In a major blow to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Britain’s highest court has ruled that his decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks in the crucial countdown to the country’s Brexit deadline was illegal.
The unanimous, strongly worded Supreme Court judgment on Tuesday declared Johnson’s order to suspend Parliament “void and of no effect.”
The court found that Johnson’s suspension had the effect of limiting debate by lawmakers on Britain’s impending departure from the European Union in violation of Parliament’s constitutional role.
The landmark decision was quickly criticised by Johnson and prompted calls for him to quit from opposition leaders.
The Conservative prime minister and Parliament have been at odds since he took power in July with the goal of taking Britain out of the EU on October 31 with or without a divorce deal.
Johnson vowed Tuesday that he will not resign and was flying back to London from New York overnight. Parliament resumes Wednesday.
Former Prime Minister John Major says he hopes the U.K. Supreme Court ruling will prevent any future prime ministers from attempting to shut down Parliament in order to block it from doing its duty.
Major said Tuesday he was “delighted” with the court ruling. He had joined the successful case against Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to close Parliament.
“No prime minister must ever treat the monarch or Parliament in this way again,” he said, adding that having Parliament sit is clearly in the national interest.
It was unusual for a former prime minister to take legal action against a sitting prime minister, especially since both are members of the same Conservative Party.
The British government is in a mighty big mess, an wat the hell boris no bout running a country kmt, country dunn fa
Said it before! boris won’t last! the british people will feel the brunt a year from now unless there is an interruption of the inevitable, far right movement accross europe will be a relic next election cycle or two, however not in ideology, the only remaining country where far right government will stick is hungary and possibly czech republic if they go that route come election time, all the disgruntlement against angel markle, if the german people make that fateful mistake which I doubt they will, they would see everything they accomplished in 70 years go down the drain in 7 months, I think by now everybody learnt their lesson from we all know who and where! :thumbup
Respect and honor to the UK politicians who saw it fit to take Boris Johnson to court for thinking he could abuse his power and get away with it. Jamaican citizens seems as if that are not aware that they too can take the government and other officials to court if they break the law or are acting outside of their jurisdiction. When police killed your loved ones take the government to court,don’t just sis down and stress yourselves out. No one is not above the law , including, prime minister and other government officials. Look at that Ruel guy, why is he not arrested as yet. From the police are doing their jobs, they should know the defination of a crime, this man committed fraud, why was he not arrested. The police should not wait for politicians to tell them whether or not someone who has committed a criminal offence should be arrested.
What is happening in Jamaica is , there is complete disregard for law and order, if you don’t mind sharp jamaica might be moving towards a dictatorship. Presently there is no accountability for none of the leaders and opposition actions.
This could Never be allowed happen in the UK. The problems started when the citizens started electing dons as politicians, these dons at times could hardly read or write, so how could you expect them to understand what is being discussed in parliament?
People, this is a time where technology can be readily accessible, go and do your own research, go and read the Jamaican Consituation, and start to learn about your rights and when it’s being infringed and what steps you can take to remedy it. In there you will find what the government and the judiciary jobs are.
And to those who think the sun start and set up in the Chinese arse, go and read up on Noranda, where you will find that most company where they are in minority partnership , they ending up taking over the whole company. Look at their track records on how they devastate and leave other countries. Look to see if the Jamaican government actually owns 51% of the company and you will see that noranda owns all of it. Go and look for yourselves. Go and see how much billions that company owns and the pittance that they are giving to the Jamaican government for our land and natural resources.FOR STARTERS GO TO WIKIPEDIA. THAT WAY YOU CANNOT SAY WE ARE HERE SPREADING PROPAGANDA. GON AND LOOK TO SEE WHAT OTHER MINERALS THEY HAVE FOUND IN JAMAICA AND THEN ACT AS IF IT’S ONLY BAUXITE THEY ARE INTERESTED IN. ASK YOURSELVES , IF they have a 50 years contract to mine on the island, where will let they be mining next? After all Jamaica is a very small country, why should they need 50 years to mine on it. Don’t you think of your children and your children’s children’s?
When they dig up the graves that you are presently bury your love ones, where will they throw the bones? Have you ever ask yourself, what they did with the ancestors bones that they dug up in the areas that they have mined already, or the family burial grounds that they dug up after paying the owners for the land. Ask yourselves these questions and don’t think it’s too far fetched and cannot affect you because in order for them to mine for fifty years, they will need land and the next piece of land might belongs to you or your family.
