I’m writing in regards to need of some jamiacan and wise street wise advice in regards to a life altering and evil situation that regard some person in high profile and my life and my having extraordinary life story and having sorry to say stupid white or corrupt sociopath family and dumb flight deck call it bro.
ok being that I had to suffer at hands of sfwp, who put me through hell for being an artist a sick father and then some 15 years later of me escape something of 11 years of torture b various sorcery and sorcerers sources. I travel to jamicaa to do my next part of my recovery in a miracle to escape a prison and terrorist abuse as target person in some kind of game. I was left to run. to nyc as kid vulnerable and endure a very duppy show life. ending up after 24 year in Jamaica and nyc. 3 in jobs in art world recovering my health and mind music. where I was unbroken given a second shot, and target by winged monkeys and red herrings and persons who did not stop me and some little punks from west end of Negril target white people money when I was adopted to Jamaica for 24 years and forget anthill about color, in Italian any way.
ok I had very extreme life and haul up. to regain speech and no dr , and left as the person people either jealous or abuse. and I did not go down. and have fmaou persons in family of art and shit head asshole call it who abandon me . toss me to some sex craven old people as. kid but did not stick by or protect my life given demonic and Duppy show shit to go on without question it was not light. My taking extracare of a second life was my intention and some list of not to long of sick as*holes , got to me, and most of them very I’m sure sent by someone in this story weather jealous persons in family or foes or sick persons who might eye pre me. to find a way back in and damage me where I was still a happy soul and talented. I was going up years and at age of other be broken or retire I was still young and rising and after the list of them from some mad painter house painter who kicks women an breaks bones to some punk in Negril psycho singer in Kingston, and other creep inbetween I was ables to get out of them and keep my dreams going despite the damage, and know that the person in a hotel in 2016 after. very rough escape of this pimp in Negril and some rpasit other punks testing and seeking some host to hook into and some things to watch and remove from my life to keep. I was a luck person and music was my thing and as I landed to respite in Jamaica to recover from the year before away from the pimp who hates unpeople kicks puppies in anger and threaten to kill me and the small baby puppy and thinks he hot shit and tells others to do bad things and also a large pussy hole when someone is around and rush him. what happen four year ago now, in a hotel involved a certain singer in some of his career stall or dip in road and older than me and have his life but probably be in this hole either to hide out from people e owe money to or get women, to feel sorry for him or broke. I was. a mental millionaire and not to have much more blessing from god of any more trauma hit me and not fool for the very visible trap sit-in in a room in his own respite and know that if anything devil in negri to get even with me, for nothing mean sick asshole who got a woman to come get him did not break me or phase me and he could not take that either. sociopath.
I had instinct jungle and sense evil and walked around it and problab blew the fucking party to have this man do his shit on me by some people watching. . at time when I know life my body god, and smart wise and was not abuse myself or ever and got a miracle to have talent back. I know the nature and Jamaican and th4em kind of men singer and had this singer in Kingston also of alcohol and other and got out of it, I was good with that guy but to much distress and done over and then the asshole in Negril who is. trianguatore needs a lot of people to go in on and can’t live alone. without help I was standing alone and wit god and that was good with me.
I had landed to regain self and see my vitals go up and thank god and folded. no man other than Jesus or vanhelsing would make me care who was in the place and not first time a person passs thorough , so I was caustics to mind god and instinct that who wants dme dead was go use this man to do the job, and I walked around it with me and god and not m lane and the artist on plane down to who sense were being spoken to.
My trip for about a month was tested and set back more than usual but was what Wass normal was my tenacity and sense of humor and on guard to strange things go on of deadly. conservative and pay no attention to man who I did not see and I was in my room sick for about four weeks in apart of one thing or other. till could get on plane, so when I went to Negril for a day to check my dog and said to myself before I cam down I need bod guard incase of any of these person try to use craft on my mind to rape and assault me get near me. y thinking they are scicenifi and Wise. one of them cried like a baby that people are put spells on him and at same time he’s indulging ing magic and fuck up in head. so I was distant from this kind of shit and people flying around Negril brag about cocaine and money powers and science and sick shit.
so my life was pretty much , a happy thing. still and blessed and Richie spice said if want to keep ur future.. I said keep awa from coke heads or rastafair jerks and trouble. so I kept out of more trouble..
as I made a mistake to to Negril without bod guard I felt all sudden the witchcraft of thing go on and tried to turn back and then shit hit fan and my one day turn to about 4 and persons get near me and it freak me out and repeat what I experience ayear before but again did not break me and I was backing hotel in Kingston happ¥ repairing what ever they put out of place and twisted in sone spell to make me inside out and I was ok.
