“My husband has stopped eating my food; now eats from his mother’s pot, woman tells court

Modinat Mouruf has stated before Oja Oba/Mapo Grade C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, she’s no longer interested in her five-year-old marriage to her husband, Rauf Mouruf.

Modinat told the court their union is blessed with two children and that her husband had abandoned his role as breadwinner and passed his responsibilities to her.

She thus prayed the court to terminate their union and grant her custody of their children in order to give them proper care.

She stated thus: ”I got married to my husband in year 2012 and he promised to take care of me.

“Few weeks after we got married, he started displaying irresponsible acts.

“He would refuse to leave feeding allowance and would ask me to take it from my purse with a promise to pay me back.

“Any time I asked for the refund of my money, he would get angry and quarrel with me. After a while, he started beating me.

“He would descend on me with heavy blows during any misunderstanding and leave me with a swollen face, “the plaintiff told the court.

“He also neglected me while pregnant with our first and second children and failed to play his role as father to them.

“I’m solely responsible for the children’s education because he’s indifferent to anything that has to do with their academics.

“For some time now, he has refused to eat anything I cook. He now eats from his mother’s pot.

“I complained to his mother but she told me his son has the right to eat anywhere he likes. She added that he had been eating from her pot from cradle and so prefers her food to mine.

“My mother-in-law reported me to my husband and lied against me. My husband without asking me what transpired between the two of us, accused me of being rude to his mother and beat the hell out of me.

“He has refused to talk to me since then while there has been no interaction between us.

“My lord, it’s obvious my husband no more loves me. He also cares less about the children’s wellbeing. I, therefore, plead with the court to separate us so that I can start my life afresh and take good care of our children.

Rauf refused to show up in court after being served a court summon and court hearing twice.

Giving his judgment, the court president, Chief Ademola Odunade, dissolved their union and gave the plaintiff custody of the children.

The defendant was directed to pay N8, 000 monthly through the court as the children’s feeding allowance and make provision for their education and health care.

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