Mike Henry is a piece of shite, because he is allowing this to happen. Please I ask you just like you come on this site to gather information, go and do your own research and come to your own conclusion. Don’t take it from me, or the politicians or Noranda. Read it for yourself. Ask yourself, if the bauxite is such a big business for jamaica why is it not floated on the stock market? Why is it a privite limited company? The answer for this last question is, because when it’s time for Noranda to take over the so called 51% shares that the so called jamaican government owns, it can only be sold to Noranda and then they will completely own all the land that they are mining.
Go and read how they have done this in other business dealings before and in the meantime changes their names.
If this were happening in the UK, a lot of politicians would have to retired or fired from their post. They would also have to show what is in that contractual agreement, they would have to be brought a select commitee to answer these questions that are bothering the electorate. I hope it’s not a memorandum of understanding, as I said before it would not be legally binding. However, it seems as if the Jamaican government and it’s citizen are quite impressed with these words which has little meaning. The Govonor General needs to say something as well, because if this is happening, as a requirement he is aware of what is going on.
Thank you for the information! I will have to do some research on this! We the people have to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions and in order to do that we have to know our rights!
It would be funny if Boris and Trump get the old hevOh same time!
Republicans will not allow “Him” to get Impeached. “He” is there to carry out agendas.
Thanks for those giving a thumbs down, if you are a jamaican , you are one of those likey likey ones, gwan through, I am sorry for your children, because, there is nothing of value you could teach them, how sad!!!…
How much could you be bought for?
@Anonymous 10:11pm, the governor general is mum because remember, he represent the queen on the island, he is the liason between her and the coots that administers her territory! one of the biggest misunderstanding jamaican people experience is believing that the country is theirs, I said it many times over and I’ll say it again! not even the land belong to black people and thats why we’re faced with the problems we’re facing now with the country, we were only born on the land and nothing else more being the majority by population numbers, all the plundering of the land by pirates and mercenaries, proceeds from the profits are paid to queenie through a back door process, and we the people pay the tax to queenie through the front door process in the form of IMF/IDB and other international source of financing etc, don’t think for one bit that when we pay on the debts some of the monies are not forwarded to queenie’s pocket, the jamaican people would be appalled at what they don’t know, we are kept poor and impoverished for a reason, so as the majority on the land, we don’t take the country and the land from who actually OWNS them :2thumbup Anonymous! this one is way bigger than research :tkp
You are welcome. Another thing is, did you notice that when the Noranda so call employees were demonstrating last week with the printed placards saying its propaganda that being spread by those against Noranda mining. Well look closely, there was no Noranda official headings on those signs. Do you know why? The answere is, because they know that if their official details were there, it would have confirmed there was genuine contractual agreement and obligations. But because, they are the one who are misleading the public ( the government already knows) they could not have their details there, it could have been used against them in a law suit.
Why are they reluctant to answer questions being asked? What agreement did the jamaican Government made regarding the , he ancestors buried there, were / are they being disgarded like rubbish?
Recently, Minister Bably Grange said that they would be appealing to the British Government to return artifacts taken from jamaica when it was under British rule. Now you would think that if they are so interested in our ancestors artifacts, should not more emphasis be placed on their burial site being desecrated and to preserve them? Should they not bring in archilogical experts to see if there are artifacts like the chains that used to be placed on these people hands and feet; the metal masks that used to be placed around their faces; any african objects that were brought over from the motherland in that era. Items like these are priceless to us who are a product of the slave trade. And it would be a wonderful things for jamaica to have in her museum.
Artifacts along with the history being taught might make those who are bleaching their skins to look white, and those who are ashamed of being a product of our enslaved ancestors begin to feel proud of their resilience. They would be able to see the instrument’s of torture that was used on them.
No amount of money that any company give to jamaica is worth this history. Over the years of mining, what improvement has been done to jamaica? The politicians pocketed it all.
The people of jamaica seems to think that the Chinese are building roads and highways for free, they are not, they are give land in exchange and also over thirty years of the toll money collected. Also , Chinese things might look pretty, however, they are not of any high quality. Look at how many Chinese built buildings and roads are collapsing each year in China, Google it for yourself. The Chinese are interested in roads and highways so that it would be easier for them to transport the valuable resources they are taking from other countries. Why are they not interested in building schools, hospitals? Because, they cannot make any money out of those. The new thing is for them offering to build countries buildings that hold the parliament, why. So they can eavesdrop on what is gowing on, being debated.
