The real-life “Jackie Brown” flight attendant who allegedly ditched two suitcases full of cocaine at a Los Angeles airport tearfully defended herself to her broken-up father.
“Somebody gave her the bag,” her sullen dad told The Post on Saturday outside the family home in South Jamaica, Queens.
The father, who wouldn’t give his name, recalled the emotional encounter with his little girl, 31-year-old Marsha Gay Reynolds, just before she landed behind bars on Wednesday.
“She broke down, of course,” he said slowly, in a hushed voice. “She said she didn’t know what was in” the luggage. “I’m not in a good place right now,” he confessed, looking at the ground.
Prosecutors aren’t buying her story and believe Reynolds had carried drugs before and only got cold feet after being randomly stopped at an LAX checkpoint for airline workers.
The incident came as “nothing less than a shock” to a longtime pal who told The Post he used to help Reynolds with English homework while she was a student and track athlete at NYU, from which she graduated in 2007.
“She was just such an ordinary kid,” said the friend, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
“I only remember her as the nice, thoughtful, beautiful girl who was going to college, working and keeping in shape,” he said.
The two met on a photo shoot in 2006, and he photographed and attended several of her birthday parties. In photos from her 25th birthday bash at a Queens venue in 2009, the glamour girl
gracefully posed with friends in a pink and black gown.
The JetBlue worker was heading to board a flight to La Guardia Airport on Friday when she kicked off her Gucci heels, dropped her bags stuffed with 60 pounds of drugs — $3 million worth — and bolted, according to police.
“She knew if she dropped both [her bags and heels], she’d be able to run away more quickly,” said Marshall McClain of the Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association. “She was then able to hotfoot it out of the terminal, down an up escalator while barefoot, where we assume she got into a car and took off to parts unknown.”
McClain told the Los Angeles Times he doesn’t think it was Reynolds’ first rodeo.
“I don’t believe anybody would trust a mule with that amount of dope the first time out,” he said.
Following the drug dump, Reynolds, who is a nursing student at Mercy College, caught a flight to New York and holed up in the Hilton hotel near JFK Airport, sources said. She surrendered to authorities Wednesday and was charged with possession with the intent to distribute cocaine.
Brooklyn Judge Viktor Pohorelsky had granted Reynolds a $500,000 bail package Thursday but stayed the ruling until California authorities could weigh in. The following day, California federal
Judge Andre Birotte Jr. ordered that she remain detained until she faces an arraignment for drug raps there on April 7.


  1. Daddy mi know you raised her right and wouldn’t want gti believe your daddy’s girl is a drugs smuggler,but all of us know wi kids sometimes stray from our upbringing. But u bby girl know weh did in deh,weh she run fah?

  2. Of course someone gave her the bag of drugs to carry. It was part of her deal, plus where would she get money to pay for that amount of drugs? If you want her to get of the case link me up. I can put you I touch with a good deliverance man she will be free but it’s not free.

  3. This bihhhh hit her dad out here looking like a dang fool wtf and want people to give her sympathy wtf I hope she get the max…….because like I said if you ain’t know what in there why u took off? Someone gave it to ok just give up that person.

  4. the man in shock and shame that’s the only think him could possible seh was that,knowing how him and the mother teach bout these very things and yet she ended up down dis very road.

  5. We all know you want to protect your child the big question is, WHY did she ran if she had no idea of what was inside her luggage.. They should throw to book at her she have done it before but this time she got caught

  6. This is some major bullshyt!Have her dad out here acting the fool! They didn’t even search her yet,all they did was caller her up 4 her bag to scanned! That’s routine so why would u literally Usain Bolt it if u were unaware of what’s in the bag!??
    Clearly u knew what was in the bag from ur man who gave you it. Flight attendants more than anyone else Knows the rule of checking and packing your own bags!!Marsha and her Puppa fi go siddung!

    1. Me say is this same lie that’s going to piss off the courts. She abuse her position to such an extent I wouldn’t put it pass homeland security to find a rare case law/executive order fi phuck her with.

  7. That’s gonna be a hard story to sell papa. The mere fact that she ran is a dead giveaway. My heart goes out to y’all though.

  8. Morning Met. This don’t know about the bag defense is getting absolutely ridiculous now.
    I see the parents getting all kinds of blessing…it’s possible the girl been doing for herself without them from long time, or they aid her illegal activities over the years. One blogger wrote about the moms keeping vigil a 90s man bedside.
    Base on my past life, if me was Marsha me mum would come a station fi tell me me on me own cause me hard a hearing. Hence, me accept me life path, live pon budget, have a strong male warrior at me side and still own things without risking life and freedom.
    Females onu have to stop destroying onu time on this earth through vanity and deceptions of the heart. We deceive ourselves and allow men to do the worst.

