Hi pinky, Im seeking some assistance. My Dad and my step mom brought me here from Jamaica 10 years ago (I was 17 at the time). When they brought me here I thought I was filed for,basically brought here on a sold dream . My step mom is a teacher and her school was sorting her paper work out at the time (I found that out after coming here). She and my dad brought me here on a H4 Visa . While I was living with them I was being abused by her emotionally and verbally,she would literally curse me out and call me derogatory names and put me down. My dad did nothing to save me from this and he is still with her up until this very day . Anyway,I ended up having to leave that state and moved to Ny where I have been fending for myself ,figuring my way around . I have been used,abused by both family and so called lovers and friends . I even had my money stole by someone who claimed they were gonna help me with my paper work . I got pregnant and had a miscarriage,it has been a rough journey. I was holding down a job the other day where I was doing quite well for myself . I was able to get my own place and pay my rent,feed myself and clothe myself which I’m grateful for. However since the whole ICE thing the other day,my job just fired me out of the blue. It’s been two months I have been sitting down, with nothing to do. My rent and bills are piling up. I’m just 25 and feel like 60. I’m so tired and drained . Please all I’m asking is for some help with finding an off the books job (I’m In Brooklyn). Something that could help me to get back on my feet. And another thing,some of y’all need to stop judging people who have been here years without papers because y’all don’t know the heartache and pain we had to endure because of our own family members ,and we don’t have anything to go back home to. And all these lawyers do is try to go round u when U seek legal help. Please pinky,I’ll be reading the comments on ig. Thanks.
Hi sender, There is a Jewish agency based out of Philly named Hias.
HIAS is a Jewish American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees. I know ppl who have gotten 10 visa’s thru them. They mostly help children but they have a clause for abandoned & abused ppl as well. Not sure of the age cut off but its worth a try. They may be able to help you call 215-832-0900. Good Luck!
Sender, try the MP or councellor in your area.first, read up on them to see if they support ICE policy before approaching them. Look on the Internet to see if there is any help available for you from other organisations . I think that the Govonor of NY is not in support of this policy, so write to him.also take the advise of the person on top. The more people you have supporting you the better. Did your father gain citizenship before you reach 18 or 21? If so this might be helpful to you so ask him.
To ask Met for this kind of support is illegal and can potentially jeopardise her bussiness.
Brooklyn Office
191 Joralemon Street, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 236-3000
Sender when you go to them tell them you story and cry Amnesty let them now if you go back its a sure killing just use that. Why i say that because my friend was locked up with some Asian girls from japan and they was coming out fast and she asked why is that and one of them told her cry Amnesty. dem do Temporary Protected Status (TPS),Family Reunification,Asylum and Humanitarian Relief,Deportation Defense. That is the least i can do am in florida baby or i would a help more like picking you up and taking you but call first before you go to see if it is worth the time. And it can go for anyone you all know ain’t straight.
Hi please text or call me I can speak with my boss to hire you 3475078552.
Sender! thread cautiously, I know thats not ear candy and wont solve your immediate problem but be careful especially approaching TPS and other humanitarian arguments, even though your case is valid and credible, they usually look at how stable and functional the government of your country is and not the socio-economical part of it, ESPECIALLY WITH THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION AND THE AGENDA, yes, I must attest, religious organizations, especially christian, catholic and jewish sway significant influence on the govt and this administration is not an exception, but an agenda is an agenda and jamaica does not historically experience goverment or internal instability, just a rough assessment of the information you provided, it doesn’t appear you were qualified for DACA! did you inquire? even though its more than likely too late now, its possible there could be a grey area in DACA that could be to your benefit(don’t know), contact the religious organizations and NGOs as advised above, you can get the help you need and also legal advice, and like I said THREAD CAUTIOUSLY :thumbup
try DACA my coworker came here when she was 5yrs old on someone else visa and she applied for that only thing is you have to renew every 2 years