See sherica mek cocky tractor freak har out suh she fling di p***y all ova brooklyn. Now she guh back ah queens fi spread har nasty p**y She nuh have nuh shame. How she mek tractor pish money in har ***y like she ah stripper.Ah wonda how har baby fadda feel fi know seh a b**tch like dis is him baby madda. Sherica walk round and f**k all har friend dem man all har madda man she nasty bad!!!
Shaka shapes we know is you send this in. Why you mad true she tek you money man you was f**king while you f**ing dog from 90z. true You get evicted you mad
Whose sherica?
Cocky tractor is a dutty nasty heifer. Met the videos are disgusting. Lesbians inna party a skin out dem front and f*cking finger. Things that belongs in d bedroom inna party. Nasty heifers. This behavior is not event in strip clubs. At least get paid for what you doing slut buckets.
Yep di cocky have to gooo… u are now pussycutter.
but she and the 90’s whore Dem a Fren. The Man( Sir Georg Bess), The Bad (Miss Chin) and the ugly (Tyty) par not to mention wukliss Della. But this is normal Sherica live in the basement where they keep party on 98. That’s why dem tek her baby. One sticking dirty place. Nothing to call a home.
Sherika where was Mr. Grorgia, ugly TYTY and wuklis BELLA. Don’t blame nobody but yourself. You living in a party spot with your daughter that’s why your baby father call ACS ON YOU.
Living in one of the dirtiest HOUSES in Brooklyn. Eeewww all you bitches real should live. I always knew you and Bella was rubbing pussy
Cocky tracta is dirtyyyyyyyy!!’ Dirty from Lang time from she run up n dung like bull frog inna dance n fling har big wata back self all over d place she is a scum bag she put her nasty finga in a sherica big leak out pussy dirty big man bitch cocky tracta b…her face fulla acne becaz she luv push har face inna gal pussy n dirty sherica weh f**k two bredda n live dung a busha place inna d 90z is nasty u have baby girl at home n u out a road a have ppl disgrace u smfh unnu gal nasty god go wid unnu bunch a dirty bitches y’all b
Sherica ah dutty gyal from long time. Everybody f**k har out, bumpy face cocky tractor yuh need fi hide yuh stink nuh rass. Ah frighten yuh frighten sherica & shub yuh stinking finga inna har wata hole.
Oh wow so is a 3 min video. This Mek history. Wow. I could NOT WATCH ALL. All a you and you is some real dirty madda rass. You dirty woman dat the purple nails that push her finger in the girl pussy you Bitch is a reaaal sadamite. So alahluh go to show. Sherica I know yu was bad but now you’ll never be able to walk nowhere and play yuh cute gurl role no more. Dat dead. Move and leave New York. You is done babygirl.
You dirty madda rass that live on 98th basement need to go and clean that big f**king dirty house. All you parents done work so hard in America and all yous do is squander the money and do NOTHING. No college education. No good job. Not even a bicycle the lot a y’all have. All yous a dutti set a wortless children.
Sherica you need to wear better panty and stop smoke and drink. You real think dem dutty mout Jamaicans you was riding wit was with you. I real shame to class dem as yardies cuz I know real, nice clean Jamaican girls and you pick the ugliest, the manly and hot breath one dem.
Gurl more and never come back. Go to school. Buy a car. Get a jod. Get your baby back and turn your life around. Gosh man. #betta
Is di likkle dirty bitch that’s f**king sherica baby father weh shaka set her up pon a send in story. Rica nuh stop from see her and beat her pussyclat. Stop hate pon rica true her baby father a f**k you but a run dung rica. But me know say a bare beat him beat rica more while that’s why rica left him. So me know is bare beating this bitch a get
Who Sherika beating. LML. Hello. You struppidy or WAH? From I come to America Sherika never beat nobody YET? LML
I doubt yous can read.
I never see a bunch a retarded, neglectful, uneducated bunch a gurl children in me life. Y’all live of dem Jamaican basement to sell pussy and weed. Sherica when you brining man upstairs to sell dem front where yo baby?
All you pussy selling whores got yo fat ugly cousin pimping y’all. Y’all ain’t see she well do belly off y’all laying on y’all back.
Dat belly gwan get back Fat SHIM YOUS THE BEGGEST WASTE OF THEM ALL. Know the world know how unnu does more. Cuz as somebody say someting people say how unnu nice and clean.
But I know betty. How much people y’all run away when they only trying to help yo parents.
SHIMBOB YOU F**KING BOY. Tell people how you rob you own daddy (you don’t even have a father) tell people how you ROB your step DADDY cuz it’s about time people know BUSHA ain’t yo daddy so because of that Everyman that show your ugly ass some attention you teef out the rum money and buy sneakers and belts and jersey.
You HATE on everyone that look better than you. You go tuck belly you should have bought some furniture and fix yo dutty place.
Stop go fly out without your kids and man.
Sherika like I say. MOVE. Leave this land and go far far away. #ModdaRass
The did not help you the made you look like like a thot
Met where is this video everyone speaks of? I’m from Queens….very low key and I have seen that chick in a party and it was very entertaining to say the very least. Lmaooo
No sah dash it pon me
All I have to say none of them mek one Shaka(she alright in my book sell pussy but have up her things even though I hear rica f**k weh her money man from har so I hope she find back somebody) spongebob memory(hear she deh pon leave from her bus accident) leeky puss amber(can’t keep a stable job u stay bad and never have you cast eye child) sherica( do up her likkle hha but her baby father call acs pon her cause she have baby inna whore house) tyty (weh look like some type of animal love chat and nuh have nothing bout she) Bella (u a push 40 and have waan likkle girl hope she nuh tun out like you)