These men are all my batchmates while attending NCU, if u can cover their faces plz, the guy circled however is the piece of shit that touched the little boy, I’m not trying to out anyone because as I said before a few of the guys that graduated my year are gays, and I dnt care abt wat grown ppl do with their personal lives, but when u gone trouble little boys that’s a different story.
Every SDA pastor right now in Jamaica especially the young ones know Anthony white, and knew about the situation long time, from early last year and the church hasn’t made a statement since. It’s sad that these are the same ppl that say they want to bring us closer to “God” when they won’t speak out against the wrong that’s going on. Injustice and where is a threat against justice everywhere. The police need it contact that pedifile family. He’s from Troy Trewlany and ppl know where he is.
Adventist Church always pointing fibgers at others they always miss their own doing same and worse. They produce the Jim Jones and David Koresh of the world and still have time to worry about others. No pedophile should be protected by any religious group. Even you sender can anonymously report this person and let the law take their course. All reports of pedophilia will always be investigated because of the severity of the crime, so if you know something send an anonymous tip.
Well said!! They are just like the jehovah’s witnesses. Alot of these religious organizations is a pedophile paradise. Look what’s happening around the world with the jehovah’s witnesses now. It’s a huge problem with them it’s even worst than the catholic but all of these religious institutions shares alot in common.
I told my mom about the story the other day, and she asked me who was the pastor, because she thinks it’s pastor white.. know, look at this
(Jamaican) woman love of B**ty Man friendship must stop, else your sons will become their lovers. Ladies stop entertaining these lifestyle else we will pay with our children. We made great mistakes entertaining pedophifiles around young girls by acting oblivious. Please don’t make the same mistake with our boys.
Sick stomach thing. Deformity of the brain – some Andrew Gillum shit.
On another note Met or Metters, I’ve heard that one of the biggest Faggie in JA occupy the big old house (with national guards) cross di road from TGIF – by order of the Queen.
Spends a lot of time with them under the sick-a-more tree in the night time – Squaddy dem know what a guh down! Anyone knows about it should run di file!