Bipartisan Electors Ask James Clapper: Release Facts on Outside Interference in U.S. Election
Open Letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper:
We are Electors who were selected by the voters of our states to represent them in the Electoral College on December 19, 2016. We intend to discharge our duties as Electors by ensuring that we select a candidate for president who, as our Founding Fathers envisioned, would be “endowed with the requisite qualifications.” As Electors, we also believe that deliberation is at the heart of democracy itself, not an empty or formalistic task. We do not understand our sole function to be to convene in mid-December, several weeks after Election Day, and summarily cast our votes. To the contrary, the Constitution envisions the Electoral College as a deliberative body that plays a critical role in our system of government — ensuring that the American people elect a president who is constitutionally qualified and fit to serve. Accordingly, to fulfill our role as Electors, we seek an informed and unrestrained opportunity to fulfill our constitutional role leading up to December 19th — that is, the ability to investigate, discuss, and deliberate with our colleagues about whom to vote for in the Electoral College.
We further emphasize Alexander Hamilton’s assertion in Federalist Paper #68 that a core purpose of the Electoral College was to prevent a “desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.” The United States intelligence community has now concluded with “high confidence” that a foreign power, namely Russia, acted covertly to interfere in the presidential campaign with the intent of promoting Donald Trump’s candidacy. During the campaign Russia actively attempted to influence the election outcome through cyber attacks on our political institutions and a comprehensive propaganda campaign coordinated through Wikileaks and other outlets.
Allegations that Donald Trump was receiving assistance from a hostile foreign power to win the election began months before Election Day. When presented with information that the Russian government was interfering in the election through the course of the campaign, both in private briefings and public assessment, Donald Trump rejected it, refused to condemn it, and continued to accept their help. Donald Trump even made a direct plea to the Russian government to interfere further in the election in a press conference on July 27, saying, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
According to reports in the Washington Post, New York Times, and other outlets, the United States intelligence community has now concluded definitively that the Russian interference was performed to help Donald Trump get elected, yet even today Mr. Trump is refusing to accept that finding. In response to the reports, the Trump transition office instead released a statement which called into question the validity of United States intelligence findings, and declared the election over despite the Electoral College not yet casting its votes. Trump’s willingness to disregard conclusions made by the intelligence community and his continuing defense of Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin demand close scrutiny and deliberation from the Electoral College.
Separate from Mr. Trump’s own denials of Russian involvement in the election, the confirmed communication between Trump’s aides and those associated with the Russian election interference activity raise serious concerns that must be addressed before we cast our votes. Trump-confidant Roger Stone confirmed during the campaign that he was engaged in back-channel communications with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, responsible for releasing much of the Russian-hacked Democratic communications, and indicated that he was aware of the hacked content prior to its release. Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page reportedly visited Moscow in July of this year, just prior to the release of hacked DNC communications, during which it was believed he met with the Putin aide in charge of Russian intelligence on the U.S. election. Page returned to Moscow this week where he claimed to be meeting with Russian business and thought leaders.
In addition to Donald Trump and his aides’ conduct, revelations about their further involvement with the Russian government over the course of the campaign demand further investigation, as well as full disclosure of findings from any ongoing or closed investigative efforts:
Russian government officials revealed that they had maintained contact with the Trump campaign during the election, and stated that they were familiar with most of the individuals associated with Mr. Trump.
Media inquiries into whether the FBI was investigating Donald Trump’s July plea for Russian interference in the election resulted in a “Glomar response” neither confirming nor denying the existence of an investigation, rather than the more typical response of denying the request outright.
U.S. intelligence officials reportedly probed Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page in regard to travel to his Moscow during the campaign.
The FBI reportedly began an inquiry into Trump associates following reports of a multi-million dollar business relationship with pro-Putin figures in Ukraine and Russia, and reports of an effort to sway American public opinion in favor of Ukraine’s pro-Putin government.
Michael Flynn, Trump campaign aide and the announced incoming National Security Advisor, traveled to Russia in December of 2015 for a gala event celebrating RT, a state-controlled propaganda network, at which he was seated next to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Electors require to know from the intelligence community whether there are ongoing investigations into ties between Donald Trump, his campaign or associates, and Russian government interference in the election, the scope of those investigations, how far those investigations may have reached, and who was involved in those investigations. We further require a briefing on all investigative findings, as these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether Mr. Trump is fit to serve as President of the United States.
Additionally, the Electors will separately require from Donald Trump conclusive evidence that he and his staff and advisors did not accept Russian interference, or otherwise collaborate during the campaign, and conclusive disavowal and repudiation of such collaboration and interference going forward.
We hope that the information and actions described in this letter will be provided in an expeditious manner, so that we can fulfill our constitutional duty as Electors.
Christine Pelosi (CA)
Michael Baca (CO)
Anita Bonds (DC)
Courtney Watson (MD)
Dudley Dudley (NH)
Bev Hollingworth (NH)
Terie Norelli (NH)
Carol Shea-Porter (NH)
Clay Pell (RI)
Chris Suprun (TX)
Presidential electors interested in adding their names to this letter should contact [email protected].


