In a bizarre incident a 14-year-old Mvurwi boy was arrested for allegedly raping a 56-year-old woman during day light in the bush on Thursday.

Sources close to investigations allege the boy has a S*xually Transmitted Infection (STI) and he reportedly penetrated once unprotected.

“The boy’s manhood is rotten with an STI though he is denying the charge the complaint told us that he raped her without a condom once,” revealed the source.

Efforts to contact Mashonaland Central acting police spokesperson Petros Maskati hit a snag after his mobile phone went unanswered.

However, some sources familiar with the incident told that the boy was believed to have been on a raping spree dressed like a girl.

“The boy was wearing a dress purportedly on a raping mission he allegedly strangled the old woman and ordered her to lay down before raping her once.

After the said rape she ordered the woman to go away as he arm bushed other potential prey.

The victim subsequently told people who were at a cemetery leading to his arrest,” the source explained. Cases of rape are on the increase in Mashonaland Central despite massive awareness by the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

2 thoughts on “WTF AFRICA- 14 YO RAPES 56YO

  1. Seet deh … Jamaica is not the worst.This yute is the worst of Africa as a ppl n continent.He must be hung by the balls n gutted like the pig he is!

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