- by Met
My question is, isn’t Gq Dwight a battyman and they take trips and party with him all the time. Isn’t Apple hairstylist and Jermaine royal a battyman and nuff more that they always party with. The issue was those Transgender came tf out and slayed. They looked good and the man dem was confused cause they were getting ready fi looked dem before dem realize they weren’t real females. J no Icon is a undercover battyman suh mek dem move dem bbc. Apple well give dem free ticket and well n know they dress as female a wah she a try prove. Nuff pussy apple rub and nuff batty her bun up face husband fuck. Him need to put down the bleaching cause the bun up face and body well black nah work, it don’t look good.
Lets be fair, if they were GIVEN 3 free tickets, Apple was accepting of them, and shud have been treated according, jus like other guests who are given free tickets, IM JUS SAYING, ITS MY OPINION
They’re not even humans, nasty fucks!
Dem get too comfortable inna dancehall. It will never be widely accepted. Unnu think unnu famous and everybody love u. Apple a hypocrite first of all. So a good fi unnu
Shamar only using them to buy out her war. Then she go on instagram and play pity party and play church. Phoebe, cookie and Tiana open y’all eyes up. Stop mek dem use oonu
My problem is y they want to force this shit down everyone stomach? So they want to treated with love n respect dressing up like ladies and then like boys too when them ready… And these r the same people who cuss and fight REAL Women..It’s a time n a place for everything….Yes they are human..,I find it hard to give them my blessings when in truth I give brith , I get a monthly I do experience shit they can’t even speak on.. AND I WATCH THEM ALL THE TIMES TRY TO ACK LIKE THEM A LADY MORE THAN ME.. uno ole uno positions!!
Bout females bright dem brite
But bobbette is a transgender too and she was welcome Bobby do look like a boy in dress up clothes
:ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngacir2 I wasn’t reddyyyyyyyyy!!
…..with one ugly batty.
@ met… them too brite fi real. Wearing all lace front..uno move man .. sometimes we REAL ladies feel so much pain monthly along with mood swings.. and you all fi come clown we out like this
Exactly dem nuh fi size up wid we period ..I dont care what dem call demself..u cant change your outside and call yourself a whole different gender it just dont work like that
Why Tianna mouth suh maga an BIG? Lord have mercy on his teeth. If dat bite yuh, yuh get fuck.
Lol y’all men play too much. me pum pum
Apple, only want unno fi come buy champagne and she want people to laugh at unno .
APPLE ,is a hyprocrite she same one is going to show people unno and tell them unno a man inna woman clothes.
Cookie, you dey bout long time you should know Apple, and her crew Fake and them LOVE to Ridicule people.
Cookie ,Apple only give unno the tickets to turn unno into laughing stock. Unno could and get hurt also becareful where unno guh.
Cookie its ok to be gay, or watever unno want to be atleast unno come out .
mi hate the undercover gay wey phuck woman.
A them tip off the selectors fi hype them party.
Apple, yuh Gay Tuh so you should protect them because you invited them ,plus give them free tickets, plus you love to eat gal vagina ,lick gal Ass ,Suck gal breast ,finger gal and suck them toes .suh Apple you should protect cookie and her friends better.
You should let the selector know your party consists of half gay ,boys and girls and half straight people inna fake brand .
Apple ,that pink bird yuh wear to yuh husband party them kill him fi thief all the feathers out of china.
Apple move yuh bloodclaat and Gweh cause when jay icon keep dance a jamaica a bare batty man, straight and transgender in that shit, and jay icon ain’t putting them out cause the he shim them come out and support his party, so what’s the problem now stinking mouth apple when you give them the free tickets in the first place to begin with when you know that’s how they dress. me like cookie and his frens I wouldn’t support them again. Apple a hypocrite she and all her fake ass frens are the same. Cookie and frens I hope this is a lesson learn to stay away from these fake broke bitches.
Were they Apple guest or Jue guest cuz?? Either Jue is a straight battyman or the bleaching is confusing moi…lol.
They could refuse the free tickets… and go to a club in the city.. Jamaican dancehalls are hardcore … if dancehall allow this joke it will be infectious and out of control like TRUMP presidency!! This shit bun me .. uno stop it now.. REAL LADIES CANNOT MOCK!!
