1. Politicians are just hypocrites. I am sure that the Chinese were there before the labour party took power . Peter Bunting has no moral authority to speak on that topic. I have been hearing years now that they get five years tax free then them move on. Personally, I have no problem with them I just believe that the treatment that they are getting our Jamaicans should be getting too. Before we know it there will be no black grocery stores in Jamaica because they cannot compete with the Chinese.

  2. The ideal thing for us is to split justice on this major issue.

    My understanding is that the official pnp hierarchy has said that Peter Bunting went off on his own grand foray re his chiney utterances.The party doesn’t support his position for surely if they did it would be the heights of hypocrisy since the pnp is the party that handed Jamaica on a platter to the Chinese under the guise of Jamaica needing investments.

    However Bunting is absolutely correct in identifying that our very sovereignty, economic survival, culture and civic pride is at stake with the growing chinese tentacles squeezing the economic lifeblood out of Jamaica’s veins!We saw where Fitz Jackson went it alone against the most powerful banking sector re excessive bank fees/charges n we stood on the sidelines! One Chinese firm say a CHEC is probably bigger than all the Jamaican banks combined, so this will be a bigger fight that requires all Jamaicans to support Bunting’s fight!!

  3. I’m not on any xenophobic shyt because I am fully supportive of those chinese fully vested in Jamaica for generations now.I am talking about Mr n Mrs Chin who have been interwoven into Jamaica’s social fabric. ..I mean my Chinese classmates,playing football, go sessions and even Coney island park with them!Them lil corner shop Chinese alright n kool af!!

    I’m specifically hitting out on those buying out our local and flipping the business for a quick buck!A broken clock is right twice a day so Bunting spot on this time n pnp,jlp n no p NEED to support him!

    Honestly though everytime I see bunting I recall Audley Shaw saying. ..

    “What a man favor Satan eeh man”!!??
    This from Shaw who doesn’t look like a Saint himself but oh well! Tek back we country by revolution if necessary, I’m ready from like yesterday! !!

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