Then the angel of the LORD came and sat beneath the oak tree at Ophrah, which belonged to Joash of the clan of Abiezer. Gideon son of Joash had been threshing wheat at the bottom of a winepress to hide the grain from the Midianites. The angel of the LORD appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the LORD is with you! Judges 6:11 – 12
Gideon was a shy man who lived comfortably under the shelter of his father’s house. He was not as powerful as Samson, as courageous as David or as wise as Solomon. He was just the guy next door who was doing his best to cope with the oppression that his people suffered at the hands of the Midianites. But in spite of how ordinary he was, he was God’s choice for the deliverance that the people of Israel needed at that point in time. God needed a man who could lead the battle to confront and defeat the Midianites and Gideon was the chosen one. There is no need to comment on what the people felt about Gideon and what he was assigned to do because even Gideon had no confidence in himself. That is why several times he asked God to confirm whether the call to deliver His people was true.
Gideon’s doubts however disappeared when the spirit of God began working through him. He stopped asking questions and began doing whatever God told him to do. The anointing of the Holy Spirit will turn a shy person into a bold person and exchange a stony heart for a soft heart. The frightened man who, initially, could only do what God told him under the cover of darkness was now a general confidently leading an army to destroy the enemy that oppress his people. The same will happen to you today if you will let the Holy Spirit take complete control of your life; all you have to do is surrender your will to Him. you will discover that instead of living on the defensive, hiding and dodging the arrows of afflictions that are being shut at you, you will be like David who ran towards Goliath with his sling and stone ready for the kill. When the Holy Spirit is in complete command, you will become the hunter and not the hunted.
Liberation thought: I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Further reading: Judges 7
• Power of God disappoint every goliath boasting and taunting your greatness in my life
• Power to rule and reign over every enemy of my live, I activate it upon my life now in Jesus name
• Let the power of God work for me; work through me and by me in Jesus name

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