Dem shudda put dem out cause dem too much bout apple shudda protect dem and nobody neva beat or abuse dem but u see how batteyman wicked and stay
Dem look better than apple and dem crew anyway batman is a wagonist n opportunist,he acy like hes bad n want to fight the whole world ,hes not a fren to u cookie zor tiana,he is sobugly fi nothing
when did they look better? :hammer
If you invited them you know who they are and how they dress, what people don’t understand you don’t have to like someone’s lifestyle in order to know they should be respected. Apple dem should have told the selectors no disrespect to her guests. I saw the video and they handled themselves very well. Transgendered or not. She knew they were part of the lgbtq . Respect due to a dog. And if you ago feel some way about them don’t invite dem simple.
If they felt that disrespected and they were such good guests they should have left. The selectors play the same all the time who are they for the selectors to change the way they play when they came to the party on free tickets and dem nah shell out no bar.
Apple move har bloodclatt queen ah hypocrite she is the same as them cause she love woman too ,she goes Both fucking ways…its just a lesson learned for them she aint no fucking body she from same dutty payneland the ghetto so me na know how she agwan like she wan style ppl…apple guh suck ya madda..
Y’all ain’t no Motherfuckering
ladies, lets be clear please…Y’all are transgender males. No, im not homophobic but it pains my heart as a female to hear a man address himself as such. Y’all have no clue what it’s like or take to be born a natural woman. Y’all wouldn’t even want to spend a day in a real female shoe if y’all really knew. We make it look easy yes and it have its perks but out of respect for Real women please refrain and use the designated name given by the LGBT community to address one self.
Seriously though, Tiana face was the problem. Boy! you are not a cute tran bro & that voice(tears)…look how many events phoebe go and get a pass. Speaking of Phoebe, your face 2cute & voice to ruff. You’re going to confuse the little children.
Now can someone please release the video of the stage asap. Allegedly there was plenty gays(not Jue or Bobby the others) standing on it.
FYI: to be fair y’all life wasn’t in any immediate danger. Its the norm for certain promoters to entertain the gay community in dancehall. Mohawk Jay party forever packed and he’s the biggest…nvm. Y’all just doing this for attention. DJs talk about suck pussy man, yet they suck pussy…Its entertainment. They’ve been dissing gays for years and that will not be changing anytime soon. Promoter can’t go against the majority for the minority. It’s in their best interest to follow the money. Y’all already knew how it goes down in DH so why put yourselves in that predicament in the 1st place. This is the selfishness I have with gay people, y’all expect the world to cater to y’all. This is a business for this couple and y’all want them to be at your beck-nd-call. Totally unfair even if it was by invitation, this was a public event so how can they just cater to y’all. They gave y’all a fighting-less pitbull yes but she’s very familiar with her surrounding so why couldn’t y’all just appreciate that.This is why I stay away from certain promoters events because y’all just too dramatic. Like MFs cant just have fun anymore.
The DJ cannot kill them career for these I don’t know what to call them…Them sick mi… I wouldn’t even speak on this anymore!!!!
What were they expecting the 3 free tickets came with??? You called as a friend and asked for 3 tickets, as a friend she gave it to you, NO exclusive guest thing….so WHAT WERE THEY EXPECTING? You were’nt going to get security escorts to a cordoned off area, you weren’t getting security body guards while you were at the event and all if Shamar stood with you three, it would not stop the steers or anything else that came with grown men/transgenders dressing like women! There was nothing Apple could have done in that environment that she didn’t or wasn’t already doing to be fair! She could not make the steers stop, nor could she make the selector’s stop their talk on the Mic. Be fair! The selectors talk about side chicks, wives, baby mothers,molly arm, stink puxxy gyal and the list goes on. To be honest as far as Apple goes, you were treated like she treated any other attendee that she gave free tickets. You Hemales are FREE to Party anywhere you see dit…and like anyone else, at YOUR own risk!
I want to know why dem couldnt pay and dem a live dem best life? They are so grimey and want to look big on social media ..Cookie remember di person seh yuh get ban from Tina shop so bitches got their eyes on you. Apple ina party wid her husband and u expected her to come over to where you were because youre so special? Why yuh neva go over to shamar why you wanted them to come by you? Everything is not about you
If you’re interested in fashion you’ll be a fool to not think that gay and transgendered are not part of the package.my thing is if she invited them, respect them enough to acknowledge them. When are people going to learn that having the gay community against you ruins business. Their money is green right?
