Trump vows crackdown on undocumented immigrants

NEW YORK, United States (AFP) – Donald Trump plans to immediately deport or jail as many as three million undocumented immigrants, the Republican said Sunday as he set out his priorities as America’s head of state in the first television interview since his election.

Millions were expected to tune in to Trump’s full interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” for clues on how the populist billionaire will govern, and how far he intends to convert his firebrand slogans into hard and fast policy.

Since Tuesday’s shock election triumph, Trump had appeared to tone down his rhetoric, notably suggesting he might be willing to reconsider a pledge to scrap President Barack Obama’s signature health reform.

But he made clear in excerpts of Sunday’s interview that he still intended to crack down on the undocumented, focusing on people with criminal records.

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“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people – probably two million, it could be even three million – we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Trump said.

He also said he stood by his pledge to build a wall on the Mexican border – although he said it could include some fencing.

Experts estimate there are as many as 11 million foreigners living illegally in the United States, many of them Central and Southern Americans long-established in the country.

Trump’s stance stood in opposition with comments by House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said Sunday the focus under a Trump administration would be on securing the border, not rounding up immigrants.

“We are not planning on erecting a deportation force. Donald Trump’s not planning on that,” Ryan told CNN.

Since his election on the back of an incendiary anti-immigrant campaign, thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets daily, worried that Trump will put his rhetoric into practice.

The billionaire’s Trump Tower residence in Manhattan was picketed for four straight days by, with similar protests across the United States.

The tower has been a hive of activity as the real estate mogul huddles with his transition team to shape his cabinet – appointments expected to play a crucial role in setting the tone of an administration led by a 70-year-old political novice.

Trump faces a colossal task in hammering out cabinet picks and filling hundreds of other top government jobs ahead of his January 20 inauguration.

Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has said the announcement of White House chief of staff — the powerful gatekeeper to the president – is “imminent”.

Top contenders include Reince Priebus, the head of the Republican National Committee, who Trump has credited for helping engineer his unlikely election win.

Democrats have been despondent in the wake of an election they were certain of winning, but vowed Sunday to oppose Trump – despite now being locked out of power not only in the House and Senate, but now in the White House as well.

“Our job now is to hold him accountable,” said Bernie Sanders, who lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic nomination race.

“If Mr Trump has the courage to take on Wall Street, to take on the drug companies, to try to work forward, go forward to create a better life for working people, we will work with him, issue by issue.

“But if his presidency is going to be about discrimination, if it’s going to be about scapegoating immigrants or scapegoating African-Americans or Muslims, we will oppose him vigorously,” Sanders declared.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll out Sunday shows that 74 per cent of Americans accept Trump’s election as legitimate, but that number fell to 58 per cent among supporters of his defeated rival Clinton.

Trump has shown some willingness to soften his more strident positions. His U-turn on Obamacare – he now says he may simply amend a law he once branded a “disaster” on the stump – was prompted by his White House meeting with the outgoing president earlier this week.

He told CBS and The Wall Street Journal he may maintain some of the program’s more popular elements, such as a ban on insurance companies denying coverage because of so-called pre-existing health conditions.

Asked by the paper whether he would, as threatened, name a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton over her use of a private email server as secretary of state, Trump deflected, saying his priorities were “health care, jobs, border control, tax reform”.

Not long ago Trump was leading crowds in chants of “Lock her up!”

The Republican has yet to respond, however, to mounting calls to reassure Americans who fear a xenophobic crackdown under his authority.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups, tracked more than 200 incidents of election-related harassment in the three days following the vote, with many more allegations emerging on social media.

Tens of thousands have signed an SPLC petition urging Trump to clearly distance himself from hate groups.


  1. Morning Met and Metters, you know what troubles me, is notthose who he says are criminals and need to go home, cuz Obama has done the same. It’s the ones here for years, working hard and established a life for themselves and kids, the ones he called “terrific people,” he has not said what is to be done with them, why? We know this man hates foreigners (xenophobic) so what exactly is his plans for them, and they are not grilling him on specifics.

