Hi, big up to your page by the way. Plz post this, you have a teacher at Excelsior College…who keeps send students up on work and travel for a bus load of money. Once they are there…they can’t complain or he refuses them an extension. Imagine spending almost 4K USD only for someone to take disadvantage of you. The fucker also slept with students…but that’s a different tea.
HMID GM please repost
So last year I went on work and Travel with my then School, Excelsior Community College. It was a disaster! I feel compelled to advice students to not use Mr. Daley( international officer) nor his agent who seeks the jobs abroad, Mrs. Shawn Kerfoot. She’s a scammer and he’s very unethical. Can you believe someone who should operate as a professional…is hindering students future because they disagree with him. The last job he sent us on we didn’t eat good food for 6 months. Just cup soup. Hungry nearly kill we. It’s a long story. Students and whoever this may concern…please seek outside agencies! There’s a lot! DO NOT USE MR. DALEY and his company T.R.I.O, nor Shawn. I wish you all the best.
Please post picture, I wish the principal of Excelsior Community College knew how he was bully students and using his profession and status to intimidate students. ANYWAYS karma is a bitch and he has children. Let’s see how life plays out.
Sender, why don’t bring up your concerns with the department head of the program, even anonymously, there is also the Ministry of Education. Also, when you are going to attack someone’s character you need to provide full details of how their character is less than ideal for them to hold the position they have. This is not the appropriate platform for this, we do not know if this is sent with malicious intent or if it is a honest review. Because “travel and work” doesn’t tell me if this is an exchange program or if it is a co-op program or even which department or programs are involved.
If you spent 4k US to gain international experience and you feel that the program fell short of what it promised then bring this up with the college the right way so future students will be protected. Colleges have a college newspaper, maybe even a college radio station, these are the places where you can reach students and provide a honest review of your experience.
This is why you enquire before you leave. Go with agencies that provide insurance for u, so if your employer or others try to take advantage you are covered.
Secondly, don’t you guys get your cash in your hand??
You can do whatever you want with your money. That’s not their business. Buy proper food to nourish your body.
Thirdly, try to help others and shut this down. Report his trifling ass.
Next time try SWAT, they’re cheaper and good and many other agencies are there you can use.
I knw sir daley, and I just wanna ask you to stop tornish his reputation, he is a good man. That man help out nuff poor students like my self to go on the programme and mek we knw what owning a million dollar feels like.. sir daley has no control over what you do while you are overseas, therefore, he cannot say if you can get a extension or not!, Your programme extension depends on you! Your work attitude. Then the organization owners/managers file for your extension with u.. you said you are an excelsior student so i knw you did law.. defamation of ones character can be deemed as a criminal offense. Please to stop…and remember the old proverbs,” the same mouth wah say yaah …turn round come seh naaah… so nuh follow ppl
Excuse me?? I replied to a post. How do you reply to my comment talking about defamation?? I don’t know these people and I’m giving my view on the matter. As I am free to. No lawsuit can occur from this, you have absolutely no idea who sent the story in so stfu.
Stating the person is immature is not your place and stupid to be frank, attending college doesn’t guarantee you becoming a mature person. You have no idea what he/she went through. If he sleeps with people to help them ( highly unprofessional) and do not follow through with what a person signed to he should be reported.
Stop entertaining fucked up behavior. That’s kinda saying he can do whatever he wants because he helps people. Dwl
Complete bullshit!!!
I agree 1000% as a student that has been with said agency more than 3 times
Be careful how you speak about a person’s character. Deformation of character is grounds for a law suit. You seemed very certain of your allegations, however there are other ways of dealing with the situation. Public broadcast is very immature for a college graduate.
The word is defamation FYI. You ought to know that, turning your nose up at someone for speaking up. Sad case.
Deformation = ???????????
I think the word you are looking for is: Defamation
I think this might be helpful before initiating a lawsuit.
I knw sir daley, and I just wanna ask you to stop tornish his reputation, he is a good man. That man help out nuff poor students like my self to go on the programme and mek we knw what owning a million dollar feels like.. sir daley has no control over what you do while you are overseas, therefore, he cannot say if you can get a extension or not!, Your programme extension depends on you! Your work attitude. Then the organization owners/managers file for your extension with u.. you said you are an excelsior student so i knw you did law.. defamation of ones character can be deemed as a criminal offense. Please to stop…and remember the old proverbs,” the same mouth wah say yaah …turn round come seh naaah… so nuh follow ppl
Lol funny enough you sound exactly like Mr. Duane Daley, who is head of the international body that signs off on students traveling or not. I know it’s you because you spell to save your life.
I highly believe such matters should be made public, gone in my days we didn’t experience such disgusting behavior. I urge this matter brought to the relevant authorities, such as the college broad of directors, ministry of education. We can not continue to have a person saying that they with the students when they are only interested in filling up their pockets.
Report him, I say. One can only imagine how many students had suffered under his watch. Talk about being ethical, such a person should not be working amongst our kids. Giving them false hope that the grass is greener on the other side when it is not. This matter should be brought to the relevant authorities, I wish the Ministry of Education would get involved in this matter. Since he is a lecture of Excelsior Community College, where does the college stand in all this, does the college know about the daily happenings of him dealing students, are they keeping track with what is being done with the program and students. Does he give the college a report on his work? Where is the college in all of this?
If something is not done, then it will only continue. If all the accusations are true, then he should be fired promptly, and those who work with them in this Ponzi scheme. There are so many questions to be asked here.
Targeting students for YOUR personal gains is DISGUSTING and UNETHICAL.
The time we take to be here replying to each other comments, we can get this out in the public.
How we know that the person making this report is truthful? There are some very devious persons out there. Sometimes people cast the blame on others for their shortcomings. I do hope the individual go in to the college and make a formal complaint. If they are talking the truth, then that shouldn’t be an issue.
I would love to find out who to report this very unprofessional and unethical individual Mr. D. Daley of Excelsior Community College to. As I have had similar experiences with his behaviour when he does not get his way. He is a very vindictive individual who does not at any time have the students best interest at heart
What I think is people don’t research before they do things like this …. I am a student that has been with said agency for more than three times in a row and with u saying that this is a scam nth cyah go so because for one I knw when u arrived in America u had a job along with every other documents that are needed in order to work over there and in regards to u eating cup soup that has nth to do with the agency I know while signing your contract there was a section that stated that u were responsible for ur food, mental health etc so I think before u guys come on the internet and say certain things u should really figure out where it went wrong for you