  9. Obviously she is daddy’s girl, anything she say him believe. This girl seems very manipulative now.

  10. But didn’t the bag have some of her belongings in there too. So even if someone gave her an already packed bag……when she opened it to put her things in there……wouldn’t she have seen the drugs. Besides. ….. it’s 2016……who tek bag from ppl fi carry pon plane widdout look in deh. Kmt. I feel for her parents. I know how disappointed and hurt they must be. Smh.

    1. yep! she had langarine in deh
      nd for de smart asses i know its spell lingerie,spelling up top was how movado spell it check the JMG dictionary

    2. Knowing some of these Jamaican parents, they know exactly what she was doing on a regular basis. Her lifestyle did not match her low paying Flight Attendant job. They were probably reaping the benefits of the smuggling activities, so to come with this nonsense about “someone” gave her the bags is utter nonsense.
      What is interesting was she was pursuing a Nursing degree now, after completing her (Bull Shit) undergraduate degree at NYU. I have to commend her for her efforts here, since she realize her NYU degree was not marketable in the first place and she stand a much better chance to get her BSN and enter the Nursing field.

  11. Hellooooo…Daddy need to not say some shit like this because him know seh nothing nuh go suh. Mek the lawyer do him job man and stop the f*ckery cuz we all believe this girl has done this shit before and I believe you fully well know this too. If someone gave her the bag, she was fully aware of the contents or she wouldn’t fling off her gucci heels and run down an escalator moving upwards as the news said. By the way, everytime you travel go anyweh, nuh one of the first questions you answer “Did you pack your bags yourself?” Daddy go siddung….me know you feel embarrassed, but take mi advice; go siddung….

  12. I am no CIA. But if you don’t know what’s in the bag why run out u shoe. Child please u better give up who it belong to.or go run u sentence. As Oliver Samuels would say Sorry to hear Mavis. U head big and you brains small. I will do my 9-5. Them say if you can’t do time don’t do the crime.not even probation me want.

  13. As pp seh maybe mama & papa kno about her operations and because she been getting through for so long dem feel seh a dem prayer did a cover her….but this time fada God seh no not today u muling life is over for good.

  14. She has done it before but she just got caught this time… She is dating a drug dealer so what do you think

    1. At any little drug dealer, this person is a big time supplier if she was caught with 31 kilo on just one trip. Can you imagine how much product this guy is moving per month/year? He might be considered a kingpin.

  15. Someone could of asked her to carry something for them family, but as said many times above- She ran off, for what?

  16. Listen Daddy and Mommy know what was going on or they had an idea. she’s dating one of the heavy man from 90s he always flying out on her Buddy pass they’ve been to Jamaica several times together. Mommy you was @ the hospital with her when them shot him up didn’t you mommy attend several birthday gatherings he kept for your daughter and you knew he don’t work so where did the $$ come from. please don’t come look for sympathy. yes somebody give her the bag to give the man a 90s

  17. Dem people ya tek people fe fool? Inna last week Report, Marsha never did know a wah did inna de luggage. Now a “somebody gave her the bag”. Next thing will be, she didn’t know who was supposed to get de 70 lbs a cocaine with a street value of a couple millions either, eh?
    Marsha Faada, a betta you guh shave yuh hairy balls dem and kip quiet yah man. Jus face de truth, damn it! and just know say dat yu daughter who did a Usaina Bolt when she run wey, run outta luck dis time too.

  18. Marsha will not beat this case base on a lot things…
    1,they have the video of her pulling up comfortably but got nervous once being called of the line.
    2.after coming of the phone she started running
    (a).who was she on the phone with
    (B).why run
    3.she ran out that airport after 7pm on Friday came back Saturday night and was able to fly.
    (a) whose name was on the luggage,that they couldn’t identify her till she turned herself in
    4.If she had used her work identification card to fly why couldn’t it be track back preventing her from flying out of LAX.
    way too many questions with some holes in it…she just brave nd greedy and i think it would be best everybody stay quiet and mek her lawyer duh weh him a try duh cause this a one week later the father a talk up him shoulda been run in from she turn in herself a seh anuh fi har she knows NOT of it

  19. Get the f**k out of here with that ” somebody gave her the bag” bull shit. It’s not her first time doing that, it’s her first time getting bagged ( pun intended)

