‘I do not yield. Not one second to you. Not one second.’ — Rep. Maxine Waters will never stop reclaiming her time 'I do not yield. Not one second to…
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed a man to China May 8 and turned him over to proper authorities there after he was arrested…
FROM ONE A DI GIRL DEM FACEBOOK Kells Fyffe-Marshall last Tuesday · STORY TIME: During our time in Cali we have been staying at an Airbnb. The 30th was our…
North Korea says US ruining mood of detente ahead of summit With just weeks to go before President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are expected to…
Washington Post reports that the ramifications of Kamiyah’s abduction in July 1998 — and the unsuccessful search for her in the decades after — were spelled out in court Thursday….
Exclusive: Federal investigators have wiretapped the phone lines of Michael Cohen, according to two people with knowledge of the legal proceedings involving Cohen.
Wow from Dep AG Rosenstein just now: “There have been people who have been making threats privately & publicly against me for quite some time & I think they should…
“What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?” is one of the more dramatic questions…
FROM THE BEGINNING of the Trump administration, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has championed the notion that the nation’s largest city is also a sanctuary — a place…
A Los Angeles judge on Friday granted Michael Cohen, US President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, his request to delay proceedings in a civil case brought by porn actress Stormy Daniels….