Chick what??? Acknowledge who. They want to be treated like evryone else but in the breathe want special treatment… Fuck them fish and their salt pussy mothers for birthing them!!
You people are MEN and will never know how it feels to be a woman, so just say you are in touch with your feminine side and every delusional feeling(s) the devil throws at you. And yes, if it was my child I would say the same thing. Dress like a girl, pretend to be a girl, and take all the dick in the world, but, never say you FEEL like a girl. I understand that you wanna be one of Gods final perfect creation which is a woman. I accept that but you crossed a BIG line when you said you feel like a woman. No man on this planet will never ever feel or know what it’s like to be a woman nor know the mystery of a woman
They were expecting the same treatment like the gay clubs. They didn’t get fucked within the first 10 minutes so now they wanna blame Apple.
Look weh the world gone to tho God? No sah.
Apple, why did you diss Jay Icons himstresses? Any other time you got along, so why diss your matey dem now?
Oh no! They stay so bad. They mad at Apple for what? You guys are bold enough to dress like a female so bare the consequences! Look at the big dirty board back one name Kevin. Tianna and Cookie look real bad! They look like they have HIV !
If you guys and Apple are cool like that why come on social media with the drama. Why don’t you guys just call her and keep this private! Unno want people if feel sorry fi unno . Unno fava pit toilet!!!
Look what this world is coming to .Wow!
All of these battyman are scammers and shoplifters . Unno have money’.Go and hire a bodyguard to walk with. You bunch of gays are talking rubbish. What could have Apple done in a Jamaican dancehall party. She held you guys down plenty of times in the parties and the moment something went wrong uno bash her on social media. Uno fava germs! A set of dirty tacky looking battyman
I want to vomit. Look pan unno a bash people!
I am lost. I give away free tickets all the time. All included with that tickets is your admission. I am not offering protection. You come at your own risk. You know how dancehall ppl behave. Hypocritical or not, Obviously some of you didn’t look like women or else the djs would’ve bun unnu out. Unnu too extra and unnu gwaan to much. Most of the time is your actions that tells John public dat unnu gay. I am not a friend of Apple, but I am sure she didn’t run around the party telling ppl that unnu gay. A fi unnu fault. Unnu Gweh!!! No I am not homophobic, been around a lot of gay men both in the workplace and socially. I know how unnu behave…
Met so cookie said the least so what’s your issue with cookie ? The people wanna know I watch the live cookie said he shouldn’t be there and take ownership for that you need serious help the same people you tear down you now ah try defend what’s you exact job tittle you seem like a real disturbed women next thing them never ah dawg them out all they talked about is what happen.
Cookie a you dis a talk and mi seh what mi seh already which is that yuh get run from tina shop so yuh shudda know seh bitches have dem eye pan yuh why yuh vex? My other statements were general so go whey yuh a guh and dont mek a precipice miss u.
And nuh badda talk bout tear dung …tear of the light weight wig offa yuh..I was defending what is right uno too nuff and a look knowings..I never seh apple right wrong or indifferent…How did you expect her to protect you? Are you that dumb? Out of all a dem you deh round dancehall people the longest so if they dont know u well know so u shudda neva gone pan no live a notice uno a look
Yes!!! Dem ah look recognition all the way around even saying they are women. They are faggots and the only thing come out of their mouth is shit cause that’s what they play in and lick like icecream
I never comment earlier because I am a sinner and not perfect but under the sun and the moon i am not mixing with these unclean human being on this earth never before never will . Unless a train or bus or work place because drinking and eating with these unclean spirit you will lose your protection from a god . Den look pon them living dead is their transition into .
Dem look weird asf just should of stayed a man .
None of y’all should be protected, for what! Y’all are born men. Y’all should be protecting ever woman in that dance. Cause if a man can sodomize, mutilate, humiliate, and cause so much trauma to them mouth and rectum, they can take any pain and fight any war and win. Put all the gay men in the Armed Forces and watch them win ever war. Y’all like to give impression of being soft and refine but you are savages in the mind. The greatest pretender on earth are sexual deviants.
Never know the one name Gothiccreation_kenbarb was a big batty smh small world