Hi pinky hmid
I need some advice, I’m an American girl my partners Jamaican, we have one child together and I got one on the way, I got 3 from a previous relationship, we’ve always shared the same dreams off living in Jamaica, eventually he bought the house when I wasn’t making any money, and we’ve both started building it, I’ve put a bit of money in but not as much as him, but now he’s at a low point he wants me to take all my savings and invest in the house, please take into consideration that the house is in his mums name, not mine or his, my family’s telling me not too & he’s saying I don’t believe in him and I don’t believe the house is for us, which I do.. but the fact it hasn’t got my name on it I’m scared to invest, we are both going Jamaica for a few months soon.. pinky I’ve also said when I go I’m gonna open a business for me and his mum to run, at the moment he’s got no money and hasn’t had in the last year, I pay all the bills gas electric rent kids clothing ectHere in America and don’t ask him for any money or pressure him to help me out yet he still cusses me saying I want his house to come to a stand still and I don’t I’m just scared to invest in something that my kids might not gain from when I die, he doesn’t realise the pressure on me especially being pregnant, all he seems to care about is getting this house finished, my point is I want something for myself or in both our names, and I understand I never have the money when he first bought it, but now I do, but he wants me to invest it all without security,
If you guys aren’t married, or your name on the title, you will be putting yourself at risk to invest your money in the house.
Good luck.
Lady, keep your money parked right where it is. No matter what he says you will never have any claim to the property, you are not his wife and the property is not in your name. You have your children’s future to think about, and not even them will have any claim on that property. Don’t be fooled by loving words. Do not fatten any frog for snakes.
PS. Do not invest in any business venture in Jamaica. Any business let it be something you control in the US and then you can send a monthly allowance to his mother. I am 100% Jamaican and I know my culture inside out. Do not invest in any house or any business. If it is a business let it be done in the US and you control it and send a monthly allowance to his mother. Jamaica is not your country and I wouldn’t even go there for a few months while pregnant. If you go there the pressure tactics will come on and it will be harder for you to say no, so don’t even go there for any few months. Get a letter from your doctor stating you are not able to travel. You can tell you doctor you don’t feel you can handle the heat, because Jamaica is verrry hot and that your significant other is insistent you travel and stay there for a few months, your doctor will write a letter for you, show it to your fiancee and stay the hell home.
Follow your instinct until he puts your name on it do not do it. plus if you are already taking care of everything and pregnant why is he trying to morel responsibility on you…. situation seems really crazy but please be smart
Ma’am do not make that investment! Ma’am I repeat do not make that investment! Your smarter than they let that Money stay where it is…
This is married people argument and you ain’t married girlie. I’m not gonna dog you because I’m happy that you’re actually trying to think it out. DO NOT MAKE MARRIED FOLKS DECISION WHEN YOU ARE NOT MARRIED. PERIOD. You will be the loser I promise you. Oh and btw your man is a loser. McDonalds always a hire so what’s his excuse?
Don’t do it! You have no claim to it!
Is him madda him a build the house fah. Dont put any money in it that you can’t afford to lose.
Him not working now, he should put the house on pause instead of stressing you out. You should ask him what’s the rush if he doesn’t believe in himself because to me a sensible man wouldn’t be expecting his pregnant girlfriend to be doing soooooo much.
Lady its this easy tell your dear baby daddy to let his mother and both of you go to a LAWYER and draft up a contract that whatever money you put into that house if you both should path you get back all you put it plus 1/2 of the equity it values . Being that the house is in his mother name you make sure the contract and agreement is sign by both of you and put in the contract if she should die only half of that property she cant will out to whoever she please because the other 1/2 is yours and you will your half also incase you should die to who ever you pleased and that that property cannot sell without your signature .my dear anything of to do with house and land is BUSINESS and must be handle according.
Im not going to say not to invest in it im going to tell you to protect your investment .
You already have 2 children by THIS man so nothing dont wrong if you try with him we all win some and loose some. Migratory of us human being invested with our partners and we not married so im not going to play hyprocrite and tell yuh not to because both of you may GET married one day and maybe live together for the rest of unno life .young lady just let god take charge of your relationship
Don’t do it. You willl die for that said house. even if your name is on any papers that will be HIS family house. Please don’t make love make you loose your life.
Don’t do it…
Put your money in a different bank,and don’t tell him..You have 4 kids + 1 on the way.