  20. From the story broke I never commented on it, nope, not once, the reason is, I rang close to what I did at the same age as her, at the exact airport, I knew it was drugs, what kind it was, as God bears me witness I don’t know, and I was not involved with the dealer, I was a young and working at the time, I saw my girlfriend going twice a week, and making triple the amount i made for a whole month, so I decided to try it too, I was lucky for a month, then this other man offered us more money for a trip, I was glad, as the money for this run was double, I never packed the bag, they put whatever they wanted to put in it, all we do is carry it. They had inside contacts with the security and scanners, I was randomly pulled over just like Marsha, and got away just like she did, the only difference was, I didn’t leave the bag behind, and that is the evidence that they now have on her. She would be all right now if she had just run out her shoes and pull her pulley along with her, because that’s exactly what I did, got out of LAX to a taxi, booked in a hotel, got a different id, and was back In NYC after a couple of days, safe and sound in my apartment. Never did it ever again, all my life, God was good to me. As there is a God, it happened to me, I am so sorry that she ran leaving the bag.

    1. curiosity kills the cat……..there is no way in this time and age your gonna take money from a stranger to carry a bag and dare not look into and if you don’t that inner feeling you have is telling you that something in it is way off…..then you’re gonna say yuh get pull over and ran with bag,get different ID al all these things, why run if yuh don’t know what in the bag and vow not to do this red eye living again come on now

  21. I’m glad it worked out for you anonymous 11:48. I hope you have your life to God cause u proved he’s worthy tone praised

  22. @ Anon 11:48 God was certainly good to u. However Marsha’s not a passenger per say, she’s a flt attendant, therefore if anyone should’ve known not to carry luggages or pkgs from anyone without knowing the contents, it should’ve been her. Every job has rules and regulations and i’m sure this must have been iterated and re-iterated to the employees re contraband etc

  23. @simplicity, read good what I said, I know it was drugs for sure, what kind it was, i don’t know, wether Marijuana or the white lady, the people them pack the bag, we gets paid to carry it, I have no reason to tell a lie on my own self, it happened to me, at the same age as Marsha, I was a working girl, hot and loved nice things, yes mi friend that was not working was making way more money than me, and I tried a thing, it never worked for me, Thank God I was able to escape with the drugs and my freedom, it is my reality, it happened to me just as I related it, and the owner was in LA so he got his luggage and helped me to get a new id, and get back to NY, truth 1000% over the years, anyone that knows me, and is reading this right now, will say this story sound familiar, because my friends know about it, and they knew i escape for a fact just like i say.

    1. my bad, i did go back and read it over,i didn’t see the i knew it was drugs,never said you’re story was a lie was only making reference to not knowing what you was carrying….i believe Marsha did know wat was in the bag and got comfortable doing this more than once and never expected to be caught no time soon or at all

  24. anonymous 11:48 thank God you got away and learned your lesson and never went back you think smart and acted quickly. Marsha I’m sorry for you cause your going to have to talk who give you the bag,who was suppose to receive the bag, your also going to have to tell who you called to tell they pull you over for the random search.(was it DADDY). this shame and disgrace on your family i’m so sure your parents haven’t been to work,church no where since this happy because them shame. this man from 90s better give them the lawyer $

  25. Simpli, dem know is drugs but because dem a get the money, dem nuh care fi look even if a one bomb in deh…smh. Mi not moving a muscle until me see what is in dere. Most of dem dont even know the value of the drugs dem a carry. Dem love tek risk too much. A same me know one nice, intelligent nurse weh get f*cked up because she mek gal “inveegle” har fi carry money. Craven choke puppy. Mi wi gwaan panka panka wid school and work. When mi done, same hundred and odd mi will make like dem (widdout de risk).

  26. She knew what she was doing. She is in it deep. 68lbs of weight is very heavy. She must be very strong to drag all that weight and dyam choopid not to ask herself, what made her luggage so heavy. So she and her daddy need to stop pleading ignorance. I can only assume that someone betrayed her and she got pulled out of the line. I would advise her to confess and cooperate with the authorities. In doing that, she may get a lighter sentence and hopefully get released before she becomes an old gray haired woman. I would also suggest that her loved ones shut up. Their attempts at sticking by her will not help and potentially open them to investigations too.

  27. Marsha could’ve escape, believe me, it’s years now the security in LAX is doing this, my incident happened over 19 years ago, they’re not going to run her down, all they do is call your name out on the intercom, it’s trouble for them too, as they all know about what’s going on, they get paid for you to go through , the random check is when the computer picks up your name for a screening, then all hell broke loose, everyone panicked, so all she had to do was kick off her shoes, haul her bag and run the hell out there, even when I stopped in the taxi line waiting for the cab, I didn’t see no one looking for me. Lol so she could’ve gotten away clean and clear, if she did run with the bag. I really feel sorry for her, as i was in the same predicament, and often wondered what would be the outcome ,God was my refuge, he made a way for my escape, and I never did it again.

