My wife beats me blue-black, please separate us before she kills me’

“When the day is over, my heart beats faster because I dread going home all because there is a tigress waiting to pounce on me.” This is no other person than my wife.

These were the words of Mr Timilehin Adewole before Ojo Oba /Mapo Grade C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Timilehin had sought for divorce from his wife, Kehinde Adewole at the court on account of constant beating.

He, therefore, prayed the court to dissolve their marriage and grant him custody of their only child.

“The greatest mistake I ever made in life was marrying my wife, Timilehin told the court.

“While we were courting, she was as gentle as a dove and presented herself a decent lady, but changed immediately we got married.

“The first thing I noticed about her when we got married was her domineering attitude and the fact that she loves to have her way..

“Whenever we were discussing or trying to take decisions concerning the home, she would always insist things should be done in her own way.

“Initially, we would argue and sometimes keep malice for days, but I learnt to overlook things and defer to her on several occasions, the man stated.

“Gradually, she began to take me for granted and started acting as the head of the home.

“She started giving me orders and dictating how I should live and spend each day.

“She tells me how much I should leave for food, and what time to leave home and return.

“When my phone rings, she will either pick my call or listen to my conversation.

“There was a day I discovered she had gone through my text messages. I challenged her and before I knew it, she slapped me twice.

“I went blind for a moment. We fought and she beat the hell out of me.

“Since then, she has turned me into her punching bag.

“Since I wasn’t brought up in a home where men beat their wives, I feel reluctant hitting her back anytime she beats me.

“She has now capitalized on my reluctance to retaliate. Anytime we fight, she will lock the door, pounce on me and hit me until she’s satisfied.

“She would sometimes sit on me, punch and bite me and even hit me with dangerous objects, “he added.

“I have gone to the office several times with swollen face or marks on my body.

“I’m also a regular patient in the hospital where I seek medical attention due to pains and body ache as a result of her assault.

“I have become an object of ridicule in the neighbourhood while my relatives avoid my home.

“My lord, please grant me divorce before I die, “the plaintiff stated.

The defendant failed to appear in court despite being served court notice twice. The court president, Chief Ademola Odunade, after listening to the plaintiff, observed that he was fed up with his marriage.

He, therefore, ruled that the marriage be dissolved. He awarded custody of their only child to the defendant and ordered the plaintiff to pay N3,000 monthly as the child’s feeding allowance and be responsible for her education and health care.


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