But as I happen t be in the lobby of hotel alone and happy as I was for all time , that the person who came in from somewhere and had gone out and in a day came back. spoke to the people while I was seriously asking god to fix this and and pray , not take drugs or I freak out do men or other. I was very with god and if I had not had god id not gotten so far and had this life . but the man was a substance abuse and being so he can hear what I heard of voices of devil and other but act out more and not able to check his life as I could and he might heard the sound of what I heard of this punk telling him to do this or that. as I might seen chronix on plane hear someone. calling’s gin to the game in reverse of psalm one this person I left is very sick needy and fuck up and charming like snake. and I swas nt take of him. and ok with him but left it clean. he also threatens and use withccarf wish craft on people in hate and a fuck up sick immature brat.
so now he’s got a woman and I know that maybe this man was tempted or prompted by something in my about to leave and moving in Manner to leave soon , and making my way hope and my meditation was to plot m course and see what I had to sdealwith at time of my life the ti had the it life. to be like 55 years a ten year old and the man look like a man who was older and his age and me being a younger mind and life but in a fuck up way I was older and that could be threat of y being wiser.. and have more information being I was not a substance abuser and I was not a season artist and I know this spell trouble, I was not seeking nothing and have it all so I was ok with no money but god.
so for what reason the man decide to pull a clever move which interrupted in a evil plotted manner by persons involved in the game to cause an instant death and end of my world reaction in one second I saw his move and what ever had been toss at me in Negril I was fixing happ ay with god, if I had god and m mediation I was alone and never alone and happy. he might be the lonely person and need of things I was not so in one second his action and devil move him cause me to suffer instant death, I don’t know and I could not put up a defense to stop what ever the game was to instantly cause m brain which was already taxed and in a fixing stat or a safe mode to explode and I saw what is be the end of world. ifs died, and r soul was removed and sidenity an di began to go into grief… in front of a person that Abe up road, I could like anyone else have a interact with in the highly animated manner and intellegent but not at time to take me from god eradicated my entire 24years of rise and squash dremams in a evil plot of someone to use him to cause this to happen. I don’t know what or who or what in paranoid delusion or what he was reacting but I had nothing negative about me and. a luck light hearted kid call it of. ten year old with a skate board and basket ball mind and I went into shock beast medical I had to be with god to not lose my blesisins to witchcraft and damage to y brain and it indce what is like a seizure or a asthma attack like and then I got up and I could not stop the process of what in that state of y brain being damage and part of y brain that controls it all / I saw death I saw y world of a star and this talent that I had to nurture and bring up from dead now being challenged by a huge stranger who in y normal state was not huge but a person but in a reduce state he was huge an sent me into shock, and it was over load and the deil working and I was so with god and happy to be me and working so hard to be like that and faith in god to fix what happen that to see a stranger and the impact to fck with me at that second leaf me no way to put ¥self in tˍ¯t place at all and it began to kill me , and I don’t know what his motive was but to s tupid insane shit tome insult me an antagnooze me and I could not disperse the situation corerectly or stop from being put into the saw mill and watch my life destsoy mental and damage to brain the occur as I was filming the whole deal mental my life expecting murder as I got up there and to now who my puppy was follow me DUPyP sorry.
I had an it free life and gifted and al sudden in one second my soul was delated my identih an all of corruption of my life I was not corrupted began to break me and fix me with failures of things and a man used as a something to represent all of things that did not corrupt me and use him and to present himself to me and me put into a strange who do not know me, and I could not defend my life or stop the damage and or commiicite to him because m brain stop function, that is par of my life. the trauma ruin 24 years it took to fix me and I di not want to blame him but u now the nature of the kind of gu someone wanted to push his buttons and puppet me and use me to get him to kill me.yhate me and the asshole from Negril I hear telling him to jilt me.
and so forth ..
so he took mh shoe laces out of my fucking shoes. like I had just wash them in Negril and did not want to because I hate to pu them in and he pulls them out as one of his attack to show off how smart he was or omethig and then attack my muscles and then sa some dumb shit and trying to fake it on me front me and in that stat I was not think about him I was like 24 ear of having it all an about to have it ll and the sman is caution gout on something like paranoi or voices tell him to do this from dirty people or alcohol or drugs or seething and I’m go die. and I had said to myself as I got to hotel an his name mention that Tedd Kennedy, or el chappo and Pablo and id be dead in a land fill somewhere if the devil I know follow me , was to use him and play game an di was wise in the games. so I avoid it. so now the Duppy is puppet me as I have start to die and I’m try to see who the4 devil is pu[et an am put into strange who the4n tarts to flip from wash shoe laces for some prove himself to any man and some ex person in nyc might had to do with the to get even wit me to . for leave him ad happy.