Go and look on YouTube how they are treating the people of Africa, try and read up on chinas agenda. The Chinese think of themselves alone. All this that they are doing is for world dominance. Please don’t be fooled. Read up on the plans that they have in place for the next 100 years.
Their work on this agenda has already begun. They are purchasing properties around the world, and notice, they are always properties that is close to the sea or rivers. Why, in time to come it will be easier for them to bring in their arms, to subdue any uprising and fresh water is essential for man to live.
Don’t be surprised to know that in jamaica, they are already diverting water from the rivers to the properties that the stupid jamaican government gave away to them. Omar zDavis you too are involved in this shites big time , I hope before you die , you suffer like a dog.
*nothing else more than being the majority by population numbers*
Jamaican citizens around the world, are you aware that both the JLP and the opposition PNP parties want to change from the Queen being heads of state to a Republic government where we have a Presiden and presently Holness is pushing for that now? Pretty soon, jamaica will be a dictatorship. My god.
This might sound harsh but the only thing that can save Jamaica at this point is temporary dictatorship because this state of emergency BS is not working.We are living in a lawless society.
@Anonymous 2:07pm! Its not up to them! again, Jamaica is the queen’$ property, not even great britain! its her or her royal heir decedent(s) that would have the final say, like it or not, or believe it or not, even if the Jamaican people decide on it through a national referendum, the results will be sabotaged to favour the queen some way, some how :2thumbup the only 2 sovereign independent nations in the carribean is Cuba and Haiti, not even sure about DR :travel
*her royal heir decendents*
I would prefer to be under Her Majesty rule than to be under the Chinese.
If you look at countries like Canada;New Zealand and Australia, all these countries has been independent from Great Britain, however theyou choose to remain in the commonwealth, where the Queen is the head of state.
These countries are capable of taking care of themselves however, they have the good sense to know that it’s in their best interest to stay close to Great Britain.
Should war starts tomorrow, all these English speaking countries will come together as one to fight.
Should war really happen, China will aligned themselves with Russia and those other dictatorship government.
Being so close to the USA, it would be in jamaica best interest to stay close to them. What do you think will happen when there’s food shortages? Do you think China will be sending food for you? Keep it real. The Chinese interest in jamaica is for two things, the first is the important strategic position and proximity of jamaica to the USA. The second reason being, they see that the Jamaican government and it’s people are so gullible and greedy that it would be easy to infiltrate the country under false pretence of giving assistance for the growth of the country while at the same time, plundering the country’s natural resources. Where if the Jamaican government really had a vision, brand Jamaica, if properly advertised would eliviate a lot of the financial pressure that we are constantly experiencing, where there would be jobs, higher standard of living for its citizens
There is constant rhetoric about USA want to take over Jamaica and that Jamaica is not fully independent from the UK. The Question that needs to be asked, can jamaica prosper on its own if they are not to some extent dependant on these two countries? Why then, is both the US and UK are overflowing with immigrants from jamaica and other English speaking countries, not to mention, the black immigrants.
Since you think China has your best interest at heart, why don’t you immigrate to China instead? Why don’t you go there and open businesses; demand that your human rights be addressed when violated; demand your freedom of speech; being able to participate in the country’s government; not to be imprisoned without cause,or being locked up in definatelyetc.
These are things that because we are used to them, we presently take them for granted
Why was it that , when Zimbabwe was going through their crisis with the embargo and food shortages , why did China not send food there to help those people who were starving?
The USA and Great Britain are two of the greatest countries to have as allies for English speaking nations. Don’t let anyone fool you. If oil rich countries like saudia arabia want to have a positive relationship with both USA AND UK, WHO IS LITTLE JAMAICA TO THINK THEY DON’T NEED THOSE RELATIONSHIP?
THE JAMAICAN GOVERNMENT being so corrupted, have over extended themselves, where they owe Mmoney left right and center to China, and China wants it now, this is why they are selling out the country for cheap, under the pretence of business transactions. They have to pretty it up.
Jamaican citizens please wake up out of your slumbering mentality. You have access to the www, go and read, go and listen to what your leaders are saying when they are speaking to the international community and media. Look at what is happening around the world about climate change and people demonstrating that government takes action now, look at the demonstration that Chinese citizens are presently having. Look at the demonstration against brexit in the UK. Look what the world media is saying about the Chinese involvement in third world countries and the negative impact on the countries.
Yes, they have money, but money is not and should not be everything, it’s not everything that’s shine is gold.