In response to the Gleaner article entitled ‘Seaga to get special honour for contribution to Jamaica’ published on the 23rd of February, 2018, I wonder if all of Jamaica is going to stand still while further honour is to be made to one of the countries most destabilizing person. The CIA who cares for no one but the American agenda having worked with Seaga have since 2010 declassified details of their work with Seaga (and the Gleaner company) to oust and discredit the Manley government, at the cost of hundreds of Jamaican lives and the economy.
This is the link to the CIA report, Covert Action Information Bulletin which is just one of the many declassified documents of Seaga’s work with the CIA.
The so called “Jamaican model”, which is removing a government by the ballot, which was said to be a success by the CIA‎ is now being used in Venezuela.

Rather than honour should we not be looking at crime against the Jamaican people? Let’s stop further honouring someone that is likely to be stripped of it all by an enlighten people in the future.

George Scarlett
Avid Researcher


  1. So true. Seaga a the biggest pussyole Jamaica ever see. I wonder if him sleep comfortable a night time knowing that he made a major contribution to the current state of affairs in Jamaica. Him fi die a slow and horrible death dat wicked pussy. i remember growing up in the ghetto as a child, mi see big excitement and gathering dung the road. Baaare man! one man run come up the road wid gun inna him hand and ask mi Uncle if him a eediat. Seaga a gi out gun dung the road, if him nuh want none.

  2. i have been saying this for a longtime. Seaga was and still is in charge of Tivoli Gardens, the mother of all garrisons.

    What is he getting an award for? He allowed Tivoli to be what it is now.

  3. A neva, and still don’t trust none a dem white ppl deh inna we country… none! A long time mi a question certain tings from mi a youth wah still unanswered to dis day… but slowly and surely dem a come een wid growth.

  4. those rastas or their surviving decendents should check to see if there is a statute of limitations and if not, review whatever legal means available to sue his backside for uprooting them or their ancestors from “back-o-wall” to create what we come to know now as tivoli gardens, if we’re reviewing the feasibility of suing queenie for reparations for slavery then why not him?

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