all kind of mad shit to on and I was put into this and to tell him he was not significant in dancehall , to me from my mouth was not me but someone wanting to get him to do his shit and hate on me and a lot of stick shiy which I could care less bout him but I saw m work my talent and life a blessing and free from abuse and healing wiped out to never come back and me disabled for life. to Neve have a dollar and I had no idenit sit-in there in room like a groupie of 14 dumb. not me, so that I would suffer like the mental damage groupie thing,
In reality. he probably being who he was and in the substance imagine that maybe I was negative him because I did not have nothing to do with him or Shea a plot or some girl had a plot to do this out of competition or the ex or something to get rid of me and damage me and the4 ex would get women for this man a sick asshole. I had no thing to do with him and now he is jump on a stranger and sa¥ stupid sht and trigger an end of world of someone . how fuck up. that he could not just behave and let me leave m life that suffer alone. I had climg up the ladder and [prove the devil wrong in life and living art life other don’t get to have life of y own over evil…. so evil did this
alone with god I was ok, but they removed god. damage my brain ut off ay means for me to repair the damage o learn and instantly I saw y eyes blow out and my identity deleted and a puppet made of me. I began to die and tried to go into emergency mode and make a identity use to sit there and it was sad and horrible and so damaging I began to die and ifs tired to leave he sense iw as still alive maybe and call me bak and had no control.. so I don’t know how much he had a part of then he got angry or was do this to what get even with me for not have no part of him in a hotel where I don’t go jump stars and am a star.?????
considering that I heard voices and say things from this hotel and experience and integral and I sat and though and said that is not my voice and not to do it and two times I did and it lead to issues and the did not kill me but someone else to damage me. and failed.
I had my life and I was a person who was to smart to be near people. and wanted to have y life and I could chose in life and not part of diety cheap games or whores.. and I. am wise with men and to not have nothing to do with this person and him bust a stupid move that trigger a deadly threat on me was sad. giving him some space that he might had a good reason or. stupid reason or maybe not. I’m not sure, pure parnoid shit he spilled to me. and I was not paranoid I was very very balanced and almost lost it bt id dn.
some crazy other cocaine addict started to act as his advocate in hotel fast moving gu who was not the right person to be influence him around me and I don’t let people near me and or control me and all Sudden I’m in hard core and watching stick strangers taking m life down with m borders hit and pollution my life attack me and u know to get inside someone head an fuck them up and I got on plane him disturbbe without a dollar to land and I have don family other than god and distance from my friends and heading to death with a wound that will make me die and dead instantly..
In four year a dr did not respond to save me and left me on street to die from a princess and to be put back into sick family I escape all was part of the game to reverse my life and send me from top of it al backward using him as m father and then reverse. this man don’t have no conscious and might be like he’s attacking a strange in his head I’m attacking him b sit-in on couch to do nothing bt sit and save y life out wit some plot or people in that hotel I’m not sure so I not know if his head was burins with his own delusions and thats tragic one part because if I had been to ingteraactwith that kind of person when it wa smt time been the experience to cool out his situation but they used me as. means to irritate him to get him to hate me.
I did not need no exciement my plate was full and I was happy to be me talented and free and need no instruction I was not Jamie fox dream girl chick.
so hes dealing with me and I got insane and I was to be made idiot of and it was killing me I looked like a hundred y´ear older hen I got hi=ome and I was left and life turn into demonic attack demonic posseiosn tearrorist absue and voices from all of them and terrorize me with this man is like the4 movie very bad things u got to be strong 100 and m¥ commmuctoin was cu toff to cause war. intenaional and iw was trying to hold it to get home in shock and watch me die in front of a man.
