Some of you know we help Angela Crew and her daughter from time to time . A few years ago someone offered me some money and I asked them to send it to her and she needed a mattress at the time and bought one . She is wheelchair bound and wears pampers so overtime the mattress was soiled and needed to be replaced and also a fan. I asked her to check the prices and was taken aback by the markup on the items. I reached out to two people for help and Shemara from Taboo came through fully for her . I was able to send a very good fan down and found a mattress factory that was able to add the extra support to the mattress, wrap it and deliver it to her….I must say thank you from the bottom of my heart because I didnt have to ask twice. You are awesome!
From the pic you see that the room may not be in the greatest of conditions and I want to have it painted. What I also want is to have her start something for herself in order for her daughter to be comfortable. Angela needs another wheelchair also, so if there is anyone with a chair that is almost new please let me know

This is awesome
Very good news to hear. I wonder what was happening with her and Kevin Robinson. Is Kevin selling his art now?
Love it !!!! God bless you met!