I heard some bad news but need confirmation..Can someone confirm …uno know wha mi a talk so nuh ask what the bad news is…For those who dont know she had been ailing from pancreatic cancer for some months now
Update;- It has been confirmed that she passed today. R.I.P and condolences to the family.
Yeah met she pas , just went on the daughter page and see it.
I only know of u from Pinkwall n just smiled alot when u were featured… Rest in power fun lady. Sincerest condolences to her loved ones.
R.I.P Ms. Jetset. A pinkwall mi know yuh from. the last video of you was showing you full of life, happy and having fun with the ones you love. condolences to her family.
My condolences to the family. RIP Angela Jet Set
So so sad…One thing I always admire is that she lived her life carefree!!! I know God is proud to gain an angel. R.I.P. darling…..
Rip Angela Jet set .
Sleep in Paradise. I know for a fact you’ll be in heaven dancing. Rest well Ms.JetSet
Sleep in peace Angela you lived your life to fullest and enjoyed every bit of it . The only thing promised in this life is death at least you lived your life to the fullest and you were such a joy to be around .
R.I.P ANGELA We all have to travel that road one day…
RIP Angel. heartfelt condolences to her family. Cancer is a b@tch.
Rip cancer sucks !!
My condolences to her family, I have always like this lady. May her soul RIP.
R.I.P Angela..You did Enjoy your life. I hope you linkup right away with some familiar faces in the Spirit world.
This one of the best! She always had a smile and greeted me whenever I saw her. I’m so hurt by this! May she Rest In Peace
Rest well ANGELa. Your will be missed,condolences to Melo and your son and all your loved ones.
Damm this is heartbreaking
You will be missed, Angela. Dance and flip away in Heaven.
Pancreatic cancer is the fastest known cancer to kill you. Rip to her . My friend mom found out she had it four months ago and she dead 1 month now.
Life is shorter than we think. Glad she enjoyed her life and had fun. RIP good one. Carry on and make others happy
I hope she was saved at her age she shouldn’t be know as a lady of the dancehall but a woman of God we hope she rest in peace but we also hope she was saved no one knows the day or the hour so make sure you hearts are right with the almighty God who give and takes life.
You couldn’t just say R.I.P and Gwaan? You see her in the dance hall but I’m sure you don’t see her heart! Just make sure you’re heart right with GOD. And stop worry about others! Nuff a unno love chat bout GOD and unno a the devil in the flesh! S.I.P ANGELA YOU WILL SURELY BE MISSED!!
Shut the f**k up. U Christian people are so quick to talk about getting right with god and saved wen unnu same 1 go church 7 days a week and a live worst than dancehall people
RIP Angella…I know for the time you were sick you said your confession n accepted the Lord as your Saviout..That’s what matters. S.I.P love. Condolences to family members at this time.
People we all must die one day n be judged so live in love and put Jesus first in your lives n give him the Glory .
Hello @Met
Had to come here to say Rip to that fine fine lady. So glad u lived to the fullest. Condolences to her family.
You worked for yours
You know I wasn’t going to say this. But since I see that comment about ‘hope she was saved’. Keep in mind I’ve never met this woman personally just seen her on internet. Anyway, last week I woke up and for some odd reason she came to my mind. And it was like the voice of God was speaking to me. It said ” You see her, she’s living her purpose. Not because she’s go to party. (Paraphrasing) Then the voice said some who you think will reach heaven will not. Some who we disregard will. And up to Friday I said it to my mom and granny. Everyone’s ministry is not the same. She lived her purpose and I’m sure God is pleased. (I honestly don’t know why this woman came to my mind. I was nervous when I see she passed. I literally was like this can’t be real, I was just thinking of her). Live happily and in love.
Rip Angela, you were full of life, I hope you are in a better place, no more pain. May the Lord strengthen your family during this time. I didn’t know this lady but watching her always put a smile on my face
I’ve said my condolences already but I just saw a video of her in hospital on FB and wondering why people so insensitive at times? She was conscious but i just think these moments should be private. A sick person or their family shouldn’t have to ask you to respect their privacy, it might cause offence to some. people should use their conscience man. after watching that video, i just hope in her final moments it was just she and her family. All that crowd and noise is not what i would hope for in my last days. the person holding the video was even goading Mello to smile fi di video, like really? I just hate seeing people putting up pics/videos of their sick or dying relatives in hospital, A hospital visit i’snt a photo call. Cue, everybody looking raggedy, except the ole fart behind the video, who we never get to see. unnu fi stop it!
Personally, I didn’t see anything wrong with the video. If anything it confirmed how she was loved.she was surrounded by people who truly cared for her. Many people including her children will cherish that video seeing their Mom surrounded by friends. No one should be alone in their dying days and she clearly was not.
RIP Angella. You are with the angels now. Condolences to the family!
She will surely be missed by many. At least she is free from the pains in her body and watching herself wither away. The body may be no more, but the spirit is still alive so I rejoice that she is free and with her creator once again. We will all have to make the journey back home one day, some us us just go sooner than the others.
@ the person who said they hoped she was saved. Just remember that because you believe in something doesn’t make it true. You believe in a hell and fiery furnace, I don’t. So this running around to make things right with God before you die is foolishness, you don’t think God knows is simply desperation and fear that is the root of such a choice? Did God tell you he/she is looking for desperados. This woman lived her authentic life and honored the truth of the spirit within her. To live your authentic life is the purest form of honoring your creator. God accepts everyone back as everyone’s life is a manifestation of the God energy, there is no need to “make it right with God” because it is a return to the true state of being. You may choose to ask forgiveness of the other souls you have hurt or acknowledge having done wrong to them in your life on earth, because it is the right thing to do, but running out to get baptized and jumping in church is foolishness. People are spiritual beings having a physical experience, the energy of Angela is not dead, her body has expired but she is still alive and will go on to other experiences of physical life whether in this dimension or another. This is why Jesus taught us to rejoice when one has died, we are rejoicing their return to their creator and being free from the limitations that a physical body places on a spirit. I rejoice for Angela she is free and home again.
Be nice always but especially to a grieving family.