•I Can Do Whatever I Like With My Children —Man
My husband tried to give out our 13-yr-old daughter in marriage immediately she started menstruating, woman tells court

marriage, new islamic sect, behaving irrationally, children
He’s an irresponsible husband and father. He planned giving out our 13-year-old daughter in marriage immediately she started menstruating.”

“I’m free to do whatever I like with the children, they are mine. If she’s insisting on divorce, then let it be. I have nothing to lose since I have taken another wife.”

A woman, Monsurat Abdulakeem has dragged her husband, Mosheed Abdulakeem before Oja Oba/ Mapo Court C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Monsurat alleged that her husband was irresponsible and cared less about her welfare and that of their children. The plaintiff added that the defendant joined a new Islamic sect and started behaving irrationally.

Monsurat told the court she could no longer stick with her husband’s unreasonable ways and thus appealed to the court to put a stop to their relationship.

Mosheed agreed to divorce.

According to him, he had taken a new wife, therefore the plaintiff could go if she so wished.

Monsurat in her evidence said:”I’m tired of playing a dual role in the home. My husband has hands-off taking care of our children. He’s not interested in their welfare. He left the duty of feeding and clothing them to me.

“I’m the one responsible for their education as well, because this is not his priority. Till date, he doesn’t know how much each of them pays as fees.

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“My lord, Mosheed joined a new Islamic sect and started behaving irrationally. I have tried to bear with his atrocities but I believe I’ve had enough.

“While other fathers are striving to make a future for their children, Mosheed’s plan is to truncate that of ours.

‘He would impregnate me, make my parents responsible for…

He rarely sleeps at home, denies me sex when he’s around…

She dealt treacherously with me, walked out of our marriage…

I built her a school, shop, yet she starves me, turned our…

“My lord, I was astonished when I discovered he was planning to give out the hand of our 13-year-old daughter in marriage. He waited patiently till she started her menstruation and stated making arrangements with her suitor for their wedding. According to him, he was carrying out the dictates of his new fate.

“I took our daughter away from home because I didn’t want him to truncate her future.

“My lord, Mosheed has consistently made life difficult for me. He has made our marriage a hellish one. I’m no longer interested in him, “she stated.

Mosheed, who was in court, said “My lord, I believe I can do whatever I like with the children because they are mine.

“Monsurat has been waging war with me in the home since I joined this new fate and I have always told her that there is no going back on my decision.

“My new fate demands that I carry out some activities on daily basis which explains my absence from home. I have explained this to her several times but she has refused to understand.

“My lord, Monsurat aborted arrangements for our daughter’s wedding when it had already reached the climax. She took our daughter away from home and gave me a bad name before her suitor and his family members.

“If Monsurat’s desire is to leave me, then let it be. I have nothing to lose since I have taken a second wife,” he concluded.

Giving his judgment after he had heard both parties, the court president, Chief Ademola Odunade, observed that their marriage had broken down.

Ruling, he dissolved their union and granted custody of their four children to the plaintiff.

The defendant was ordered to pay the sum of N20, 000 monthly through the court as their feeding allowance.

He was also mandated to be responsible for their education and health care.

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