- by Met

Please hide my ID. Hi met. I’ve been with my husband for 20 years been married for 12. He got sent back to Jamaica and throughout the entire time I supported him financially. Mind you we have 3 kids together. He spent 11 years there until I was able to file for him and bring him back. When he was there he made all kinds of promises to take care of us when he come. I bought a house for myself and have a good job. Once he got here, he completely changed. Within the first 3 months he started to cheat on me. He claimed it was only texting. He started to save and didn’t tell me. On top of that I can’t talk to him without him getting upset and angry. He has adopted this cocky attitude. My heart is telling me to walk away because this man does not love me.
Lady leave met alone please.
Well man he got wat he wanted and now you mean nothing to him. It’s the truth soon he’ll start finding faults with u,just sit him down one day and ask him if he wants to remain married if him take long to answer read his actions they speak a lot. Since he’s secretly saving up money look out for him to tell u hes moving out and need space.
Have you tried counseling?
“Have you tried counseling?”
Yuh mean apart from sending this story to this site?
BTW, what is the question sender?
:ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
Should she stay or go?
She nah go no where because she been “the man” in the relationship all along and those type of women like “to mek it work”.