    1. He is not doing anything new, just saying what americans want to hear because by law all criminals are deported and obama has deported around 2 million without saying nothing. U cant pay trump any mind he is just fooling the crowd

      1. Also knowing the republicans they r going to want to pass laws fi help immigrants in a bid to keep trump in office but he will either be impeached, resign or someone will do something to him. Over 4 million signatures and going strong ..he is facing too much opposition from states that he so called won in

  2. So hes only going after criminals now? Good luck on finding 3-4 million illegal criminals. We all know that’s impossible.

  3. @Honeybee …… he is actually going by the DHS data which has 1.9 million to possibly 2 million in their system that president obama already marked as “removable,” in that number roughly around 800,000 was already MARKED for removal under mr. obama anyways because mr. obama’s policy of ridding society of CRIMINAL aliens whether legel or illegal was a gradual and ongoing process to offset decent unauthorized, law-abiding aliens in society, he is also facturing in LEGAL criminal aliens that slipped through the penal cracks but have conviction record(s), based on DHS database and law enforcement agencies database they are LOCATABLE but CATCHABLE is the big question, not saying its impossible, he’s gonna have to 1.turn police departments into immigration enforcements,mind you, some community base police departments in a lot of cities & locals with high immigrant population totally resent or despise playing any immigration role because doing so hampers cooperation on information from immigrants in cases of crime solving as they fear their status will be scrutinize 2.the law enforcement departments now will deviate from traditional policing to mostly tracking, locating and catching immigrants, which will quadruple crime and murder because there will be few police officers now to combat crime 3. police officers will be VERY DISGRUNTLED because now not only they’re being forced to do work which is reserved for the immigration department, they’re now doing QUADRUPLE the amount of work that they previously accustomed to, IT WILL ALSO BE WAR WITH THE UNION THAT REPRESENT THEM AND THE STATE & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 4.if chump is giving law enforcement agencies more responsibilities then he damn well gonna have to quadruple their pay, WHO GONNA PICK UP THE TAB? IT SURE AINT GONNA BE PEOPLE LIKE HIM AND THE PEOPLE IN HIS CLICK BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THEY DON’T BELIEVE IN PAYING TAXES LET ALONE PAYING MORE TAXES!

  4. @anonymous 7:46am ……. even if some type of amnesty or “pathway” is the plan or solution for the “terrific” people, you’d NEVER hear it from him, his administration or any government even if it was the democrats, when you look at it from a logical standpoint even if amnesty is on the table sometime in the future it will NEVER materialize unless they secure the border, which include building that great great wall…..ahem…..I mean that great great tall /wide fence or else it would be a cycle all over again, and one would have to be very naive to believe that if there is actually an amnesty it would be for all the estimated 10-11 million(could be more, could be less) undocumented people, at best
    4 million tops, 500,000-1,000,000 estimated would probably be granted residency(those would probably be categorize by 1.entered the us LEGALLY on visa or landing permit and overstayed, work permit expiration and just hanging in the balance 2. length of time in the us and during the time show PROOF of moral character TBDed),
    maybe another 1-2 million would be granted a “orange card” with a pathway to permanent residency to be categorized by legally/illegally entered the US, lenght of time living in the US, measured by the government’s definition of good moral character,
    then maybe another 1-2 million probably would be given a “pathway” or have to earn a orange card to a green card, those would probably be given a higher hurdle to climb, and those who is left roughly around 3-4 million, given that every single law enforcement agency in mainland US is up to the task and locate,apprehend, and deport the 2-3 million criminal alien and chump’s great, great wall which will be built by cement and steel imported from china and with MEXICAN labour(maybe thats what he meant when he said mexico will pay for it, if he have them work and don’t pay them) :ngakak and his tall tall wide wide fence will keep out ANY & EVERYONE who even attempt to sneak into the US, that would leave roughly around 3-4 million in the balance of uncertainty, the government whomever is in office whether chump or even the democrats would have to extend the deportation mandate and deport some and devise mechanisms to make some self-deport themselves, THEN THE PROBLEM OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WILL BE SOLVED AND THE TOPIC WILL BE OFF THE TABLE


  5. Chump talk weh di red neck dem waan hear. As Hilary said a few times “Trump up and trickle down.” When the reality of being President hit, him gwine get ah serus nervous breakdown and end up ah madhouse. Him mussi tink ah reality tv dis….

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