Matthew 28:2 “And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.”
The word “INSURRECTION” is not a negative word, it depends how and what you deploy it against. Insurrection as “…an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.” That regime of sin and satan over your life must be uprooted by divinely instigated insurrection in this season in Jesus name. The government of poverty, shame and reproach shall be overthrown from your life this season in Jesus name. The authority of darkness shall be uprooted and overthrown from your life by holy mutiny this season in Jesus name. May the Spring of Resurrection catapult you this day from every satanic grave where the enemy has buried your potential and glory in Jesus’ name.
This is Part 2 of our series of RESURRECTION Prayers to catapult you from any negative valley of your life to that mountain top city ordained by God for your destiny in Jesus name.
By the POWER that RESURRECTED Christ Jesus from the grave, let my destiny shame & reproach be disgraced & let me TRIUMPH GLORIOUSLY over poverty In Jesus Name! Happy #ResurrectionSunday in Jesus name.
Whirlwind of resurrection, sweep away and consume death from my finances, family, ministry, career & business in the name of Jesus.
Earthquake of Resurrection! UPROOT my destiny from the valley of death and catapult me to the mountain of glorious living now! in Jesus name.
Whirlwind of Resurrection Power, with Your raging fury, sweep away & consume every infirmity of my destiny in Jesus name!
Let RESURRECTION Fires ENTER into every dry bones of my destiny, let my glorious destiny begin to BLOOM and SHINE FORTH NOW! in Jesus name! Happy #RESURRECTION Sunday in Jesus name!!!
Let the RESURRECTION of Christ Jesus trigger Divine INSURRECTION to OVERTHROW the established regime of satan and sins in my life in Jesus name
O God ARISE and BAPTIZE me with Your RESURRECTION Power in Jesus name.

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