You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor. Job:18 – 19

We have been called to live a life of hope and peace in God. It is in our complete surrender and trust in the almighty power of the Most High God that we can indeed experience Him as God in our lives. The devil goes about like a roaring lion, making loud noises to distract us and make us feel insecure. However, we have the divine responsibility of refusing to be distracted by the roar of the devil and to also discipline ourselves to feel safe and secure in spite of all that is going wrong.

Jesus was in the boat with his disciples and He was sleeping peacefully in the boat while the storms raged and threatened to tear the boat apart. The disciples cried out in fear and woke Him up; they felt He was not bothered about the fact that they were about to perish at sea. Have you ever considered the fact that the boat could have successfully crossed to the other side despite the storm?

The storms raged and troubled the boat but Jesus felt secure enough to sleep because He knew the devil could not successfully harm Him. Jesus knew that the attack against His life will fail just like it failed those times that they took Him to the edge of the cliff to push Him down to His death. After all, He had boldly declared that He was the only one who could lay His life down for death. Satan and all his demons could not pull a strand of hair off His head! Open your heart and let the Spirit of God strengthen and make you bold. When you lie down to sleep, be secure and confident that no armed robber or hired assassin will locate you. As you go about your daily business, be secure and confident that no harm can come to you. You are too connected, too secured to be harmed!

Liberation thought: God has not given us the spirit of fear

Further reading: Mark 4:35 – 41


I rebuke every power working against my hope and confidence in God, in the name of Jesus
Let the Blood of Jesus, drown and destroy witchcraft meetings summoned against my life, in the name of Jesus.


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