I saw m¥ life and work die, and hś drag me back in to get the last tit tat on hʼß own delusion and shadow , and I can not speak and looking like some idiot and this was ver damaging more so I can not write and the dr left me. for r¥ár with demon creeps winged mkonke¥ß and being torn apart or some asshole making a move in me and probably¥ there is some girl in this who might wanted to get rid of compassion and its been like m¥ soul being torn apart and the punk and I’m sure to get women to feed ihim while I’m left To die of a horrible and its all about him with his house in hills or somewhere and other and a kid who got to wi world being run over ¥ an ebooks’ megalomaniac and m¥ life invaded until I began to die. to keep up with the vypze or the Desmomd to go find a downer person to attack to fill the sop on prion or something. I see a lot of p upsetting go on and someone who thinks they own people and break down kids minds to puppet them like slender man actity and m¥ eyes being burn out and brain. of course of I was with m friends he be dead right now, and I don’t have them near me .. so call him mr puss¥ hole and company who could to do this to some guys armeed with lead or something and most of the are on gay side anyway who are leading him as their father around. to do in a girl who did not want some guy and give him money. stupid is as who he follows. I follow god and kept out of trouble and I had it , the world and it been. the tearing gm mind up and to show off only when there is no one around as I got sick and die. so u know who selling souls to devil.. to ge places and they are seeking others mind to get words and songs.. ..
I did need to for have to and was an original and take my time and not part of satanic abuse.. torture. this punk inegirl is fuck up the island and want other to help him, he’s like that kind of person who go around for pyrmid scheme, and tell people to invest money and they lose and cant lose alone.. evil. fucking punk..
now I’m left brain damage blind and senses removed and like a sick old person who has no home and can’t get up if I did they hit me again and blind me again on dec 1¶ 4 years ago again and then dec 17 this year and killed me dead.. leaving me no way toreover my sister is a also part of satanic intention and sick and lions in lion king the scar in lion king and persons who abuse eme as a kid promised things if they ignore me…. and devil is run place… through people actions… my psalm was one.. which covers this and fake rastafi….
so I don’t know who guide this man is fuck up and u can only go as far as fuck up but use was a money¥ in middle and I’m sure girl is bout the place to Jelousy ,. to keep that from happen devils game to don’t ply and I did not play and the¥ had to have that their way to.. so what du u think I should do. here. left to die blind and damage where a family did not care or check on me in four ´¥¯®s and think this is adqute. I feel this sister has part in it and waited years to knock me down and wishes with devik to get me back into a family I outwit. and all of their wishes were granted off death so others.
being that substance is in evolved and angry man, I said admit his mistake and correct it correctly. but he’s to ingot and can’t see through his self .. ad my life was left.. I don’t believe he’s hopeless and to share who all the demoni on me are to not be able to blame but, I lost y life and u know the game he got army of people on a girl. who was fixing her brain to keep a mriralde and this fuck up.. leaving space the someone else was involved at the head of the game and impress me with some bitch after him . who thinks that manly or cool. tell her wait till its a nigger with gun and see what happen not a girl with n=god and =no family.. and one guy in beach in Negril rush the punk from me in he ran in fear.
I’m at a loss of myself and I miss god and m life conversation and clung to life and something being beaten down for four years.. while family compete with me. and not one time ask or concern I feel this is all devil work, and they got wish off devil to get me back down and keep me there. to die.
Gm Met mi soon come back. Imma brush up on my english and pray for patience.
I would need three heads to take this one in.
Sender, whatever you are going through I hope for you lasting release. May the peace that surpasses all understanding shower down on you and create in you a calmness of spirit and mind. May you know how to love yourself and not look for love outside of you because you are already filled up from within.
You damn right that I read EVERY word and can I tell you…..the whole time reading this will mek yuh think “this is some skatta Burrell obeah shyt”!!However all jokes aside,mental illness is no laughing matter so this Italian lady calling herself a “mental millionaire ” needs to get urgent psychiatric care.
I wouldn’t read too much in the artistes who fa name she call up because she sey on dec1 dem beat her brain dead n blind her ..on dec17 THIS year she sey dem killed her enuh.Sender you’re not well,get help asap.
Read ALL 10000000 chapters of this book and still no analysis…
Somebody please……
somebody read n let me know ….like hell no! Me stop after the 1st “paragraph”
No words!!!
Then alllll of this real??
i copy paste this and it took five pages
Mental health patient
Sender go take your meds first of all! Second of all someone translate this please.
Sender, come here. I am 1/4 into what you’ve written…so far. I will continue to rad and comment.
So, your family handed you off to some ole sex perverts, when you were young. You left Italy with the perverts to Jamaica and NYC for the past 24 years now. Your major issues, currently, begin with associates from Negril? And obeah is the source of all your issues now?
That me get so far. I also get it that you added extra wording to each of your sentences…on purpose. Let me know if. I’m following correctly…can’t help if you don’t participate .
I.REFUSE.!!! somebody do a summary plz…