Hi Met:
The man outlined is Chris Thoms, CEO of ICON. I dont know if you remember last year when Moon Palace Jamaica Grande was all over the papers. They were doing renovations under new ownership and management and a Mexican company was hired to do the job. They in turn hired ICON, Jamaican company, who got subcontractors to work. The media reported that the subcontractors were blocking the gates because they did not get paid the millions that they were owed. What it didnt say was that Chris Thoms had collected all the money and ran away with it. First he told people that the Mexican company (Barma) had not paid him all the monies owed. Then when people started catching up on him, he went overseas to cool off. I hear that he is back in Jamaica, in hiding.


    1. able body jamaican LOL. they come a dime a dozen …..not even jamaican restaurants use jamaicans anymore . just the cook and the dunce pretty face at the counter and then the rest is mexican. love them . they just give u a full days work and go home . no questions ask.

  1. A Mexican company was hired, Mexicans love their money just like the next person so the bid for the job surely wouldn’t of been that less than paying your own to the job as you should have done… The only time a Mexican will work for a little or nothing is because he doesn’t have papers but if this was a legit company they are going to get paid and if this man ran away with millions of people hard earned money his dead wrong for that and the nerves to return to JA after the money done and you in hiding do you not think people are not still bitter… He should of just stayed wherever he was at…

  2. Gabriella, it mentions ICON as the subcontractor, meaning ICON was hired for hiring labor within Jamaica. The new management was Latin more than likely and were put in place to oversea the renovation. Also, the work ethic of Jamaican construction laborers have not changed over 23 yrs thus various Chinese and Indian companies bringing their own people.
    A typical Jamaican Laborer comes to work at 9 or 10, he takes an hour getting lunch at 12 then sits for another hour after eating, making it two hours wasted for lunch. Then he rushes the last few hours and it is time to go home. I worked on Macy’s Mall (renovation from Stern’s to Macy’s)on Qns Blvd. my last summer in Highschool. We got to work at 6am due to the hot summer sun and leave by 3. Jamaica’s temperature is hot like tastee patty but yet you come to work at 10 when the sun is setting up to bake at 12. They are working on my house right now and they come when they feel like coming. Its my Mom’s fault she is too laid back and have these dudes going over budget and mash my likkle ting with loans. I mean, its my Mom so she can have it but ish gotta change man. Gov’t can hire so much people at various ministries but its the private sector, again the gov’t and the countries citizens need to foster a better environment for investment. The North coast and Western Union taxes cannot be the only two saviors of Jamaica.

    1. Dont forget an hour to rub out them hand middle……most of them maybe not all but that’s my experience with jamaican labourers.

    2. I would shake ur hands a trillion times the work ethic is TERRIBLE I remember a couple of years ago a construction of high rise started directly across from the building I was working in, and been a early person myself I was impressed with the workers on the dot at 7 machinery would start going because the city doesn’t allow it before then ,and they worked so efficiently and orderly before I knew it I was on the 19th floor and one day I just looked across and they were on the same level as me, this go work when u feel lunch for 1hr then I more hr to digest lunch makes for no good business so I suspect that is y foreigners are given the jobs BUT for missa man up top memba say Jamaican ppl have a saying “long run short ketch” stay deh

  3. Unnuhstop generalising and go siddung .Why assume that Jamaicans are lazy based on your stupid opinion ?
    That’s disrespectful .The people on this website seem to be always disrespecting Jamaicans in one way or the other .Are you Jamaicans ?

  4. Not all Jamaicans are like that, if someone did come here and say a black ppl are lazy y’all wudda reach under dem mumma. And I don’t want to hear shit bout some or most or ‘from what you’ve seen’eff off wulla unuh. And this man is a damn tief and I hope he gets his due rewards soon and very soon.

  5. I am sure I did not mention laziness but work ethic. Its a simple shift on a work site. I bet the construction companies in Jamaica that have this under control are doing well. Also, why is it when someone makes a suggestion for the good of the country, it’s ‘showing up Jamaica?’ What, we are supposed to continue doing business like this and create less employment for Jamaicans? When an investor wants to build anything in Jamaica the notion should be, I can depend on the Jamaicans. They are smart and hard working; do you remember the reputation we had in the 70s to mid 80’s in America? It has evaporated but we work 1 times as hard to better another country, we need to do the same in Jamaica. I am here doing my part, so can other Jamaicans. DR and Singapore did it; they didn’t have half the financial resources as Jamaica did at one time.

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