31 thoughts on “MI NUH BELIEVE!

  1. Thelma get lock up wid out Louise (Daffy) Thats why she wasn’t at the party of di century
    So this explains why Apple neva no cloths fi wear

  2. Yesterday?????????? Wants she just arrested last week and have a court date next month from a prior arrest????????????

  3. She’s wos just now on Instagram around 3oclock taking notes & answering her fans . I don’t think so got to be a mistake wit her identity .

  4. Waste whats new with these idiots first she get lock up for the party whay never keep nuh poppy show dem here

  5. So many things a happen this month shishanna get kick out a Kerry Ann house because she did a war wid kerryann mother plus where is kerryann her friends keeping it on hush possibly locked up ? Shishanna Mek bald head pick her up from Kerry Ann and she gone back inna the furnish room no Sah what a life these people living

  6. Unu a gwan like her Fren and family or her man nuh cah log in pon her Instagram fi cover up them f**kry and mek it look like everything good .

  7. Baldhead never put up shushanna yet no where and she always a war chat and put down people and she aint shit dont have shit but her theifing. Things kotching with kerryann and just have baby what a thing eeh kerry get tired a shushanna a chat her business after she kotch a the girl house what a set ??? Didnt kerry ann. Know shuhanna is nobody friend not even her own self

  8. #Needleeye101 guh suck out yuh sour mother and guh look a man/woman yuh too lonely everyday yuh deh pon Groupie a study ppl life guh find a life nuh lonely dead bitch you always a worry bout ppl who a do way better than you get a life and some kids whore if you don’t have none guh downtown guh look some foodstamps fi feed them and look a job fi pay yuh rent bitch

    1. Thief yu thief! Go run in a traffic pon linden blvd and dead sour mouth gal! You busy a watch groupie but nah monitor you pussy whey shit a rotten out.
      Chuck off and lo groupie bloggers ole dead dog of a family. Onu come in like de stray mongrel dem a victoria pier except dem have more class to them. Yu puppa get a heafstone wid him real name yet? Thieving ugly no shithouse lot.

  9. @bad mi bad….. Gwaan wid u teifing non-progressive self, a bun it bun u because that’s all you’re known for teifing goods. F.Y.I I’m a woman who works 2 damn jobs in America yah wid 2 teenagers one 18 whose in Colledge right now, and Mi baby who a 14 doing damn well in school. I’m 41 yrs old weh never hitch wid a gal or a boy yet, never scam ,teif or live off the government yet, Mi nuh use Mi hard earn money to go party wid germs like you …so yes Mi rather spend Mi free time pon pink wall fi si an count how much time in a one month u go teif an get ketch…..So on that note Gwaan guh get ready fi u next haul.

  10. Yes needleeye gi it to the duncebat lowlife wantabe rich gal them. Big up you self needleeye them hot for you because them miserable and the truth a bun them

  11. Just lovely, well said, dem lime wen u call dem tieft wi fi seh rich rich, @needle eye 19 points for u. Fi di tieft go tun chemist and mix one formula and kill off u self.

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