  28. Anony 1:19 you are so right, mi not even going to lie now, at the time I care zero, I didn’t know what or the value of it, all I know it was drugs yes, and them drop off the bag when they take us to the airport, as I don’t want it to spend a night in my apartment. Lol, but I am glad that God smile on me, and I came out victorious, and never did it again, my friend didn’t stop, she got deported back to Jamaica in the end.

    1. greedy dog choke puppy if she must at some point made a good a mount a money to buy piece a land or the house itself,she got addicted to the fast money and was greedy for more a hope she had save something from it

  29. If she run with da bag we wouldnt b talkin this story right now cant have fear in u heart if u choose a mule life i sorry for she done fukup her life over vanity n greed

  30. Not a thing @ simplicity, gal lucky seh she had family down there, and they had big house from we were in Jamaica, is it she resort back to, not a dollar she never have saved . And if you on the pink wall today, reading “hi chile”, “hello” :peluk , you know unuh lie mi a tell, cause I never go back, and you continue on the same path until them send u home muma. Lol :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak

    1. yuh tink yuh nice dwrcl no mi nuh mean fi laff,dat shout tho :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
      she kaliss fi dat yah tell mi dry out,nuh ntn

  31. Anonymous up top, I thought about it too and I think she should have ditched the shoes and run with the bag, but she clearly is not a critical thinker, she could have gotten away.

  32. @ Lucky Anon 2:15pm: I am glad you decided not to push your luck harder and you are living a free life; to God be the glory. Nothing is better to me than my freedom; trust me. Your friend is a typical case of craven choke puppy. Why I simply would not engage into these activities: I dont see them sending dem mother, dem sister nor dem woman weh dem love on these movements, so why should I? Many times, these hustler crows only look at the loss when you get bite; dem nuh business wid you. However, 19 years ago and now a different setup at Lax. Yes, people get paid off, etc. but the system setup a way now that I believe if she did run wid the bag, them woulda chase har down. Didn’t you see where they said their primary concern was the contents of the bag, to ensure that it was not an explosive device? That mean seh if she did run wid the bag, 99.9% chance that she wouldn’t escape initially. She lucky she get the time fi go back to New York go sort out before turning herself in. I hope the so called “90’s man” step up and nuh make har mother lose the house ’cause the judge done warn dem. I cannot feel sorry for Marsha because she knew better and had a good job. I believe she was just too greedy.

  33. I said the same thing from the start.That excuse not gonna cut it.Better just own up to it and pay the price.The Feds gonna go even harder by trying feed them this bs story.They know the tricks in trade.
    Her luck just ran out this time.
    She made a mistake and now she must pay,the price.Tell your parents to stop talking and leave that to your family attorney.Some times what we expect our kids to do when we give them our all and try raise them the right way is not what we get back from them.Many times the payback is shame and disgrace.
    Hate when parents say not child even when the evidence clearly point to your child.We all humans and make mistakes so does our children.
    Greatest thing she still have life couple years to pay for her crime and she can still come out of the it.Change her way of thinking and if she can deter others from making the same mistake.Everything happen for a reason.Any man that involve you in his business don’t love you .

  34. All Mi know a bush ago hold on pan har rass inna prison an she still can wear a gucci shoes weh dem mek inn a prison fi har outta toothpaste tube gal yuh good…… Mi a bawl dung di price likkle but Mi wah buy 2 a di balls weh yuh daughter have sir

  35. Marsha could’ve gotten away ! She’s just not a critical thinker as someone said! When you’re a mule whether it be drugs or money u a mule … You need to have a story in your head number 1 .. You need to have plan B AND C andddddddd you definitely have to be ALERT and last but not least humble … Marsha coulda pretend to have left something and act casually irritated and roll out the carry on out of there … But the first thing she did was make a phone call she shouldn’t have done that .. Cuz the man confuse her and tell her wa fi do .. She too fool .. It seem like it was an inside job and the person who was to let her through was not there .. Poor she and Daddy don’t say anything else because the case nuh try yet …

  36. Rasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak No mi nah laugh…Latty want two of Marsha balls fi buy; Latty, weh you waan seh, you nuh have no balls? If I laugh in here todayyyyyyyyyyyy :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak

  37. @ Anon who claimed Marsha could’ve gotten away. Slim to none possibility of that happening for her. Firstly, she had not 1 but 2 suitcases. Secondly her info was already scanned and they knew it was a flt attendant they just could not instantaneously get the name. Thirdly her incident occurred post 9-11. Had she flee with those luggages they would’ve radioed for a chase.

