Hello gn I’m writing because I have something that’s bothering me n need some help…. I cheated on my bf for the first in 8 months since we got back together, I wasn’t always the settle down type because I have/had alot of bad experiences anyways he is an amazing guy n he’s not cheating on me he’s like the perfect bf any girl would want n I can’t believe I cheated on him with my ex.. couple weeks my ex ran cross my mind n at least a day or two after he called me I didn’t realize how excited I would be about him calling my bf works at nights so me n my ex spoke on the phone for hours in the night I missed him so much or maybe something was just wrong in my relationship…I told my bf that I was missing an ex n i don’t know y (we have that type of relationship where we can talk about anything) that I was texting him etc but I cried n tell him I don’t want to hurt him n honestly I didn’t.. we were having sex n it’s like something wasn’t right I wasn’t feeling any connection
What my mind is REALLY telling me to say: Yuh crotches hot. Covid19 deh ya. Pls go quarantine wid yuh man ya gyal an cool yu front. Kmt
What I’m going to say:: oh man. Your guy sounds awesome . You should just move on, take time for self and reevaluate your relationship. If sex alone got you cheating, then it’s just a baseless “relationship.” It seems you are still indecisive and not fully aware of all that goes into a relationship and how to go about conflict. Take some time for self like I said , fuk dung di place and grow up maybe ?
really, you cant even advice your damm self, what kind a advice that, you damm fool you, shut u mouth if u nuh have no damm sensible advise to give ediot gal. u sound stupid like what, damm dunce.
girl dont allow no one to bash you, all that one bout your crotch hot, mek she gwan too much dem behave like them nuh make mistake too, dem full a shit. So this is my advice, you see in life when you get a good man, you dont fuck it up, you see from now onwards, never keep an ex and no damm friend, when you done with your ex dont entertain them. you know say my guy went to look for an ex and him almost sleep with her, mark you we have both are good communicators and we nuh argue at all. if we have issues we sit and discuss, we civilised them ways dey and we know that for our relationship to work we had to cut loose a lot of persons out of our lives. so girl u need to cut off the ex dem and any man dat like you because if u nuh do that there is going to be temptation. i would advise you to sit him down and tell him , never allow nothing like secrets to come between your relationship, u see the moment you have a secret like that it a go play in the back of your head, so girl u just have to find a way to tell him, that way your conscience will set u free. hopefully he will forgive u and uno can move forward. mi nah go bash u, this is why mi nuh text, call or chat to no damm ex, none watsoever. girl all the best and i hope things will work out for you.
When is it bad advice to tell someone to calm they hot ass down ?!? Which fukkin relationship coulda jus done because fcuk sweet!!!? Ah YOU bomboraas fool. Damn na no head. If so be the case let’s all be in relationships and the first dick or pums pass, let’s get confused and question our own relationship. REAL RELATIONSHIP nuh jus go so kakafart. And REAL relationship nuh jus Bill pon sweet fcuk. Fcuk quite frankly get stale. REAL relationship have substance . And in REAL RELATIONSHIPS, ppl tell dem significant other what to do (Lose/gain weight, spice sex up etc to improve ) But u know who fi cuss today. Coo yuh to. Carry on., :batabig as mi seh GO QUARANTINE and Bill back B
Introduce some adult toys into your bedroom. On the other hand if you don’t love him you should be honest with yourself and leave. Karma is a bitch. So be kind
Not one time did she say I love my man. Not one. Don’t be so hard on her I personally think she was molested..
With low level women they think all there is to a relationship is good sex. If the sex is lacking in anyway shape or form she will cheat and there is no convincing her otherwise. If you place a high value on sex, then why didn’t you just end the relationship from the on set as oppose to making things progress? Are you aware that sex can get better with time if you communicate more with your bf? I think I understand what’s going on here. The bf has material things and other resources that’s holding you in place but the man with less has the waste man sex you like, so you want the best of both worlds as oppose to picking a struggle and being loyal to it. This is just a case of another selfish/immature biaaatch who wants her cake and to eat it to. Just remember that karma is a bitch, so cheat on your bf with that in mind.