And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that the Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye went, until ye came into this place. Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord your God, who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in, in fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should go, and in a cloud by day. Deuteronomy 1:31 – 33

This is a sad commentary on the attitude of God’s people. God travelled through the wilderness with them, caring for them just as a father cares for his children, yet, they could not to trust God. You may want to sit back and say these Israelites were horrible doubting Thomases who couldn’t even be persuaded by the cloud and fire of God that they could move along with them but we do worse today! The blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, the lame walk in the presence of God and we still wonder if God can deliver us and break the chains that have held us bound.

You worry each night as you go to bed wondering where tomorrow’s meal will come from, how your children’s fees will be paid, whether your husband who always stays out late is going to give you a divorce notice, ignoring the voice of the spirit whispering the love and faith of God into your heart. God is with us, nothing, no one can be against us.

When John the Baptist was being incarcerated by Herod he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask if he was the messiah and Jesus told them to go and tell John what they see; the sick were being healed and demon oppressed were being set free. Let the signs and wonders that follow the word of faith today strengthen your faith and confidence in God

Liberation thought: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your understanding.

Further reading: Hebrews 11


I choose to believe and anchor my faith on the promises of God upon my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
Father, I thank you because I am standing upon your word, the rock that never fails, in the mighty name of Jesus!

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