Hmid. After seeing so much inquiries about loan applications and best loan places and what not, ive been exploring the idea of starting a loan company. Cuz honestly, most of these loan places are just rip offs and honest hard working people are being the targets. I would really like to start a loan business but im not sure of the requirements and all. Coupd u ask the pinkians what are the steps and i would like to kinda give small business loans, tuition, payday and and eventually tap into to plastic surgery cuz me know a money a keep back some of these women. 😂😂 but seriously i need to know so i can jump at it immediately. Thanks
Contact FSC.
If u want to set up shop in Jamaica then the first step is the financial services commission since you need to be certified fit and proper to offer financial services.Once you clear that hurdle,u can link the Small business bureau or Jamaica Building development commission.Companies Office has all the forms you will need to register your business.Best of luck, wouldn’t mind being your 4th client!
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