time etc etc!! Parents have to communicate whether we like it or not or whether we bitter or not.

    This dude did need fi lap up his vagina….jump in his car and cut!! He had to demand a kiss fi get the child to take the train off the car…damn shame!!

    Mother nagging……..father is a punk and labba mouth….granny too nuff!!

    The fact he returned the kids with both hands…both feet…hair cut and they not complaining about mis treatment. Id be good!

    Thats y mi nuh deh wid man that love argue cuz me nuh deh pon the bag a irrelevant talking. Me not running my child father out his life. Him haffi damn well leave on his own!!

  18. But they are out of order to be openig. Car door and questioning the child about whats your mums name. She dont want him to cut her kids hair so why they think they have the right to question people kids. Why they wanna know the kids mum name?? Caus she mad sehh d man hav edda woman. How dat aguh benefit dem fi kno di woman name KMTT

  19. Leave dat tuh di man if him cut dem hair as long as it cut and look good him a duh him pawt. Yuh know how much ppl mi know weh some wouldn’t even itch fi di daddy come get dem an cut dem hair…. lady yuh fi Bill sometimes some ooman weh some man buss juice inna dem belly nuh nawmal… probably di man all go have him ooman deh now an she nuh like dat and she a give him a hawd time

  20. A wonda if a dem likkle boy here name Samson lol smh a wha him cut off dem strength this woman bitter till it tun sour first off just listen how she a tawk to the “man” women when u demoralize a man n make him feel a chile best betta believe him ago do everything fi hurt u for the sake of the children these two idiots need to stop but u can see say a Kim cut Jesus slippers she start bawl out how the man lick n she ago do physical smh ahhhh boy Kim move on my dear move on

  21. This does piss me off. That bitch need to move on.. He said it plain and simple I LEFT YOU NOT THEM I can see why.. She f**king petty nuh f**k up to leaving the kids to scratch up the man car.. BITCH GO GET SOME DICK the man dont want you.. He just being a father. SO f**king what he cut his sons hair.. Thats a great thing for a man and his sons to bond and chill .. Where petty a go?? f**king bitch when the man stop come round she start call him worthless and she cause it…

  22. This ex-wife an her mother is two of a kind an they are traumatizing the poor kids over stupidness the mother of the kids put them in harms way when she is standing behind the car to me is was not called for all because of a hair cut kmt if she felt him broke the rules of the court order then take him back to court an i’m sure that he didn’t do anything wrong it’s woman like them give other woman bad name to be acting like this over nothing in front of the kids an then she’s questioning another woman’s child but yet she don’t see that as wrong i hope when they went into the police station they got arrested for making false accusation an terroristic threat on the man kmt i’m sure he took his phone out an started recording because he knows they type of woman they are that god for technology yes he could have just told her what she asked but i don’t think that would have made her happy either .

  23. I saw an interview with R. Kelly, He has said he has been thru a lot, but the only regret he has in life was that he never knew his father. That’s the only thing he would change in his life.

    The man may leave if he can’t take the drama, guess what type of man the little boys will turn into.

  24. U know dis shit here just bugs me yes he was wrong but to sit there and have ur mother n urself talk to the man like that in front of these boys is dead ass wrong these boys will grow up to disrespect him n her she should no have had those boys out there listen to that mess atleast put them in the car n u already know he’s ignorant y even waste ur time there hair is already cut my gosh

  25. Dis bitch a carry cocky feelings same way, she more concern bout di man and di other child mother that was in the car, so what if di man carry dem guh get a haircut, that what fathers suppose to do its a time of bonding, yes he could have call and say something but he didn’t so just be happy ur babies came back to u safe and sound, she need to move on because di man tired a she and har liad mumma, the man a try leave and she have the poor innocent babies behind the car suh di man can’t get to leave, a women like dem ya mek di man dem stay weh from dem kids den dem start tell people seh di man dem nuh care, she too dam petty, if is a haircut she a behave suh fa den suppose dem did get some form of injuries…heheh mi wud a sorry fi him

  26. For me its not about who is right or wrong. When it comes to our kids our focus should be on them, and making sure that any disagreement between their parent ends with the kids being the winners. Even more when both parents aren’t in the same house. It’s sad when both parents forget it’s about the kids and worry more about being right.
    As a side bar – right fighters can be so darn difficult to deal. Dem head strong bad.

  27. suck har madda till she dead when mi agi yuh mi child support money yuh nuh want kno whey it a come from but yuh want kno wet pickney head cut,sorry mi bwoy tings always get messy when yuh breed dog shit*
    ku pin she to she think laka farm wuka boot*

  28. It’s obvious most of you commenting have never been in this woman’s shoe! Did y’all hear her say he was more than a hour late with the drop-off? Can u imagine if those were your children how worried you’d be? If you want to play full role then seek joint custody! He obviously can’t step up why he only has visitation. then he brings his step child along! Probably left the mother round the corner, and she is careless for letting her child go along to this drop without her there knowing fully well there might be confrontation. Conclusion, the mother is the only fit parent here the father and his woman could care less.

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