  38. Let’s say Marsha was able to run down the upward escalator as was reported with the 70 pounds of drugs in tow…they still have her on camera acting nervous as heck. The very act of her running is gonna be hard to defend.
    BTW I read were they said she was speaking a foreign language on the phone….it nuh funny but mi a wonda if a wi good up patois dem mean…LOL…
    THE BEST DEFENCE as I see it is if she said I know what I was carrying but I did it because I was told that if I didnt that they would murder me and my family….that is a way better explanation than what her lawyer put out there.

    1. But guess what? Her acting nervous could not have led to a conviction or whatever without the evidence so if she took off with the bags, maybe they would find, search and harass her later but there would not have been any evidence unless dem go buck it up at her apartment.

  39. I think she never did her research good. Cause if she did, she would have gone in her work clothes caz dem say the machine them use to scan the badge, only bring up wat airlines she work for,and her name and if the i.d valid or not.I think dem would probably not check her if she was in uniform, all mi know shi brave nuh rass

  40. She could’ve gotten away because at the end of the day she was the only person right there and then who knew what was in the bag .. She had a right to leave ! They can’t tell her she can’t turn back that is her right ! And she never had to act nervous she should’ve never went in casual clothes nor should she have contacted anyone .. She should’ve pretend to have left something very important at the front desk or whatever in the car whatever and turn back ! She could have gotten away and not in no rush either just do it casually .. They couldn’t tell her NO let me check ur bag first because that is her right to leave and come back if she chooses to .. Plz! She wasn’t thinking the man told her to run and that’s wa she did he clearly has no sense either .. This look like seh dem just get d Coke n wa get rid a it fast cuz dem clearly never sit down and think bout it

  41. ….they still have her on camera acting nervous as heck…..”
    Who said she was acting nervous (before) being pulled from the line? It is obvious she has been doing this for sometime, since no drug smuggler would be stupid to allow a first-timer with 70-lbs of pure cocaine. Since she has been successful so many times, it is unlikely she was nervous…maybe after they pull her for screening.
    The thing is she is an highly educated female, with experience doing this sort of thing and they tend to be very cool under pressure. I dated one of these girls and I can tell, these men use them because of their profile and their ability to think on their feet, especially, when in difficult situation.
    The girl I knew did bulk cash smuggling (maybe other things also), bring large amount of cash back to Jamaica, while dating a big time dealer from New York. These girls would use friends or relatives to drop them off and/or pick them up at the airport without them knowing what she was bringing to/from the airport. Once I found out what she was involved in, I refuse to pick her up or drop her off at the airport. I know innocent people who have been given federal time for drugs they had no idea was being brought into the USA from Jamaica by females.
    What I would like to know if these passengers luggage doesn’t go through x-ray machines for 70-lbs of drugs to just pass through like this.

    1. Yuh neva see smaddy act nervous before??? MY PERCEPTION is that she looked nervous. Watch the footage if you have not already done so!!!!

      1. Could you provide a link to the footage? I haven’t been able to find it anywhere on the net. All accounts I read said she started acting nervous after the pull her aside. Would love to see the video…link the video, please.

  42. I read in the paper her father stated that Marsha had nothing to do with it its her boyfren that put her up to it.
    1)so the ? they going to ask is who’s the boyfren?
    2)Who gave you the bag (since your dad insist someone gave it to you.
    3)who you were going to hand the bag over to?
    4)the big ? that will be asked is was any airport security or other big airport authority working with you?
    if you Marsha answer all these questions you might get a good deal maybe 1 year and probation. at the end of the day the FEDS don’t want you you they want all your contacts even if you don’t give up your contacts they have your phone record and a log of traveling passes so don’t be foolish work with them cause your boy fren have another MULE waiting to start the next project you’ll be behind bars crying your eyes out day and nigh he’s life will continue to go on. you might be in Jail and hear say him get married and move on.

  43. Mi carry money once ….bout 15,000…but mi Neva go thru lax…….dumb…San Diego…an mi look business casual….I don’t look like a dancehall dolly anyway…years ago…before I had my child…
    I wanted to take a class….I got the money for it in one shot and never did it again….mi nuh love risk…and I wouldn’t have done it if it was drugs….
    I’d rather work & struggle than reach ah prison

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