I thought about it, that Andre was the one who killed Angela, but I did not want to sah, because I did not take the time to investigate when Andre run left Merica and go back to Jamaica. I am with you on this bet, Lwad if you not busy come here.
Andre and omar was man and man oooooooooooo
God these plot twists !
Plot twist: dem neva deh but Andre was promised 200k of the money and went with collymore to the insurance agency to secure him share etc.. mek sure money did right etc ..
Collymore greedy as MET seh and didn’t want to share the money and had his “bestie” killed . He escapes with lil to no injuries …
But where is the third man?!?! Hmm he was either in on the ht on the friend or jus dyam lucky ! Probably ah wear him guard ring that day
No I think is the third man do the shooting.
Might be true but the police dem a pussy to.. Now wen them should have a gun n pin on him after them full him a bullets them tek man gone a lock up like him Don’t have a chance off getting away..
Not suh sure bout di set up pawt. Dis yah demon yah is ah straight up coward and a narcissist, mi nuh tink sey him would agree fi nuh baddy fi shoot him. Kill di man wid all ah him secrets yes but agreeing fi tek a bullet…. mi nuh sure. Mi get ah sardine vibes from him right hand man and mi believe dem know each other pan another level yes.
Bet YU say yu right. Bet 😀
The “white man” we can say a who now and given the fact that him pathological in a him killing of women.
Demon boi gayness is from childhood. Sey fe…
Someone on another post said the same thing that he’s probably Gay and hates women and seet deh, that’s why I love Met site so much.
I think so…from mi watch the video bout Andre I said straight man can’t hate woman so. Yes I believe it. (MoJoke)
Met the guy in the bottom picture look familiar is he the guy who killed his girlfriend some years ago, then went on the run? I’m not too up to date on this story.
Yes honeybee same germs
Thank u…
I SAID IT IN THE EARLY POST!!!!!! Mi ago push two #2 pencil inna my hair scarf cause mi see the pic wid the two a dem n a di fuss thing mi see LOVERS dem hate woman mi nah ask a soul women were just their beards
Was it confirm that it was a man that escape.
Yep, yep and yep. Andre Left murricka the same year Angela got shot, look like him come Florida and get the Jamaican passport link and cut. Omar and Simone married the year before he got the insurance money. I had posted something before but it didn’t show up. Met check aaaaall the timelines on Broward clerk site. MI SEH! THe man married and in an out of court fi a stalk SImone matey dem and one a di matey man! DI man nuh normal
I’m curious, but how do you know that he left Florida in 2008 and went to Jamaica? He killed those Females in 2002, so he was in the US from 2002 to 2008, while being on America’s most wanted list for all those years?
Dah movie yah scary doe, and mi nuh like watching scary movies a night :nerd mi seh mi did smell sumting raw pan dis story eno, but mi nay tink a fish… Now it mek sense das why dem hate ooman suh.. all mi know him fi dead shudda all a ooman dem send go kill di pussy. Den again :nerd di f**k mi a seh a him seh up dat tuh.. yuh cyaaah live in peace mr sir pussy.
This is a major revelation. He always seem to have some man at his house. Even the time he had a dispute with the neighbor, it was a male who answer the door on one occasion when the neighbor went over to his house.
So…that mean to say that andre has been traveling into the 2002. Although he’s been on the most wanted list in the U.S. from 2002. Aguiar was murdered 2008.
Met, Chances are him a get extradited because the case reopened in 2016 and her son and family been seeking justice.
Many patterns are forming in this…and other reports have the demon at 3 kills.
I study andre from all the crime watch interviews his family shared. Andre is the man and collymore is the woman. Andre bitch him around like a kept wife and he (collymore) had to get rid of him by any means necessary to secure $$$. Andre is a user, him think him can bad’up ppl and tek dem tings. Just lije he did his sister, controlled her for her hard earned $$$. Andre has an entitlement attitude towards everybody around. His way or no way.
Ererks…Andre snucked back into the US and killed his sister because she owed him $20k she borrowed from him. That’s according to his own mother n other relatives statement.
Andre was at the apartment where Omar and Simone live the night before Simone dead. I was trying to find Andre woman page on IG fi tell unu wha she a gwaan wid…no luck.
Met this is what I think these two were lovers they both planned and killed Simone.They got desperate after that story came out abt Andre being wanted and and the with the Florida police still looking into the murder that Omar committed so they need money so they could vanish off the face of this earth, that’s what their EVIL narcissistic personality told them. Andre knew that it was just a matter of time someone would recognize him in Jamaica. so he was looking to run and with the right amount of money these two lovers were looking have their happy ever after….. but man a plan and God a wipe.
Ererks…Andre snucked back into the US and killed his sister because she owed him $20k she borrowed from him. That’s according to his own mother n other relatives statement.
According to the American Most Wanted story on this man, he went to jail for Five years and his sister visited him the entire 5 years and took care of him while he was in prison. He got released and moved in with his sister, that is when he decided that he wanted the sister’s home that he helped her with by giving her the money to purchase it, mine you she was paying him back for the loan and but apparently he didn’t want the money any more. He had other plans. Apparently he tried and tried until he got fed up and killed his sister even though he fled he still didn’t get the deed to the home, so killing her was a waste of time, he didn’t gain anything, and him being crazy he seeks out his then girlfriend at the time and then an argument occurs and his crazy a** kills the girlfriend.. This man is crazy and needs to be behind bars when that story aired they said he was in his 50’s money drives his evil ways… I hope the end of a gun finds him or the law and he can rot in jail forever. I do not think he hates woman, he has several baby mothers around the place, so he didn’t hate woman to have so many children and so many woman to chose from. He is just an evil man that if he doesn’t get his way, he is going to do something about it, any means possible.
@unamused thanks for enlightening ms. Ererks up top.. he abused and treated his sister like shit. Her son is now a nypd office and i hope he finds peace , knowing that his uncle can no longer hurt anyone.
@ Anonymous, he has used SEVERAL alias’ and please do not forget the short travel distance by boat between the Caribbean and Florida. Also note, Andre has children in NY and it is said he had visited them. Ever so often when the feds gets wind of him being here, articles and tv programs review the case to spark public awareness in order to catch him. All of the travel timelines are on the US Marshall website where they have surveillance with dates and the dates coincide with Demon Cataract boy incidents with the law. Also remember we do not have knowledge of Collymore’s deeds before his name change but that will soon come to light. Bajans soon start talking cause Florida lips wagging now he is caught.
Yes florida peeps up ina mi inbox..they say omar sociopath long time and the mother glad when simone tek him up cause dem a dirt
Mie ah pree the saga and Juss a wonda if the business shooting up a Sparta gym 2 weeks ago have anything to do with this connect the dot. This is the Devil unleash dung a Jamaica
I believe that the 3rd man they said got away, actually didn’t. I believe he’s the shooter that is now in custody. He realized Omar had set up both of them to die @ Alliance and just start spill the beans to the police. We will see at the trial anyhow, that’s if the johncrow live to see the courthouse.
@Fassie, it wouldn’t be far fetched. This is a very deep wormhole and nuff people a shake an a have sleepless nights cause them don’t know what going to come out. NUff more people a hide. Nobody is perfect, I am sure lots of things going to come out. It is just what the police going to reveal. So is Gisel Harrow Neverson woman or nah? Cause….