  1. And this duppy bat moron ass idiot seh him nuh need no intelligence briefing because he’s too smart ….like wtf which president in a history nuh get intelligence briefing before and after elected #impeachtrump #notmydamnpresident.

    1. Lololol….him cockiness is beyond anything me ever bare witness to in me life!

      Unnu see how him frigging wicked and sink Loched Martin stocks wid him bullshit?!

      Trump must remember that him family name no go back centuries in America, so him fi stay pon him chalk line…well, in truth, me no mind him step off the line :cd:

  2. That’s because the intelligence briefing is a load of rubbish and lies which Trump knows and wants no part of untill he set up his own intelligence teams and sweep out the corruption…

    1. Delusional one, me going to revisit this post in 2020.

      Met, please to pin this and come again wid it in 4 years. Me know you site will outlive this bullshit.


      1. Him nah mek it through the inauguration PP..Him jus cancel di briefing bout him business dem till Janauary :ngakak…They said Trump owes so much money he may not be able to do that but he said he was only going to tell us what he was going to do……….He knows whats next so him nah tek no check..him waiting fi si if dem a go vote fi him di 19 :ngakak ..PP him fi get a set a strokes him is too much man

        1. We need that funeral emoji, MET! This is tglhe most entertaining years a me life.

          Stroke too good fi trump boy.

          The demiae of that assh**le woukd be hilarious.

  3. FBI just stated that the CIA is wrong about Russia…
    Yes the same CIA WHO SAID IRAQ HAS GOT WMD which really never existed

    1. FBI report is bullshit! The fbi can’t access CIA intelligence data or trump (no pun) the CIA or any of those other “dark” agencdat.

      “The same…” fbi that has been f**ng common people for decades and act as concierge fi de CIA.

        1. Him deranged pup kellyanne seh him dont mean this and him dont mean that..dem cyah control trump..and china do press conference today so dat is a next set a problem then

  4. @6:34 please don’t talk about 2020 because we cannot n will live it out with trump, my whole body hurt just thinking about him for 1yr never mind 4yr. Let us pray,pray none stop

  5. Dutty Kelly and I caan stand she dat Bitch….unuh did know seh a did fi har husband was di prosecutor on Bill Clinton couple years back when some woman did accused him bout rape ??? Dats why dutty kellyann still a carry belly fi di Clinton’s.

  6. Anon u too damn lie bout di FBI even dutty Mich McConnell wah mi nuh like she he’s all for probe inna di Russia ting an when I hear him come out an support dat u must kno. Unuh delusional like unuh crooked president elect.

  7. Mi say a caa stand di dutty bitch kelly Ann, a mussi one a trump gyal weh him “grab by the pussy” the whole world know say sumin nuh right bout this bloodclaat election! And di person up top you is a trump cheerleader? Get the f**k outa here!

  8. Met anyhow a hillary did win,yuh woulda see how dem duh her. Been a dig out di woman kaka hole! Worse than weh dem a duh now. It grieve mi to pussycaltttttt

    1. Mi sehhhhhhhhhhhhhh all now dema kill har and di woman nuh seh nothing but mi waa di whole house of cards tumble right down pan trump

  9. GM Met n bloggers! Let me say this if the electoral collage do not vote in Trump his followers are going to incite a race war. The stage is already set, what I would want to see is that he goes in the white house then get impeached. That would be the best outcome, it is said that more guns and ammunition have been sold since this election. All me affi say is when it start I will be back on the land of my birth O!

      1. And Obama is setting the stage for that. Notice him dont bring up back Obama name , mi nuh want no closed door impeachment dem fi mek dat trial public

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