Robert Seaga Johnson now going as Sylvester Johnson….bk to old ways… bk in Jamaica terrorizing male employees at a well known montego bay resort.

He was fired this week only after the leaking of the attached audio.

In the recording you will hear Johnson a manager at the hotel offering to give the employee “head” and later recounting a sweaty hour n half long tryst with an employee at another hotel.

Johnson is a trained teacher who is on the run from the UK after his wife caught him on hidden camera performing s*xual acts with boys at the school they both taught. He has since been in hiding in Jamaica working in the newsroom of a major radio station as just Robert Johnson.

Fired from the radio station after forgery of documents, Johnson begun working at a series of Negril area resorts. Last year he surfaced in news reports of s*xual acts on schoolboys in Connecticut USA. He has since returned to Jamaica using the name Sylvester Johnson.

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