1. If developmentally he’s 10, it means he didn’t write this so the mother or relative need to talk to Barrington cause Facebook is not how you get shit done.

  2. That’s sad. However, I’m hard pressed to believe that a 10 year with autism wrote this. Moreso,looks like it was written by another adult…perhaps the Mom. Still not taking away the fact that he is not taking care of his son.

    1. What u mean by”men dem sort him out?? Is that the new age term for rape nowadays! !?? :malu2 :bingung

  3. Damn that’s f**ked up if its true, where him mother deh doe? How some man treat them youth so? Mi have one and me fret pan me Pinckney everyday. Did a more than shame

  4. Den nuh di same Barrington Levy perform at Shaggy with Friends show wah day yah?? Suh yuh raise money fi help other children but nah tek care of your own?? Mr Levy if this is true, please help your son.

  5. He also had a son in Portmore that he didn’t look at. And That needed his help. I believe every word that this mother wrote.

  6. Not surprised. From what I hear he’s also illiterate but loves to use the travel stamps in his passport as a defense.

  7. Barrington Levy a dog shit from long time. Back in 1989 when him deh a NY. Use to hang out a Jah Life record store, Barrington Levy hold my friend down and f**k her off and in the process bruk her hand. Dem times deh it never get reported because a Big artist and him love threaten ppl. Him use to f**k off whole heap a girls from Erasmus and Tilden high school.

    1. I swear me know you (IN A GOOD WAY…lol) Same Jah Life Record store me run across that bang belly predator. That mumma lashy have GOD fi ansa to.


  8. Barrington Levy is the scum of the earth, not even jancrow low and nasty like him…wha ever de man dem did do him inna hotel, him deserve it an more because a long time him a hol down people gal pickney wid him stinking teletubby self. Him gwaan dead bad…

  9. Barrington Levy is the scum of the earth, not even jancrow low and nasty like him…wha ever de man dem did do him inna hotel, him deserve it an more because a long time him a hol down people gal pickney wid him stinking teletubby self. Him gwaan dead bad…

  10. I would like to first address the son who is in need of our support and the lack* of understanding all of the reader here posted about the disorder of Autism. Autism can come on any level of the scale spectrum. A huge population of people and children who suffer from it, are on the high end of the spectrum and often possess a very high level of extraordinary intelligence and abilities such as art, music, technology, writing, extraordinary hobbies such as vast knowledge of a particular subject or historical period.

    It is very likely that the Young man wrote this himself.
    Some was so busy criticizing Levy and gossiping, they misunderstood when he says he is “ LIKE a ten year old, he is actually twenty something.

    High functioning autism may display high levels of intelligence and lack in social skills, such as problems communicating, making eye contact, problems understanding and expressing certain emotions and problems with simple tasks such as tying shoe laces or balance. There is also a lot of repetitive behaviors with Autism.

  11. Continuing the piece I wrote on Autism ( the site did not allow me to continue because the last paragraph was not displaying).

    Low level children and adults with Autism can be non verbal, severely emotionally disabled and serious repetition of behavior such as rocking , banging of head and even screaming .

    Please Jamaica and Caribbean people educate yourself on the disorders and disabilities that affect our people so that we can respect and help them and understand their needs.

    To the young man who Barrington Levy abandoned , I send you a great big hug. I am sorry for your loss of a father and your pain.
    I must tell you though, according to one of my favorite songs by the artist MIDNITE,
    “ sometimes bitter is the healing .”
    Take this pain and turn it into something constructive. Release him!
    You have grown up without him. If he was not worth having then, he surely would not be much of a father to you today.
    Hopefully he will repent and come around, but DONT HOLD YOUR BREATHE .

    Heal yourself young man ! Free your heart from hate. Don’t give in.

    To Barrington Levy, if you are said absent no good father and child predator and rapist, SHAME ON YOU !

    “ GASH DEM AND LIGHT DEM’! “ – chuck fender

  12. I am very familiar with the young man and the situation. He is the most loviable and innocent person you’ll ever meet. He can sing all his father’s songs with a voice that’s out of this world. He lights up whenever he sees that nasty piece of shit. And while he can do a lot, he’s just not able to function independently without supervision. His mother use to fly me to America to help take care of him before she made the decision to bring him back to Jamaica. She works very hard to take care of her kids. She has three kids with this piece of shit and he would beat the hell out of her so she left him and took all three with her after living with him for 10 years. The youngest is in college studying to be a lawyer. Brilliant girl, she got a full ride scholarship and am not lying. My friend told me not even a phone call to his daughter. Am always telling her to take his ass to court.

  13. @Anon 8:15 and 10:16, you mean the same Maya Chung who alienated half of her Facebook contacts by using her sons illness to shamelessly self-promote? I remember her, what was her son’s issue again?

    1. It’s Maia not Maya … Almost Always I will seek to defend my friends especially pon here…But imma sit this one out…God knows why :nerd :kacau:

  14. Some of these dummies must read carefully before commenting. He clearly stated “ he’s 24 yrs old, but his disability causes him to have the mentality of a 10 yrs old. Just trying to point fingers.

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